Actually, as I recall, it was from a misguided belief that "ATs" were what made Melee a great game, so every mechanic, no matter how simple it was to perform, or how practical or useful it was, got some really weird name. And people got really caught up in being remembered as the guy who discovered [AT name here]. Fwiw, I don't remember who discovered b-reversals, or DACUS. Most people don't, so a lot of that hysteria was pretty misplaced. To say nothing of the fact that ATs aren't what made Melee so good.
The smashers who played Brawl at E for All made fun of this notion by naming everything they did after the smashers that were present. For instance tripping was known as "ink dropping." On the Brawl ZSS boards, we jokingly named Plasma Wire > uair the "Cake Combo," because someone was calling it the "Claw Combo" after seeing it in Claw's combo video, and DeliciousCake replied that all ZSSes had been using it since pretty much when the game came out, and it was kinda bread and butter at that point, so they might as well name it after him.