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  • Hi, I was just wondering if I could face you before the first gym leader in the pokemon tournament.
    So you want to know what characters I use when I brawl against you. Isn't that sort of against a rule for a battle like that? If I'm like some pokemon trainer or something you know I wouldn't need to know if I'm about to fight you unless you want me to go. "MARTH I CHOOSE YOU!" XD So what exactly you want me to do just tell me and I'll do it. ;3
    yea, but it was a long time ago like he said! plus ive heard great things about him from you and aibou!
    Oooooooo. O: Wait am I allowed to challenge you? XD

    Yeah I have fought sammy a long while ago. when I had my old brawl code on their, since I can't get back on it anymore. this would be my new one. o;
    Ahhh hehehe. XDDD me and tournaments I'm more of a shallow player then a out going player. I like to try and win some of them. o; So what I said back their about how the battle is. Am I correct about 3 characters can be chosen if one of my characters has fallen? owo; I'm still waiting for that answer in that topic, and I know sammy is dying to brawl me. I still want to brawl you again dual. :p
    I look forward of seeing you use that power I had shown you in our battle, but if you keep it memorized it is all about distance, marth can be a powerful person depending how well you use him. I just follow along cause I'm a fan of marth to begin with. :p I was a ness fan I kicked butt. XDDDD

    However no worries dual. ;3 You are speeding up with me and believe it or not. I swear some how you gotten so fast that I had to go twice as fast to stop you from trying to defeat me. :3

    But keep it up dual your better then you think. ^.~
    VM or PM. whichever one :laugh: i dont think it matters too much as long as they dont challenge you in the thread!
    Don't use the hiten spike unless really needed, and you want to finish your foes off. When their off guard I wouldn't recommend using that skill because it's like a simple. "Falcon punch." Just don't use it so often unless needed, or finishing your foes off fast when your trying to win a battle.

    But no worries I don't believe you mean to copy what I do or anything. I believe you got your own sense of style, but yes you do earn that white marth prop. Speed maybe my thing too but, just remember to keep your head in the game and have fun trying. :3 But when I use that special move you saw how much damage that did towards us. IT BLEW BOTH OF US INTO OBLIVION! XD Using that B button when your in the air is very risky too. You'll end up falling off stage. I suggest stick with your style unless your trying to master it. I've mastered it by fighting another marth. That's just simple how I fight.
    Sounds good maybe I can still try to brawl you give me the link I look forward in trying to brawl you again, but yes I am proud to say you have gain the white marf's power. As you notice I used a black marth That's when I am very serious of trying to win. My black marth makes me blend in with things so I can stalk fast like a ninja. ^-^

    I notice you used a black marth too, but careful not to mimic to much of what I do if you do see it. You end up getting caught with your own same tactics. As for anything else that needs or want to be said here. Yes you've master a hiten spike. My hiten spike remember when I spiked myself back on stage we both hit each other and died instant? That was a hiten spike.

    A regular hiten spike is when you come from the stage or jump up getting read to use the b button for marth you end up spiking me out of the blue and then I'm out instant without any defense unless I use my down b to parallel it.

    That was hiten spike.
    yea it will be.
    sorry, im just EXTREMELY slow, AND i have a lot to type!! i imagine it will maybe take me one more hour?? :ohwell: hopefully.....
    ummmm... well the easy way is always to just use the tags before each match!!! if you know what i mean. or, just talk to them before-hand about the matches!! when they challenge you, communicate with them a little bit! like you do in any other tournament
    Don't keep using the up b button your special move all the time because it can be predictable to most others they call that spamming. Kirby has other tactics I'm sure you notice most when I was using kirby. He can be a good character if you use him right. Like you did with marth. You went like my speed. So just like with my marth I have to go even faster then your marth. :p And more insane training. oxo;.... Hopefully we can brawl again later on today. :3 Just give me a time I'll be their again. ;3

    And thanks about my avatar. :3 I had time to work on it. XD

    ( This is my last post right here. XD )
    Since lag was eating me half the way you had the best advantage you probably didn't notice I was struggling. Not even my controller at the time was listening to my commands so I had to switch up my strategy. XD Oh no were not ever going to be evil rivals with each other maybe a little bit but I love fighting with you I HAVE to fight you again your the best fighter I know with that marth now. :p I'm soooooo proud of you for stepping up your game.You fight like roxas now. o; Which makes me jolt a bit so I have to think of a new way of fighting you.

    PLUS!!!! YOU SPIKED ME TWICE! O;..... OFF STAGE! XDDD I HAVE TO GET YOU FOR THAT!!! -Points finger at you dramaticly- XDDDDD ( Also you learn how to do my hiten spike O:!!!! STOP SPIKING LIKE SUPER MAN LIKE ME! XDDDDDD LOL that's my secret move. o;.... >W< you picked up at it so easily. :p <3 props to you though dual )

    So still I still have a lot to learn you've up your game pretty hard. As for your kirby though one tip of advice.
    Lol I never had that much fun yesterday with that group battle we had before I left, but yeah your kirby had luck at the end though dual. If only i went a little faster I would of been able to get you back. : P But noooooooo Lolll I had to "Gtg" and my buttons weren't the right way so you probably saw a lot of odd ball things with my link. XDD

    As for the marth comment LOLL...
    I use to do that forward b thing to stop folks it was starting to become impossible for me to be able to do that.

    ( I have to make another post you know limit posting long. o; )
    Sent the vids. They are all the best for the char (or second but had something I did that, given practice, would improve my best). For most (if not all) they are times that would have beaten the challenge for each (I know for sure the level 2 ones are because, using that same sequence, I got EVERY chars time under the challenge time).

    Watched the Pit vids. I'd love to play someone of your caliber (who will actually play brawl) regularly. Might be asking something complicated, but what was with the frequent up-b? and how did you go off the edges with it w/o dying?
    One of them (one that ALWAYS ***** me in both melee and brawl (when he plays it)) knows, but he's the smarter one and only goes after me when I go after him (we both tend to let the others beat each other up :grin:)

    Watched the StarFox and Tink vids. Nothing seemed amiss. Bad DI cpu Snake was just caught in a stage hazard (Final had no effect on him at all). The other isn't a glitch - Snake has a similar version while on Shadow Moses and the same taunting thing existed in melee (Fox on Corneria & Falco on Venom)

    jsyk- the target tests are from Feb 09, are done only by me, and are my personal records with the chars.
    I completely understand about the lag. All of ZSS's aerials (except up maybe) also seem to require precise timing (which I truly figured out in a match I played against db a while back)

    When I mentioned the melee matches I play it's because my pika annoys them SOOO MUCH that I tend to always be facing at least one of the three and at times I have to time attacks in order to catch all trying to hit me.

    Go ahead and send the vids. The only decent vids I have are target tests for Pika and ZSS (don't normally save matches), but if you want to see them, I'll send them to you.
    I already responded to your wii message and sent a couple of replays (one of us and one a couple of friends made that has a very weird event <.< you'll see)

    I asked specifically about the smashville one because it had a pika that did nothing.

    It's alright, I understand about hating lag. Sorry if I ruined some of your strategies against him, but when I play melee with my friends, it's almost always 4-player matches so I've got plenty of practice in those.
    That was fun while I was able to play (ignoring the lag - sorry for that btw)

    If that replay from smashville you sent me was supposed to be me in one of today's games, I was only able to play in the last couple (Lylat & FD)
    LOl 17 what you don't want to ask me to practice with ya! XDDD

    Anywho... Dual dual dual.. o; You mimiced half of my fighting style. I ****ed a re-match. XDD With our marths! O:

    Also one more thing on here I mention in two post's of mine recently. Good job with your marth though. I'm impressed even my new controller was like. "The heck... Speed demon much?" XDD Then I had to get my speed back of course to get you. :p Pretty tough battle I'll say.

    As for the link and kirby match. I would of easillllyyy won that but I had the wrong buttons to properly use I only had the. "GTGs." Thing and so of course I couldn't be able to fight you the way I wanted too. o;.. So that's how you easily beat the snot out of me with link in the final last battle before I had to go.

    But yes this is a horrible lighting storm so I got to go for a while. ;3 Hopefully will brawl again soon.
    hey that was pretty fun id like to do it again sometime :)
    sorry for sucking so much :(
    if u don't mind.... would u practice with me and help me train?
    Oh my gosh. o;.. Insane battle, but I like that marth ditto how we both ended up hitting each other that was the hiten spike that I did. ;3 your the first person to see it live. XD
    yeah cyve is a cool guy^^
    he is a germanbrawler as well and i'll meet him prob. this summer at the tournament "berlin is brawling"
    it will be the second largest tournament in germany ever and i am one of the co- organisators since i live here in berlin xD
    i'll try to get some matches against him and upload them for you^^

    all right mate, i wish you good luck than, you'll win this thing =D
    hope to talk to you later man :)
    Ah well I'm online so I'll be happier to mess with ya on brawl can't wait to see you maybe will have a little one on one if their not on their yet. :p -Huggles tightly.- I already explain myself why I haven't been active, but you know now. :3 So I'm around as much as I can be. I am adult you know. o; Just trying to go on easy with life. :3

    Any who!!!!! O: Oh my goshy I wish I had a epic title now on mines under your name dual. XDDD As for your pit. I tend to beat him sooner or later. I got a new controller so I tend to work with it when I brawl you. Warn you though, I maybe faster then I was before. Unless lag eats us up again. XDDD

    Any who :3 Can't wait to face ya!
    heey bro^^
    what ??you say you are a bad friend??!!
    i havn't talk to any1 here for such a long time, i bet people already think i'm kinda arrogant or something xD
    and you definetly AREN'T a bad friend, you are great man^^

    woow from where d'you know cyve? :)
    only if she uses the shiny marth!! :mad088::laugh:

    sure thing, glad she liked it, no probs we're bffs irl

    ok, not really but w/e
    Most people tell me to use Zleda, but other then that I"m doing okay graduation of course comes on. Then I have to get ready for my masters after summer of course. o; A lot of madness, but that's why I haven't been so super active and I only hang out in the marth unite place. XD that's my only hobby I do so far other then going to brawl new folks. o_o;...

    So yeah I'll try to make time hopefully I can brawl all together before you guys I would enjoy that very much. > ;3

    So how have you been doing?
    I'll add your number later and send the vid. I don't believe that Smash Service needs to be on, just WiiConnect24.

    I'll try to join (hopefully my connection will allow me)
    sorry (if my time is right) that'd be 3:00 central time and ill be in school. i can brawl later friday though
    I'm pretty sure I've explained it to you in a VM before, but here it is again

    1. on the Wii main menu, click the round button on the bottom right
    2. click the button on the bottom (second from left)
    3. click the Address Book

    first thing you see should be your Wii #.

    I think I've seen his name here before, but never really met him. I don't mind if he joins, just warn him about the lag. Also, if I end up using ZSS, we should all agree to NOT use the suit pieces (I know I won't)
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