you misinterpreted me completely disco bunny. what you said to do in ur post to me is basically a repeat of what i was trying to say. maybe i should have used better wording, but, just for the record, i was not trying to convey the message that you need to become dumber when u player worse people. thinking like a noob, is different from playing like noob, the goal is to understand how they play.
Dumbing down your game is a figure of speech. i didnt mean that you need to play dumber and become a stupid player, it just means you need to stop trying to think about your opponent like he is an extremely smart player. how RaynEX described it was exactly what i meant, but just with more precise wording. i was simply trying to convey my message in an easier way for Ran to understand. my basic point was that your not gonna make much use out of technically precise movements and advanced tactics that are usually employed to aid you when the situation is tight and your opponent has a hold on all of your current options (ie, they are smart and know how to cover your options). so no, when playing against someone not as intelligent in the game as you, you do not "make yourself dumber" as you interpereted it or bring your game down to their level, but you need to think like how they are going to think. You cant treat them like a smart player, you have to treat them as lesser, and thus, u need to focus on simpler strategies that are designed around their level of intelligence (hence thinking like a noob). you cant beat them if you dont know what they are doing, so you have to think like them and understand them, in a more primitive fashion. as Oro said, this is where your fundamentals can be practiced, and is a good way to practice exercising control over your characters. Your not going to be able to work every aspect of your game in these situations, but certain aspects definitely CAN be exercised. if you lose muscle memory than you are letting yourself fall to autopilot, which is a very bad playstyle in general. every move you make should be what you intend to do.
i think pretty much everyone agrees on this point, like i said, i think some of you took what i said wrong. likewise, i am all for going back to discussing zero suit:
despite her lack of a fast standing OOS grab, i think she has great defensive options in general. her nair OOS is great, and so is her bair and fair, and even uair on larger characters. something that i like depending on the MU is retreating fairs. the double hit functions really well to prevent DD punishes (something that nair doesnt do as well), and it has good range to boot and fair power to boot (no pun intended). if the opponent takes the high road (which is the only way that ive noticed people can attempt to punish my fair walls, a quick uair or upsmash will suffice well to keep them at bay.
also, can u really CC foxs up smash at that percent? i was under the impression that unless your bowswer or DK or something, once u hit that high of a percantage you cant CC attacks other than like jabs maybe.