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ZGD: Livin by a thread.


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
lol. i will shave every once in a while now, probably for just special occasions, or when i get tired of eating my mousache. my sister hates when i scratch it while its growing back, not my fault it itches...

i originally planned to just hold the beard in the winter and stay clean shaven in the summer, but idc so much about my looks anymore as long as it passes and doesn't smell.

family members always say i look nice, some even approve of the beard, but i don't take those comments as anything much anymore. family members tend to be nice about how you look, even at your worst.
I've never had a mustache at all. In fact, I don't really get a lot of facial hair. I shave my face once a month, maybe. I normally wait until my hair starts to become a problem to keep neat to get it cut, and yeah, if it doesn't smell then I don't care about it. That said, I'll wait some months for my hair to grow back out again so I can get a photo to compare it with. I'm not sure if college did it to me or what, but I've been looking awful for the past two years or so. I've also been gaining weight for the past two years, so who knows.

My family members always call me ugly. Sometimes fat. It's not really demoralizing, though.

conform to the current generation look, or look like a middle aged man, hmmm...

at least i can say "no i don't have kids, lol." and not have some baby momma call me up like "Yo son crying, where ma food stamps *****?!"

im normally very monotone when talking, i do little emotion expressing as possible, idk why. i don't even talk much cause i consistently feel detached from people around me, except my one friend. only problem is hes like the energizer bunny when you get him talking, i have to interupt him to say something most of the time lol.

maybe cause people tend to find me boring.

one of my 2 friends i got only cause he started a video game club at our HS and i kicked everyones *** at the fighters, i was the melee god(dess? i still used Zelda and Peach) of our HS for those who came to play.

the other i got cause he asked how i felt about how the teacher taught, and cause he was cute.
Man, I could not have a kid or three at this age. I can't imagine my life like that. I don't want any kids at all to be honest, but it has to come sooner or later. Having kids at... 30, for example, is totally doable, but I dunno, it doesn't seem like it'd be the best time for me, for example, to have kids. If things turn around and I get my career back on track, I'll either be teaching or writing by 30, and I really don't want to deal with the pressures of having a child... or two. The best time for me would probably be in about 5 - 7 years. I still need to find a significant other in that time, and I'm most certainly not looking for one, so I have no idea how it's gonna turn out.

I'm actually not "expressionless" in conversation. In fact, I'm pretty expressive as it stands. I just have this... "plainness" in everything I do and say. On a sorta related topic, I remember the one and ONLY time I've been drunk was one random night during the middle of the week, when I had this black cherry vodka in my fridge for a long time that my friend and I were sick of, so before going to a late-night meal, I decided to just down the thing to get rid of it. That night, I was apparently very cheery to people, though I certainly remember doing nothing out of the ordinary. Apparently I was smiling a lot, though.

Maybe my words and tone of voice don't do it for people. I guess I have to smile hardcore so people will know for sure that I'm happy. I'm not sure if people find me boring; people that I don't know are always trying to get me to talk. I dress "classy" according to them, though it's really just a plain style that most youth don't bother with. I think I'm super plain, but somehow it translates to "interesting."

Oh look, I rambled again...

And yeah, I only have two friends. One because I played him in tourney, and the other because we have the same ****ty luck on campus despite living on opposite ends.


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Well the fat ones call me fat, and the ones that are always saying they're ugly call me ugly, so iunno.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Wow, your family sound really mean, SoR. And from a pic you posted, you don't seem ugly at all.

Some people used to call me fat, but I don't think I am. Last time I checked, I weigh around 150lbs, which I think is about right for someone my height (just under 5'11'').


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
:laugh:then its all fine:laugh:
i really thought you were almost 30 at first:laugh:dont hurt me
how old are you really?
lol im 21 though

I've never had a mustache at all. In fact, I don't really get a lot of facial hair. I shave my face once a month, maybe. I normally wait until my hair starts to become a problem to keep neat to get it cut, and yeah, if it doesn't smell then I don't care about it. That said, I'll wait some months for my hair to grow back out again so I can get a photo to compare it with. I'm not sure if college did it to me or what, but I've been looking awful for the past two years or so. I've also been gaining weight for the past two years, so who knows.
i ended up being the grizzly bear of the family, no one has more body hair than i do, only my uncle and cousin come closest, but theres still a gap. i used to detest it, but now its w/e.

i normally just let my hair grow out cause idc about it, and its a way i can piss of my mom for a while and she can't do much about it

i was never thin or fit, i was always kinda chubby. i only started losing weight around 10th grade cause my sis was diagnosed w/ diabetes type 2, so our mother got us to losing weight.

now if only she would work on her own.....

but yea college has brought back some of the weight i lost, but hey poor college students got to eat pizza+fries for $2? im sold, i have been working to lose it again though.

My family members always call me ugly. Sometimes fat. It's not really demoralizing, though.
harsh family members are harsh, i see you as very good looking. i try not to call people ugly, i will find something on you to emphasize the raw beauty that others might not see.

Man, I could not have a kid or three at this age. I can't imagine my life like that.....
same here, i have a cousin whos consistently mistaken as my kid cause i walk her to school er'y day, watch her when we go places, other junk..... i feel i could do it, even single, but not now since my career is also not set in stone right now and i'm broke too.

i kinda stopped looking for relationships, i get tired of falling for guys that are offlimits, i don't even have healthy relationships w/ family members. besides who wants to be w/ someone whos possibly insane? LOL

i didn't like the taste of any of the drinks my friend got me when we went out that one night, since im not out out yet, i also don't want to accidentaly get drunk and out myself. then i fear how i will act if i get drunk because i don't feel i'd have good alcohol tolerance.

Oh look, I rambled again...
Its fun to ramble here as long as we keep it clean, the Fox social has been kinda dirty lately, in a funny way, but still, Kat would have a fit i bet. good thing im not a possible sexual exploit here like i am on the Fox boards w/ Acex LOL. XD

It's pretty demoralizing, whether you realize it or not. Unless you're made of stone. =O
hear it enough and those comments fall on deaf ears. while it waits for lightning to punish the unjust.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Wow, the OP with the picture profiles are amazing ;-;
Air we should motivate the Peachs to do that, maybe Marc will participate and we can see if hes Akuma or not lol.

well before we were talking about shaving and mustaches and any other beards, we were talking about relationships(sry have to change tha topic, cuz i dont have a beard:laugh:)

lol, be glad your not having to deal w/ the random itching and tasing hair when you eat XD

sad, cute, funny, all in under 3 minutes. fav'd


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I'm a very big fan of minimalist films and concepts... I was telling sinking about this earlier in the chat - I honestly think a storyline with as little information as possible can speak volumes in the face of all these explosive, action-packed and contrived stuff out there right now.

That link was okay elder, I think you should take a look at these:

http://www.findete.com/ --> this film's haunting

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANCu6ZYjENo --> the audio's pretty bad in this one sadly, but it's still alright... just watch it with no headphones.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Hey guys, sorry to go off-topic, but I have a quick question. Allegedly, getting a gun licence in USA is easier than here in Britain. Is this true? If so, how exactly is it easier? Come to think of it, why are guns even issued? The world would be a far better place without them IMO.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
@Kataefi: Have you ever seen the movie Eve's Bayou? When you mentioned movies with simple plots, that one jumped to mind for some reason. It's one of my absolute favorites.

I like slow, sad, deep movies that make me cry. X.X


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA

hahaha i have the same problem.+ im small. if they say im pretty, its always sarcastic><
With me it's, "You're so pretty..... ugly."

i ended up being the grizzly bear of the family, no one has more body hair than i do, only my uncle and cousin come closest, but theres still a gap. i used to detest it, but now its w/e.

i normally just let my hair grow out cause idc about it, and its a way i can piss of my mom for a while and she can't do much about it

i was never thin or fit, i was always kinda chubby. i only started losing weight around 10th grade cause my sis was diagnosed w/ diabetes type 2, so our mother got us to losing weight.

now if only she would work on her own.....

but yea college has brought back some of the weight i lost, but hey poor college students got to eat pizza+fries for $2? im sold, i have been working to lose it again though.
My mom hates whatever hair I get. She would die if I were like you. If I let my hair grow for the rest of my life, I probably would look like your average college student after just his first semester. Not intense at all.

The one time I lost weight and actually was fit was when I was going to 10th grade. What started it was how I missed the bus one morning and I had to run all the way to the last stop to catch it. I was so dead and out of breath that it was kinda pathetic. Looking back, it really wasn't, but maaan that was a huge field.... uh oh, rambling. Anyway, I got into shape so well that I was at the top of the gym class. I even started wrestling that year and could go toe to toe with varsity level guys.

Then I just... stopped one day. I just lost all motivation to stay in shape. I'm feeling the effects of that today, hahaha...

And yeah, if I have to do work late at night, I'm gonna eat all the junk I can get my hands on. That pretty much sealed the deal for me, not to mention working in a dining hall in the first place as maintenance. I sure kept that cafeteria in order, yes indeed...

harsh family members are harsh, i see you as very good looking. i try not to call people ugly, i will find something on you to emphasize the raw beauty that others might not see.
Truth be told, you're the first person who has considered me good looking... actually, this board is the first board to consider me good looking. Then again, I've only posted my photo on two non-Facebook boards, the first being years ago.

I appreciate that you don't find me hideous, that's for sure. I always thought I looked decidedly average, which was good enough for me, but man, people suck I guess. You look rather nice yourself, you know.

Wow, your family sound really mean, SoR. And from a pic you posted, you don't seem ugly at all.

Some people used to call me fat, but I don't think I am. Last time I checked, I weigh around 150lbs, which I think is about right for someone my height (just under 5'11'').
Seeing how I'm getting mature responses to my looks, I guess I'm comfortable now in saying that I am 270 lbs. Do I look it? No, not at all (you can't tell from my pic anyway). I'm not gonna say I'm "big-boned" or whatever, but I'm definitely not stereotypically huge and flabby. Just... really heavy. I have no problems with it.

That said, to be hot amongst people nowadays, it seems as if you have to be pretty skinny no matter what. To be "decent looking" amongst people nowadays, it's as if you still have to have a good weight on you. I don't really find many people ugly myself. I guess it just depends on one's standards.

same here, i have a cousin whos consistently mistaken as my kid cause i walk her to school er'y day, watch her when we go places, other junk..... i feel i could do it, even single, but not now since my career is also not set in stone right now and i'm broke too.

i kinda stopped looking for relationships, i get tired of falling for guys that are offlimits, i don't even have healthy relationships w/ family members. besides who wants to be w/ someone whos possibly insane? LOL

i didn't like the taste of any of the drinks my friend got me when we went out that one night, since im not out out yet, i also don't want to accidentaly get drunk and out myself. then i fear how i will act if i get drunk because i don't feel i'd have good alcohol tolerance.
Mmm, that's a good skill to have. I certainly don't have any "fatherly" features about me, or at least I don't think I do. I'm very selfish with my time, which would have to change if I were to have a kid. It's kinda hard to change yourself even slightly, let alone something that's pretty much ingrained in you for nearly your whole life.

Haha, you think you're possibly insane? My best friend said that about me once because college was stressing me out so horribly, and one day I just seemed to be a lot darker in personality than I used to be, as he says. I have no idea though.

It must be ridiculously tough to find people nowadays. I haven't really be searching for anyone as I've said, but the main reason for that is that I'm extremely selfish and love myself too much, and I haven't really found anyone at my small college that I could even pretend to want to be with, guy or girl. It's weird because I have reputations on campus (like the "Assbuster" one I put earlier) for being the super cold and mysterious guy... or so said my anonymous college forum by some stalker I could never find. If I could link the forum, I would, but it would block you guys anyway. One guy said that he would... ok, I can't post this here.

And as for the alcohol thing, I felt the same way before I started to drink anything. I usually drink and sit in my room, so it's no problem. I hate the taste of beer, so I usually don't drink at parties either. What alcohol does (to me) is that it simply removes a good portion of your ethical thinking and other rules. So basically, sober me would walk across campus quietly, minding his business, while drunk me would be saying "HI, HUG PLZ" to everyone.

Its fun to ramble here as long as we keep it clean, the Fox social has been kinda dirty lately, in a funny way, but still, Kat would have a fit i bet. good thing im not a possible sexual exploit here like i am on the Fox boards w/ Acex LOL. XD
Clean we must be... clean we MUST be...

I thought that was a pretty cute video. Did not like the ending though.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Come to think of it, why are guns even issued? The world would be a far better place without them IMO.
Cause the alternative is worse.

Like it or not, guns made democracy possible, they were an equalization force, prior to them, to be able to fight in war, an expansive support staff was required for each and every individual (unlike today, where it's generalized groups). Gun's meant that the common man was a military force equal to that of a single noble, which geopolitically, allowed for political equalization.

Furthermore, they serve as a last-ditch defense against tyranny, a la, the right of revolution.

If you wanna go with weapons overall... well then it's just the guy who's strongest that wins, weapons were what allowed intellectuals to actually have influence because they madated support mechanisms, which mandated governance.

We'd be better off if everybody was a pacifist though, which is the jist of what you're trying to say, but it's impossible.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Cause the alternative is worse.

Like it or not, guns made democracy possible, they were an equalization force, prior to them, to be able to fight in war, an expansive support staff was required for each and every individual (unlike today, where it's generalized groups). Gun's meant that the common man was a military force equal to that of a single noble, which geopolitically, allowed for political equalization.

Furthermore, they serve as a last-ditch defense against tyranny, a la, the right of revolution.

If you wanna go with weapons overall... well then it's just the guy who's strongest that wins, weapons were what allowed intellectuals to actually have influence because they madated support mechanisms, which mandated governance.

We'd be better off if everybody was a pacifist though, which is the jist of what you're trying to say, but it's impossible.

I know it'll never happen. Oh well, I can still dream...

Elder Sister

Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
in the bush next to your house
at kat
i did indeed watch these vids
the first was really lovely. i even liked the ending.
i was quite confused why the background was so well animated, while you could see each pixel of the umbrella
nevertheless, you won
but only because of that ending^^

the second one is named imago-short animated
if it were not you, i wouldnt have watched this 10 minutes vid:laugh:faar too long for meXD
it was ok. fin d'été vid was better imo^^


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I have seen it actually - it's been like forever but that was when I started to really like Samuel L Jackson and his stuff


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Which one elder? I shall explain :)

If it's Imago then in a nutshell it's about growing up and having history repeat itself


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
With me it's, "You're so pretty..... sexy."
watch them burn

My mom hates whatever hair I get. She would die if I were like you....
lol, its fun to watch her be mad at it, cause now im a bit to old for her to rush me to get it cut. even better is she can't force me to let her cut it anymore, her akward cuts. while i don't hate her, theres many things i don't like about her and remind myself to try and not turn into.

sports fail
lol j/k. but i suck at sports so i never got fit look, just less chubby. the only thing i can do is kick a few things and walk fast, but when your literally doing crosscountry on campus in the winter all day in boots..... you learn that lol.

And yeah, if I have to do work late at night, I'm gonna eat all the junk I can get my hands on.
lol, my mom always said i could never work w/ food cause i couldn't control my appetite, she could be right, i like food.....

Truth be told, you're the first person who has considered me good looking... actually, this board is the first board to consider me good looking. Then again, I've only posted my photo on two non-Facebook boards, the first being years ago.
i need to get a facebook, myspace is so 2000 now lol. i've only posted my pictures here, myspace, and photobucket......oh theres another site, but i don't want possible flagging for sexual content ;)

other reason for hating my looks is im often considered female online sometimes on the phone. if i don't have a real pic of my up. this even happend in FF11 in mithra form and everyone on my server knows that if you see a mithra and they say they are single, thats a man. but 80% of the people thought Urikko was a real girl XD.

I appreciate that you don't find me hideous, that's for sure. I always thought I looked decidedly average, which was good enough for me, but man, people suck I guess. You look rather nice yourself, you know.
lol thanks, other than family i rarely get responses like that from other people.

Seeing how I'm getting mature responses to my looks, I guess I'm comfortable now in saying that I am 270 lbs. Do I look it?
lol last time i weighted myself i was 207. i hate the home scale cause it hates me so i never use it, as long as i hit obesity im fine, i never wanted to be skinny anyway.

bigger people can look good too, and you never have to ask "are you eating enough?"

i just try to have the broadest veiw of what looks good or not. gives more options that the people looking for models or 4r0n stars.

Mmm, that's a good skill to have. I certainly don't have any "fatherly" features about me, or at least I don't think I do. I'm very selfish with my time, which would have to change if I were to have a kid. It's kinda hard to change yourself even slightly, let alone something that's pretty much ingrained in you for nearly your whole life.

i think unintentionally my mother did that since she was the oldest of 6 and had to play mother figure quite often cause her mother wasn't much.......i think im kinda selfish myself, but i have often moments of compassion and i can't stay angery long even if i try. besides little kids are so cute.

dirty stories are hawt, lol.

i've hated relatioships alot lately cause i've fallen for offlimit guys back to back, the most recent one is my new friend too, and no i didn't just become his friend cause he was hawt i honestly do like the guy as a friend. now im just trying to steer my feelings toward just friendlies, but i keep getting slapped in the face by my books cause their all love stories!!!!

HI, HUG PLZ" to everyone.
lol, i'm also glad im not a fan of it cause i've seen my mother at her drinking worst.....
but i'd be first in line for hugs.

Clean we must be... clean we MUST be...
curse the ToS's. wow i've typed a book today i think.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
lol that song brings back memories.

Hahahahaha what a horrible song.

Oh it seems the word ****ed is censored here. 4 letter D word meaning condemned.

if by horrible you mean completely fun and amazing, then yes.

While Shiek is definately female in sex.
you're at a bar, you see sheik come in, the guy next to you makes a $500 bet shiek is a male, and wonders if you'll go even money against him. Would you take the bet? I sure as hell wouldn't; who the hell really knows what's going on under those wraps. Certainly LOOKS like it could go either way, and if zelda can change her musculature, colouration and physical features, why wouldn't she go the full way with it? Seems like an unnecessary risk to me and cannon never suggests otherwise.

If anything, I'd say sheik's the complete oposite way that you described:
physiologically a male, but, come on, it's still zelda's brain, so psychologically female.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
you're at a bar, you see sheik come in, the guy next to you makes a $500 bet shiek is a male, and wonders if you'll go even money against him. Would you take the bet? I sure as hell wouldn't; who the hell really knows what's going on under those wraps. Certainly LOOKS like it could go either way, and if zelda can change her musculature, colouration and physical features, why wouldn't she go the full way with it? Seems like an unnecessary risk to me and cannon never suggests otherwise.

If anything, I'd say sheik's the complete oposite way that you described:
physiologically a male, but, come on, it's still zelda's brain, so psychologically female.
Because it's unnecessary. It's not a "disguise" so much as practical clothing to use in her role to fight Ganondorf, in the same way that a ninja or a special forces soldier would use a similar costume.

Regardless, if what you're suggesting is the case, then it would be both gender and sex.

Gender is not about psychology, it's about cultural role, if what you're suggesting is true, then it would be both gender and sex that was changed.

Come on, you're gay, you should be telling me about this stuff.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2009
Internet, Florida
Oh you guys are havin the old "what gender is sheik" debate. lol

Does it really matter? Real life aside and taking magic for granted, yes it is likely possible that she went the whole 9 yards and gave herself every distinguishing characteristic of a man.

But one thing I've learned from truly good artists (for the sake of argument we'll call Zelda some form of disguise artist here lol) is they are never satisfied with their work. While everyone else sees a perfect replica, they see glaring flaws in their work. They continue working on it for years, long after everyone is more than satisfied. It was likely the same with Zelda over those 7 years in hiding.

In other words, to Zelda she was still female, but to everyone else she was male.

So ... yeah, I'm goin with the "she's male but not really" theory lol


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
gender is unchangeable, sex is. Zelda can ACT like a man, and she can change her sex from female to male through operations (or, in her case, magic), but she will always be a woman as far as her psychology is concerned.
As I stated previously and as the quote pointed out gender is socially and culturally created roles and is NOT tied to psychology at all.

For example, a male cross-dresser (even if he's like the vast majority of people who try cross-dressering, a straight guy, doing it for the ****s and giggles) he's still assuming female gender by assuming their cultural roles.

it's not just clothing, we already know she completely alters her physique, skin, eyes, hair, voice (not particularly manly, but, still, not zelda's) If you have the POWER to change all these things, why take the risk by pretending to be a man, and then changing SOME things to look like a man, but leaving out the most vital distinguishing feature. I don't buy it.
Because she's not pretending to be a man, the assumption of male cultural roles is just something that happens as a result of the fact that fighting and resisting occupation are both male roles culturally.

She's merely not revealing her specific identity and using more practical clothing for her endeavors. The goal is not to be seen/noticed at all, not to convince people that she's a man.

Therefore, there's no reason whatsoever to go the whole nine yards.

Shiek is female in sex.

There. I've told you about it, as requested, though I really don't know how being a homosexual qualififes me to be an expert at such things.
Lol, actually it's the reverse, I'm not supposed to know about it, and you're a lot more likely to know.

edit: and it WAS a disguise. I can't see how you can begin to question that.
Only in the sense that it makes her a non-specific person, that it makes the people that do notice her assume that she's of a male sex is a side effect.

But it's primary function is not to be noticed period.

Oh you guys are havin the old "what gender sex is sheik" debate. lol

Does it really matter? Real life aside and taking magic for granted, yes it is likely possible that she went the whole 9 yards and gave herself every distinguishing characteristic of a man.

But one thing I've learned from truly good artists (for the sake of argument we'll call Zelda some form of disguise artist here lol) is they are never satisfied with their work. While everyone else sees a perfect replica, they see glaring flaws in their work. They continue working on it for years, long after everyone is more than satisfied. It was likely the same with Zelda over those 7 years in hiding.

In other words, to Zelda she was still female, but to everyone else she was male.

So ... yeah, I'm goin with the "she's male but not really" theory lol

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Anyway it doesn't matter. I've heard all the arguments before and I think the cannon suggests that Zelda takes on a male sex and all arguments against that have been, and continue to be opinion based. Yours is no exception, thusly you won't change my mind, and it's a fruitless argument,


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
but it's not. you're talking about stereotypical gender roles. But gender is a sexual identity and it IS tied to the psychology of a person. If you'd like to use me as an analogy, being gay I obviously have some feminine charachteristics, including even who I'm attracted to. Hell, I'm probably more domestic than I am manly, but neither myself nor anyone else would argue that I'm not a man.

The only way you're switching gender is if you have a massive cranial injury that completely alters your psychology.

he's mimmicking the female gender maybe, but his gender is still male.

That's GENDER IDENTITY which is completely different.

"Gender" is in the eye of the beholder, "gender identity" is psychology.

the fact that sheik's body and attire are both more masculine than feminine have some bearing. Zelda attempted to look like a man, no ifs ands or buts. She was in a life ordeath situation, she has the ability to completely alther her appearance to help her. She obviously seems mature enough not to CARE that she's a man, so why would she add the extra level of risk by going halfway. I'm hard pressed to think of a situation where she could be discovered because of this, but when you're gonna be in hiding for about a decade, you can't be too careful.
Put a girl in ninja gear or military attire of just about any sort, if the face is covered, they'll look like a guy, unless it's a chainmale bikini.

This is because even armor specifically designed for girls (ex. Samus) looks like it's being worn by a guy, why?

Because, armor that shows off girl's secondary sex characteristics are useless realistically. We're used to everything girls wear showing off their secondary sex characteristics, but it's highly impractical in armor and battle gear of any kind, so any type of battle gear worn by women looks like cross-dressing, period.

Basically, she only looks like a guy because of CULTURAL BIASES, just like Samus.

I don't buy it. Zelda wants to have a 0% chance of being recognized as zelda. Changing race, build and sex massively aids in that cause.
Again, look at the character and her role in OoT, she's basically a ninja, and whether she's identified as princess Zelda or not, if she catches Ganondorf's attention, she's ****ed.

If any enemy gets close enough to realize, "hey, lady looks like a dude", she's already in massive trouble.

Question is, like a pre-op transexual, do you refer to sheik by sex or gender. And that question remains valid even by your logic, which is just backwards to what I said. Him/Her/It all seem equally applicable to sheik.
It's times like this where we need a good gender neutral pronoun. "One" and "They" express too much lack of knowledge of the subject, and "it" dehumanizes the subject.
Sex, gender, or gender identity. 3 possibilities.

She gets gender identity, which is female.

I can't see why that should be assumed. Transexualism is just as mysterious to me as anyone else.
That was more a joke then anything else, but gay people are a lot more likely to know about queer theory.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I saw "sex," got all interested.....

....then I read what y'all're actually talking about. -_-


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2008
New York
The brawl book refers to Sheik as a she...

just throwing that out there in really intense debate. lol


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
I remember reading something about how in Japan there was some kind of ad or something about Princess Zelda. And it mentioned being able to change sex with her magic powers, but it could have been like a joke because of the debate? Or maybe Japan is more open to that type of stuff... like how America couldn't get the last season of Sailor Moon because the Sailor Stars transform from boy to girl and we totally wouldn't be able to handle that.


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
Or how Earthbound has been abandoned because of it's racial stereotypes.

Like I was saying to chad, I guess the U.S. just can't comprehend the true nature of Giygas' attack.
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