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Ben Holt
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  • I just found out that the creator of Earthworm Jim is a far-right lunatic. Oof.
    I still want Earthworm Jim in Smash, though. Platforming masterpiece.
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    RealPokeFan11 RealPokeFan11 Don't tell Smash fans that put too much stock in dumb politics that the music composer for the Dragon Quest music they love is a politician that hates America or else they will try to obligate themselves to not be happy with good music for no reason.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    DrCoeloCephalo DrCoeloCephalo
    I am aware. He's also homophobic.
    Hell, even Nintendo basically said that the reason that only Japan got the original Super Mario Bros. 2 (Lost Levels) is because Americans are too stupid and angry for such a difficult game. Japan, unfortunately, has a very strong subculture of Nationalism and Ethnonationalism. Their immigration practices would make Western Nationalists like Trump and Viktor Orbán blush. Just ask Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom . But Nationalism must be fought everywhere, even when it coincides with otherwise positive beliefs (like Arab Nationalism).
    Even I, as a Metalhead, have to to ignore the fact that Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, one of my favorite bands, is a homophobic, Jewish Questioning Nationalist who's collaborated with Alex Jones, the king of online conspiracy theories.

    While it important to separate art from the artists, as there is zero shame in liking a piece of media no matter how odeus the creator may be, we mustn't give free passes simply because someone created an enjoyable piece of media.
    Ben Holt Ben Holt Never said you have to give free passes. That's what seperating art from artist is for.

    "Hell, even Nintendo basically said that the reason that only Japan got the original Super Mario Bros. 2 (Lost Levels) is because Americans are too stupid and angry for such a difficult game."
    Considering American game journalists are dumb parasites that are treated as an object of ridicule because they find games like even SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated or Spyro Reignited too hard, it's difficult to say that they were even remotely wrong.

    From my own experience, westerners that play Pokemon and nothing else have tried to claim other monster collectors for young audiences like Dragon Quest Monsters and Yo-Kai Watch are full of "bad game design" just for having bosses that force players to strategize and try new teams instead of being to just press the A button and win with no brain power required like they would in Pokemon. Pokemon fans even think Whitney is hard because of precisely that even though she really isn't. She just requires basic counter strategy and teambuilding skills, something Pokemon almost never makes you do.

    TLDR; They were hardly wrong.
    Ugh. Anyone who's ever suffered from depression or BPD knows what I'm talking about.
    I had a streak of good days going, and I went to the gym today, and it was full capacity. Now I'm upset, and my entire mood is ruined.
    Despite losing my best friend just a couple days ago, I feel eerily okay.
    I know that I should be more upset than I am.
    Perhaps I have reached an emotional plateau.
    Doc Monocle
    Doc Monocle
    "Eerily?" I would say it is grand that you are feeling okay. Furthermore, there is no "should be" in feeling upset. If you are happy, that is not a bad thing. Cheers!
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Not happy. Just ok. Not suffering.
    Doc Monocle
    Doc Monocle
    It is still an improvement from perpetual grief, and for that, at least I am glad.
    I am...
    A hornet with butterfly wings.
    A banshee that beautifully sings.
    A rosebush that's tainted by thorns.
    My halo's held by demon horns.
    Biting my tongue, trying not to shoot back.
    No compromise; my heart won't pump the other way.
    Oof. Was in bed from 2AM to 6PM today.
    Might be a record.
    Doc Monocle
    Doc Monocle
    If they were truly your best friend, they not only will not, but cannot dump you. True friendship is permanent, and is only resolved at the end of time.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Then I guess I don't really have friends.
    I always get betrayed. Even my former best friend from this site left me. 😔
    I just want to be liked and not treated like a pariah.
    There aren't very many people who can say they have true friends. Even now, I only have one friend that stuck by me through all the various issues life throws at you that makes you drift apart. All the others were really just ones of convenience at the end of the day. I wouldn't be too worried about quantity of friendship after that.

    I think the best thing you can do is to gain respect for yourself before worrying about others. I don't want to speak to things I don't know, but just seeing your posts and general demeanor I get the feeling you don't feel good or respect yourself. And that tends to attract the wrong kinds of people. I've always been a fan of the phrase "The good attracts the good" and I feel like maybe you need to respect yourself so that you attract others that will respect you. Because if you just cling to anyone that will pay attention to you then you'll just end up creating relationships of convenience and not mutual respect and friendship.

    Doing that is an entire other thing though, but it is the biggest step and the first step towards building solid relationships. Because if you're just looking for love and friendship to avoid loneliness and feel like you're worth something then it will turn into a one-sided affair that the other person isn't going to appreciate after a while. Having respect for yourself and a selfless desire to help others that isn't tied to your own personal gain is needed to obtain a true friendship. Because you are otherwise putting a major burden on someone to act as your everything which isn't going to be something they can realistically do.

    So if you're losing friends then you need to listen to their criticisms and figure which are things that need to change and which are fundamentally part of you that aren't able to be changed. Things about you that are universally unappealing or things about you that are only unappealing to those specific people. Oversensitivity and defensiveness stemming from insecurity and lack of self-respect is universally unappealing. Sticking to one's beliefs and convictions isn't. Figuring out what you don't like about yourself in the critiques of others while identifying and accepting the parts about you that can draw ire from others but are too important to you are part of this process.

    If you can change the parts about you stemming from insecurity or an unnatural desire to please everyone around you (for the purpose of your own selfish desires) and center those parts that are natural and fundamental to who you are around your core self then you can start building up a completely natural state of self that someone might find attractive at some point. And if somehow that isn't the case then you can at least be at peace with who you are.
    It's hard to hear people tell you that you're not worth their time when you don't feel even worth your own time.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Nearly everyone I get attached to.
    Doc Monocle
    Doc Monocle
    Ben, sir, if anyone tells you that, they are not your friend. I do not know how to help you, but remember that a true friend will not say that to you. Are these the type of words they actually use?
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    I don't know if I have any TRUE friends.
    I just kinda cling to anyone willing to acknowledge me.
    I lost another friend today...
    Depression is the gift that keeps on giving.
    Doc Monocle
    Doc Monocle
    I am afraid to ask what you mean, but I am sorry either way.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    A friend called me too toxic to deserve any more of her time, and it made me hate myself even more.
    Perhaps if people knew the extent of my suffering, they wouldn't be so cruel and indifferent.
    I just found out that there's no support thread for Medeus.
    I know too many Fire Emblem characters, but damn. He and Lyn are like the most important legacy Fire Emblem characters.
    Better than Roy and Corrin for sure.
    Doc Monocle
    Doc Monocle
    If it is true, it would be a good idea to shift focus on characters that were more significant, but ignored. Lyn would have an interesting command in the attack I witnessed in Brawl, if that is canon. I see it as a new charge attack/counter. Lyn charges a quick draw attack, but if she is interrupted, she counters with power according to her charge state, which rapidly develops.Therefore, she would strike with greater strength when hit by a delayed attack.
    I dream of a future where Trump and Putin are put to justice and the Soviet Union returns.
    My birth nation is responsible for the greatest evil post-World War II in terrorizing small sovereign nations throughout the world in the name of Anticommunism.
    But we are a new generation, and we can right the wrongs of our past.
    We must repent of our selfish ways and strive for a world free of Capitalist oppression that have starved many African, South American, and Asian nations of their natural resources so that the powerful can maintain power.
    We must rid ourselves of nationalism in all forms. We are all human. ALL land belongs to ALL people. Nations exist only to divide people and to justify meaningless violence.
    Sounds like communist propaganda but ok.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    I AM a Communist. As were the greatest men to live in the 20th century. MLK, Gandhi, Mandela, Lenin, etc. Communism is to Liberalism what Liberalism was to Feudalism.
    Also, propaganda simply means the spreading of an ideology, so telling the truth is technically propaganda.
    I'm in the newest PapaGenos video!
    I'M FAMOUS!!!
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    Doc Monocle
    Doc Monocle
    If ever you wish to converse, I am available when I am on the boards. Keep in touch. My responses may be delayed due to unreliable internet connection, but I am all ears.
    Doc Monocle you always sound so sophisticated.
    Doc Monocle
    Doc Monocle
    I am not really. I just assume a style as a practice in nonconformity. I am very approachable. It is also, in my opinion, good exercise for quickly coming up with words that capture a thought.
    The strongest character in any fictional word is the writer.
    So what happens when the main characters are two different perspectives of the writer himself?
    I try to be a good person. I try to practice what I preach. I try to be the person I wish people would be to me.
    I want to be told that I touch people's lives. I want to be told that I'm irreplaceable. I want someone to tell me that as long as they're alive, I'll never be alone.
    Yet it as is if people actively try to hurt me. I get ignored, pushed away, called names, made fun of for my social disabilities.
    I feel alone.
    I love everyone I come into contact with, but no one loves me back.
    I feel like a broken person, unwanted in polite society.
    Selfishness can never begat happiness.
    Just as wrapping your own presents takes away the joy of the gift, so too does self service.
    Loneliness is not only felt by fools, but only a fool seeks to be alone.
    As social creatures, we derive our pleasure from others.
    Be kind to those around you.
    Accept those that are different from you.
    Protect those who cannot protect themselves.
    Love those who feel unloved.
    Treasure those who feel unwanted.
    For when death inevitably arrives, self service disappears.
    The love we have for others lives on.
    Missing someone a lot right now.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    A girl. Lol.
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    My crush told me that she'd call me when she has time to talk about everything.
    But with all these feelings I have, it's like a kid waiting for Christmas.
    Update: Hair pics are postponed. I'm not satisfied with today's results, so I need another appointment or two.
    2018 me would have kicked my ass for saying this, but I'm calling it now, as the proof is pretty overwhelming:
    Assist Trophies and Mii Costumes deconfirm characters.

    I'd love to be proven wrong, though. I want Toad, Waluigi, Shovel Knight, Tails, and Shadow.
    In India, the second most populous country on Earth, more people have cell phones than have access to toilets.
    Commodification has led to extreme wealth inequality worldwide.
    The three wealthiest people have more wealth than the poorest half of the world.
    Capitalism was founded not as a replacement to Feudal Serfdom; it was founded as a justification for social hierarchy.
    Property represents, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed.
    Capitalism is a crime against humanity.
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