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  • What parts of my target tests surprised you? how skilled I am (or was since they're over a year old) or something specific I did in (one of) them?

    I spent about a half hour earlier trying to beat my records again with ZSS and managed to beat the first two (multiple times each) so I guess I've either gotten better through not playing brawl much for most of the past year, or the records were not that good.

    Hopefully we can play again sometime soon (I know you'll be busy with the tourney)
    Yeah they do that a lot on basic brawl, but no worries at least when I practice I can hopefully get better. I tell you my hands is doing only so much, but I think one day I'll still be as good as anything all alone. you've grown so far with marth I doubt you need me to say much of anything. I think you deserve to be in the elite spot. ^^
    :p Yes green marth's. Well then indeed I shall see you tomorrow indeed. Yes your marth is a monster master now. Your all grown up. -Wipes tears- Well I'm going to brawl on basic brawl for a while. ;3 Then of course train off line then go to sleep for a bit. Cause I got a longgggg day ahead of me. XD
    Okay then ^__^. Don't worry, though. My controllers disobeying me too ^__^. I'm proud of my Marth too ^__^ (Although I wish I can use white Marth in the tournament -_-...).

    See you tomorrow then ^__^!
    Well my controller may not do what I want it to do like yours anymore, but I will admit at least I can walk away with my marth pride. XD Until then I'll challenge you tomorrow. ^^
    Lol I was just reading what you said to me about the stages and what not, but yeah. alright I'll host. Let's do our best. :3
    <--- scratch what I just said...

    Sure one more just for tonight. Marth dittos. Which place do you want it at?
    (ANYTHING but distant planet. x.x; )
    Lol perhaps indeed but if you saw my last message, and yes I saw your message. But I tend to focus on you right now mister dual. :3 I like to get at you now. Now I'll be playing my pokemon song forever tonight until I can beat you after I get done with my mom's party. ^^
    JESUS DUAL! o;... None of those stages are my best at all. You ripped me through each of my characters I lost.. Oh well meh.. XD
    The only thing about my counter pics is either yoshi's island, or just your own pick, I'll probably mostly be picking yoshi's island for our battle. So if that's okay go ahead and start up. If your okay with just me only picking that stage nothing else.
    Lolll XD I'll start now I have a feeling if I don't start now will some how miss each other tomorrow cause my mum's day is tomorrow I need to treat her more then worrying about a battle on her day. ^_^

    So you start the room, etc... Yeah. XDD

    If this was a real pokemon battle I'd show you a thing or two

    *goes off to ramble*

    No I'm serious, I'd destroy you :)
    The only reason why I chose sonic was because I heard he was good on that stage lol

    He did turn out better than I thought though, but the bombs were annoying >_>

    I wish I didn't have to stop playing a year. I got rusty during that time :'(
    Hmm seems I did miss you, but I perfer though talking about situations on here if their is a problem. If I talk on the rooster I can't say what I got to say on their. It's rather hard to type on that thing. x.x

    Well any who hope to try again soon. ;3 our battle will await until next time.
    Sir yes sir!

    Also, are those the only counterpicks, or do I get to choose other stages?
    Cool. You've gotten A LOT better since like a year ago.
    I haven't gotten better...
    Can't beat you when you're Pit. :)
    JB said I could challenge you

    Its that you can only face one individual per day

    That means I still have a match against you :mad::laugh:
    Thanks. The bomb glitch actually helped me :)
    Oh, and you're only allowed to challenge a gym leader once per day.
    Can we play tomorrow?
    GG, what was wrong with those bombs?
    Also, I am allowed to face you once a day, right?
    Ah ok

    Man I was so close to beating JB...

    Which is why I'll make you my next victim :evil:
    Umm, so we will only play 5 games at the maximum?
    Or is it 5 different sets of best out of 3's?
    Would you be ready in around 20-30 min?
    If not, when would you be available?
    I would enter, but after what happened to me when I entered sammy's, I've decided to avoid them until I get more reliable (and hopefully less laggy) internet.

    I'd be willing to play you pretty much anytime (so long as my connection allows).

    Maybe I'll try to get back into target test and try to beat those times.

    My fav part of your vids was the finish of one of the Fox: Arrow Loop and side-b through his reflector :laugh:
    Ah I get it sorry about that dual for my late responds. O; I had to fix things ( Had to use a real hammer to fix a bed, and then had to wash up, blah blah blah. ) Okay as for stages. Umm well o; I don't know which stage you want me to pick I'll probably pick err... Yoshi's Island if you want me to? o_o; Or KK sliders place. XD <-- just random suggestion their. xD
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