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  • hey you! check out the Tourney social group and see what you think!
    we are discussing gym leaders and TR members now! if you have anyone you would like to nominate, please bring them up! :)

    and still an update on the matches for your tourney.... we are STILL trying to get them done! we are talking to each other, we are communicating, we are trying our best!
    lol I'm not mad or anything. I completely forgot about that, but no reason to be upset.
    I'm fine, and yourself?
    i'm on springbreak atm so i should find some time to do the sig^^
    alas, i also have a parttime job... :( well, we will see.
    i will read through the group in a sec, so i have a general idea what's going on, then i will post:)

    also, thx for the fr^^
    hahahah dont worry DS we were never going to kick you off the team :) lol
    we just wanted to add someone else to maybe get a LITTLE extra imput.
    That's what we can't agree on. It would also be helpful if Elder Sister gave some sort of statement. At least so people can get back to be active again...
    I meant it as a group.

    It's hard to get people to keep their interest when this takes a long time. If everybody agreed on an image and got this going quicker, this would be easier
    I've been busy so I haven't had much time to look at the sig.

    And no, Elder Sister hasn't talked to me lately...
    Whoops, was on FB. Was fixin' to log off here lol.

    Sure! I'll add you/host. *hype!!1!*
    from the looks of it, inactive.

    I'm too lazy right now. Why don't you call them up in there?
    Nah, there was just a problem with avatars in SWF is all.

    When if was fixed, every avatar (save a few, like mine) turned to a black square. It is easily solved by uploading a new one though
    Haha lol got that right. I hate it when you are just so swamped with stuff.

    Also, its bugging me that you're not changing your avatar. I mean, I see that black thing and I just wish you could take that off
    Right, I'm sorry I haven't been active much, but I have been so busy lately. 2 weeks ago I had important tests, 1 weeks ago one of my family members died, this week I've had to do other things like go to a field trip and what not. I'll contact her. I'll make the group public though. I just made it private because I didn't want random people joining in or people who just want the +1 social group count.
    I just remebered this dungeon. If you have the director's cut theres an area near Aquios that leads a place called The Aquatic Garden.
    hey dual

    could do me a favour, can you ask roach to make the group public/ make the content view-able for me?
    since i'm not a member of the group, i can't see it's content:(

    and do you need it ...like, asap? becuz i might take my time...
    also, have you ever requested a group sig at a sig shoppe?
    really??? ruby is hands down my FAVORITE game! hahah always have and i have a feeling it always will be.

    i posted in the group again. its not much at all, but its what i thought of your ideas, which quite honestly, werent bad at all :) i kinda liked them
    hahah thats fine! you not doing this on your own :) your with good people! personally, i dont like Jhoto region that much anyways :ohwell: it didnt fit my tastes at all.....
    Theres one in Kirlsa, The guy blocking the cave in the back isnt there anymore if you beat the game. There another one in the Urssa Lava called "Urssa lava Temple. There rest of Sphere is accesable when you beat the game too. I cant remember any other ones.
    looooool It took me 2 hours to get out that place xD I thought it was close to the last part. I did all of the dungeons beat every boss except one, Freya.

    Its near impossible to beat her, and I thought Lenneth was hard x.x
    well it doesnt look like your going to be getting on tonight :laugh: i went ahead and made the group, and Josh and i had come up with a lot of ideas! post what you think about them! lol
    hey you! nevermind about the second PM, IE had second thoughts about helping us, hes just gonna stick to making his own tourney! sorry for the confusion :(

    also, Josh said to let himknow when we make a usergroup for discussing our tourney! you wanna make it or shall i?? if i do it, it may not happen for a few days :laugh: which is completely fine
    lol yea I got the emo ending xD.

    Have you done the secret dungeons? They have some mad bosses x.x
    Here's hopin'! Let's see, I'll probably be messing around with Marth, Ike, D3 maybe lol, and possibly Falco. I've been trying to learn Falco over this Spring Break. My technical skill sucks, but I finally have basic control over Phantom Canceling and DAC US/Grabs. O_o

    You use Pit and Marth, right?
    Me too, though, I can't say I have alot of pride of my skill lol.

    Semi-finals already?!
    hey there^^
    i've seen you around, nice to meet you:p
    nope, he hasn't.
    i wonder why you guys think i'm good at making sigs xD
    anyway, i'd really like to help if i can.
    but tbh, i would want to know what the group or sig is about before i actually give my okay to roacherman. if you could give me some small information, that'd be nice.
    and yes...i'm kinda busy nowadays but that's okay if you guys don't expect too much^^
    I was almost certain I'd already registered, but I'll check when I get the chance.
    So week-ends only?

    How's your tourney doing? Mine finished an hour ago.
    i want the suspense to built on you :) just a sec :p hahah if your uncomfortable with it you can just say!
    im going send you a PM about it here in a couple of minutes! i wouldnt have asked you for his help, but its a remake of a tourney, he will also know what hes doing, because both of us wanted to host it.

    ill explain in a few minutes
    I've only played the Special Edition of SO3 I loved it xD. I so want to play SO4 though, but I need a 360 x.x. I loved the gameplay alot Its something I havent seen before lol.

    Fayt, Nel, and Maria were my best party members. It would have been Roger if I knew how to keep him in the group <___<

    Roger was the best character in that game!
    Oh.....Peachy I miss her too. :(

    She was actually the one who helped me improve as a Peach main. I dont see her here noadays. :/

    lol I see we have different thoughts on marth. They destroy me in Lag xD.

    Oh and Pi. I use that tag more than Dinah for some Reason. Guess I like the name. My Avi is supposed to resemble Maria Traydor from SO3. A Peach texture made by no other than me =3
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