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    THey have until sunday to give me something, but i only have 3-4 natches completed
    Uh oh. ;)

    Was good, sort of. I get kind of down after not winning for a while. I know, stupid thing to get pissed about.
    What about you?
    -Nods a lot.- o; Thank you so much Dual you know how to make me feel happy when I need hug time. : D
    hahah goooood :)

    i like to run too, but i must have gotten REALLY out of shape last year hahah because its crazy hard right now
    No, no he only needs one more victory to win the set. I'm going to have to win twice to win this, so I'm at a disadvantage already.
    You don't get Riolu until just before the sixth gym at the earliest so he's not that much help, especially since he's an egg and you'd have to train him up to where your team is.

    Also, you don't get to catch both Dialga and Palkia in Diamond (or Pearl) without trading. You only see the other from a book to register it in your pokedex to be able to get the upgrade to your dex from Oak.
    Congrats on the blue name. :p
    Ruler and I got to play one match before I had to go; he won that one. We're gonna try to get it done today hopefully.
    Lugia is actually in both. If you'd rather make your decision on the version exclusives (instead of the focal pokemon), check out serebii.net since it has all the info of everything pokemon, usually as it is announced in Japan.

    I'm getting HeartGold because of the version exclusive legend(s).

    You don't need to keep starting over. The only reason I would is if I had a new version or if I was stuck and had very serious lack of money before getting the Vs. Seeker.
    For some reason... Dual I need a random virtual hug. -Goes and hugs him tightly.- x_x;....
    wow comgrats DS :bee: you look great in it too if i do say so myself :)
    ive been ok. tracks been kicking my A** though! lolol
    I had a strong suspicion it would. And congrats on getting in!

    I'm doing fine. Just trying to get to know the 2nd gen pokes better for HGSS on Sunday (6 days!!). You?
    ok then DS!
    wel, just to let you know, i AM trying, but it doesnt seem like Gordo is VERY active, and he hasent been contacting me to do the matches
    Alright. Well my situation's either now or an hour from now; no in between. So do ya think you could be looking for me at around 5:20 - 5:30ish? =)

    IT's doing well. I've had to give out more byes than I'd've liked, but it's all good. It's almost done.
    lol You can't be biased when hosting a tournament now. xD

    He hasn't responded yet, so you wanna play until he does?
    I contacted him just about thirty seconds ago, so I hope we can get this done now.

    Maybe we can play afterwards?
    P.S.: I am the one who Pranked you. :p
    hmmm...the problem is that i am really busy in last time..^^ but yeah i see what i can do ;)
    i am sure i can manage that somehow :D
    fine fine lol how about yourself?? hows your tourney coming along?? gordo and i are getting closer to getting our matches done! we may get our matches done by tommorrow night! MAYBE! lol
    hey man, I seriously might need another day or two for your tournament. IRL stuff holding me back, ya know?
    In case you need it, the move tutor in Diamond is in Pastoria in the house against the water (near the center of the town) and Heart Scales can be dug out of the Underground (talk to the old man in the house next to poke center in Eternia)

    I don't know about the first two gens, but since at least Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (3rd gen) there has been an NPC in one of the towns called the Move Tutor who reteaches level-up moves to your pokemon in exchange for an item (usually Heart Scale) so you really should have just suffered with the bad move until you found him (unless the move came from a TM). Most of the better content of the games comes at the end (at least seventh gym and beyond), especially in the newer games (D/P/Pt) where there is a decent amount of exploring to be done after the league.
    HGSS= Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver

    Rooms: The Main Building is a DS game previewed on pg 87 in issue 202 (the Halo: Reach one). It's seems like a somewhat interesting puzzler. Story might be lacking, but if I get it, it would be for the puzzles.
    Technically HGSS counts since they're not out yet :grin: Rooms:The Main Building seems weird, but maybe promising.
    I don't normally read others' conversations, but I see what you mean.

    I don't really know what news I was intrigued by. I don't tend to read many of the GI previews unless they are: for a system I have, recommended by friends, or are sequels to something I've played and liked. Since I only have a wii and ds, that cuts down on what I read already. I sometimes read about a few 360 games since that's the next system I plan to get (don't have one of my own - made my gamertag on a friend's)
    Nope. No idea if it's even possible to find out who pranked you without them telling you. I have a feeling that omni was the one to prank me. There's a chance he pranked you, but I think that might be less likely.
    I finally joined gameinformer.com and sent you a friend request. I cannot guarantee that I will visit there often since it take about a minute (at the least) to load the page.
    idk. legendary! :O
    Hey, my friend wants Marth training from u but is too scared to ask lol.
    crappacola. anyway, no, i haven't done the match. I'm in like 7 online tourneys @ once and didn't realize it til now x.x
    I'll probably be quitting some of the tourneys.
    Although you might end up going on anyways because Sammy wants you in right? Well if he votes yeah youre in XD. Yeah... he hasn't voted yet, but we'll see when he gets on
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