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ZGD: Livin by a thread.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
I watch the first 5 minutes of each episode and then turn it off.

After the chairman does his thing, the show is over for me.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Then why didn't you do it, Eh?
C'mon, I thought we had a special bonding moment right here.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
EDIT--Also, it's a myth that Apple is better for video processing, at least as far as video editing is concerned. There's plenty of Hollywood studios that use Microsoft computers--it's really personal preference.
all the studies have shown that you can pretty much get all the same things out of a PC that you can get out of a mac, or vice versa. And, with a little shopping around, you can probably find them at similar prices. (Though there's a good number of games that are PC only)

When it gets down to it, picking one over the other comes down to a matter of preferrence. The two have different user interfaces. I personally HATE Mac's interface compared to PC, but other people love it. And, apple products in general are trendy. (don't ask me why). I've heard horror stories about Apple's customer support, but not having been a customer myself, I can't speak to the issue very much. I know apple has a much faster startup time, btw.

Oh, and I assume there ARE monatary parameters, because if there aren't, just go all out for an alienware PC and call it a day.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
Most 3d programs are made specifically for the mac. The man who makes most of them actually works for apple and pixar. They work fine on a PC yes, but they are optimized for a mac. If you are just playing around with programs etc. and not doing professional quality work on a professional schedule it won't really matter.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
See... I can't get a mac for a number of reasons because I need to run 3dsmax, and also because of money issues... Macs are bloody expensive from what I've been looking at and spec-wise I was thinking a PC can do just that minus the price tag. I'm very sceptical with Dell computers to be honest... And I still love macs, I used to use them a lot at uni but for home purposes I don't think I'll be able to afford one.

@Legendary:- I can do my own research and ask you guys questions at the same time, right? =p

But yeah, I'm thinking I just need a PC with good RAM(?), like 4-6gig RAM maybe? Stuff that makes processing and rendering relatively fast.

@Riot:- Do you use Maya?

Also, Final Cut Pro IS AMAZING I LOVE IT.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Most 3d programs are made specifically for the mac. The man who makes most of them actually works for apple and pixar. They work fine on a PC yes, but they are optimized for a mac. If you are just playing around with programs etc. and not doing professional quality work on a professional schedule it won't really matter.
Renderman works the same on PC and Mac. Many of Pixar's "main" computers are Macs because Steve Jobs, as one of Pixar's three co-founders along with John Lasseter (my idol) and Ed Catmull (who created the world's first computer generated moving image in a film), essentially gives them the hookup since his money's invested in the studio. But individual animators are allowed their choice of OS.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
I don't use anything currently, I took a course in 3d but I am not sure if it is 100% for me. It could be though... I need to finish college first I guess lol.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
See... I can't get a mac for a number of reasons because I need to run 3dsmax, and also because of money issues... Macs are bloody expensive from what I've been looking at and spec-wise I was thinking a PC can do just that minus the price tag. I'm very sceptical with Dell computers to be honest... And I still love macs, I used to use them a lot at uni but for home purposes I don't think I'll be able to afford one.

@Legendary:- I can do my own research and ask you guys questions at the same time, right? =p

But yeah, I'm thinking I just need a PC with good RAM(?), like 4-6gig RAM maybe? Stuff that makes processing and rendering relatively fast.

@Riot:- Do you use Maya?

Also, Final Cut Pro IS AMAZING I LOVE IT.
You can do you own research and ask us at the same time. I didn't want you to just listen to what we had to say and not know anything about it still. I think the money for the Mac is worth it. You want the best then expect to fork over a little more cash. Also I'm going to assume that you just don't want the laptop/ computer just for graphics and video imaging. If you're going to have it double as your personal laptop/computer for business school and or personal things then you really should get a Mac. If it's only going to be used for the video things you maybe able to skate by with a PC and with better specs.

Basically to sum it up you should look at it like this.

What am I going to use this computer for. Business/Personal/School.
How much am I willing to spend.
What will best fulfill my needs.
Do your research.

Also would like to point out you can get a slightly older mac not too old and get it for a decent price. That will still out perform the PC. Here's a decent website for old new used and refurbished macs. www.powermax.com


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Two things:

1. I am currently making a Zelda aim blast chat, just need a good name.

2. Mac is only better for one thing, if you're using it for high level arts, otherwise you'll be able to replicate all of Mac's advantages by using a PC with windows and/or linux for a lower price.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I keep seeing people talk about blast chats on AIM..... wtf are those, and how are they different from regular chats?

I obv don't get on AIM much, lol.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I keep seeing people talk about blast chats on AIM..... wtf are those, and how are they different from regular chats?

I obv don't get on AIM much, lol.
Its a chat that sticks around so whenever people are on aim it gets active.

I'll disagree as soon as you use a PC the **** goes down in performance. They're really bad.

You can get the specs and durability of a mac in a pc at a far lower price.

If you don't like the windows OS just toss in linux.

If you're getting it for Mac OS, again unless you're using it for art it's essentially a ******* child of the advantages of Windows and linux without ever getting either right.

Mac OS lacks the range of available commercial software and range of comparability of Windows, but it has some commercial software built for it and is compatible with some hardware.

It lacks the viral immunity, range of open-source software, and customization options of Linux, but it is resistant to viruses, though it is no more customizable then windows from a technical level, and less open-source software is made for it then Windows.

But it beats both in commercial artist programs.

So yeah, Mac is an artist's computer, anybody that's not in an artistic career is wasting their money when they could just buy a PC, and use Linux Mint as the OS or dual-boot Windows and Mint. If you have more technical purposes in mind substitute mint for Gentoo or Arch or something.

TL;DR: If you're not a professional artist of some kind even considering getting a mac is probably a bad idea.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
My old man runs some sort of demon PC. Some quad core thingamagig that runs WINDOWS 98. Truely a sight to behold.

But seriously, PC plays games. PC runs everything on the face of the universe.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
Its a chat that sticks around so whenever people are on aim it gets active.


You can get the specs and durability of a mac in a pc at a far lower price.

If you don't like the windows OS just toss in linux.

If you're getting it for Mac OS, again unless you're using it for art it's essentially a ******* child of the advantages of Windows and linux without ever getting either right.

Mac OS lacks the range of available commercial software and range of comparability of Windows, but it has some commercial software built for it and is compatible with some hardware.

It lacks the viral immunity, range of open-source software, and customization options of Linux, but it is resistant to viruses, though it is no more customizable then windows from a technical level, and less open-source software is made for it then Windows.

But it beats both in commercial artist programs.

So yeah, Mac is an artist's computer, anybody that's not in an artistic career is wasting their money when they could just buy a PC, and use Linux Mint as the OS or dual-boot Windows and Mint. If you have more technical purposes in mind substitute mint for Gentoo or Arch or something.

TL;DR: If you're not a professional artist of some kind even considering getting a mac is probably a bad idea.
Yeah I know, If you love windows so much just run it off your mac. There's no reason to even touch a PC and it's infinite virus. I'll pass on this. I have mac and don't even use it for artistic whatever. That's a common mistake. Mac is a lot more versatile than what you're giving it credit for. I wouldn't run any OS other than XP if i had to use a PC. Windows 7 is garbz and so is Vista. LoL I love how windows 7 is just a rip off of a Mac. W.e. You're exposed to a ton more viruses and everything you can get on a PC is available on a mac. So let me see which one I'd rather have. Also I've never used linux so I can't comment on it.

Zigsta windows does perform ****ter as soon as you turn it on. Unless of course you don't download any programs whatsoever. However, as soon as you open you're internet browser the performance will go down. Then the more you use it and the more things you download the worse it gets. Viruses random crashes etc etc etc. The pop up blockers, the spywares, antivirus softwares.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
Unless of course you don't download any programs whatsoever. However, as soon as you open you're internet browser the performance will go down. Then the more you use it and the more things you download the worse it gets. Viruses random crashes etc etc etc. The pop up blockers, the spywares, antivirus softwares.
Do you have actual proof or are you going on personal experience? I call BS on this statement, since it's applicable on ALL operating systems.

If your computer falls to pieces, it's your own fault, not the operating system's. My PC streamlined as hell, not a single virus. I make an effort to keep it that way. I make sure my PC boots programs efficiently and ONLY boots what I want. (if there's something else booting at startup, I know) If your computer succumbs to viruses and crap, then you should have done a better job protecting it. That's your fault, not the OS's.

PC has more software and games. It is the more versatile system. The point stands that Kata needs a PC right now, not a Mac. Simple.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
Do you have actual proof or are you going on personal experience? I call BS on this statement, since it's applicable on ALL operating systems.

If your computer falls to pieces, it's your own fault, not the operating system's. My PC streamlined as hell, not a single virus. I make an effort to keep it that way. I make sure my PC boots programs efficiently and ONLY boots what I want. (if there's something else booting at startup, I know) If your computer succumbs to viruses and crap, then you should have done a better job protecting it.

PC has more software and games. It is the more versatile system.
I think people could take care of their PC's better for it not to fall to pieces. You must have anti virus, anti spyware, pop-up blockers. Scan everything you download with this programs have constant checks and updates. So basically here's my options buy a computer that's doesn't protect itself or the user and then have to pay money in order to keep the protection up to date and current or get the computer that cost a little more protects the user and itself and still have access to the same protection programs you have and still be able to protect my self. I wonder which one I'd want.... Yeah, I've gotten virus and all the other non sense that comes with a PC seen other people's comp just get devastated by virus trojans spyware and all the other non sense. *shrugs* But whatever floats your boat. You can protect it yourself and do this that and the third for protecting your computer. I'd rather not have the bombardments and the unnecessary stuff phase my comp.

Also why would I want a PC game when I own a console ? That's not going to win you any arguments here. I don't play WoW don't play mugen don't have any emulators etc etc etc.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
Also why would I want a PC game when I own a console ? That's not going to win you any arguments here. I don't play WoW don't play mugen don't have any emulators etc etc etc.
That's only applicable to you. To another person, being able to run every single game under the face of the Earth might be very important. It's all a matter of opinion.

Oh, and WoW works on Macs. And no one plays Mugen.

I use a PC because it's better then a Mac for my purposes. I work with AVS scripts, something that you can't work with on a Mac. I play games, something that's not that good on a Mac. Since you only use your Mac for surfing the internet, it makes sense why you think it's better, because it's better for your own purposes. Simple.


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
I use a PC because it's better then a Mac for my purposes. I work with AVS scripts, something that you can't work with on a Mac. I play games, something that's not that good on a Mac. Since you only use your Mac for surfing the internet, it makes sense why you think it's better, because it's better for your own purposes. Simple.

Now can you guys end this now??
This is the lamest argument I've skimmed through in awhile lol


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
That's only applicable to you. To another person, being able to run every single game under the face of the Earth might be very important. It's all a matter of opinion.

Oh, and WoW works on Macs. And no one plays Mugen.

I use a PC because it's better then a Mac for my purposes. I work with AVS scripts, something that you can't work with on a Mac. I play games, something that's not that good on a Mac. Since you only use your Mac for surfing the internet, it makes sense why you think it's better, because it's better for your own purposes. Simple.
Sorry for being an average person and using the mac for everyday things. Also he said he wanted a computer for graphics and video rendering which a mac is better for.....*shrugs* mac > pc's. IDC for any of that C++ non sense that can be done and other things of that nature.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Now now! I didn't actually mean to cause a feud. Thing is I HAVE to get a PC otherwise I won't be able to run 3dsmax, which is what I need to use for work/home stuffs =D So it's settled! It's just the specs that confuse me >.< Like processors... ram... memory etc... but I'm looking into all that. I won't deny that Macs are SEXY AS HELL though =p


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI

Now now! I didn't actually mean to cause a feud. Thing is I HAVE to get a PC otherwise I won't be able to run 3dsmax, which is what I need to use for work/home stuffs =D So it's settled! It's just the specs that confuse me >.< Like processors... ram... memory etc... but I'm looking into all that. I won't deny that Macs are SEXY AS HELL though =p
4gigs or RAM is usually the standard nowadays, but 8 gigs is better. RAM is cheap, so this isn't really a problem.

As far as processors go, you'll probably be fine with anything that came out in the past couple of years. These fancy things are amazing, from what I hear.

Since I encode video, I always love having a processor with multiple cores. Saves time and provides muscle. God, I remember when I used to encode things using a Pentium 4. That sucked big time...


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Yeah I know, If you love windows so much just run it off your mac. There's no reason to even touch a PC and it's infinite virus. I'll pass on this. I have mac and don't even use it for artistic whatever. That's a common mistake. Mac is a lot more versatile than what you're giving it credit for. I wouldn't run any OS other than XP if i had to use a PC. Windows 7 is garbz and so is Vista. LoL I love how windows 7 is just a rip off of a Mac. W.e. You're exposed to a ton more viruses and everything you can get on a PC is available on a mac. So let me see which one I'd rather have. Also I've never used linux so I can't comment on it.

Zigsta windows does perform ****ter as soon as you turn it on. Unless of course you don't download any programs whatsoever. However, as soon as you open you're internet browser the performance will go down. Then the more you use it and the more things you download the worse it gets. Viruses random crashes etc etc etc. The pop up blockers, the spywares, antivirus softwares.

Me love Windows?! You obviously have me confused with somebody else, I've always been an open-source proponent and I remember expounding on the virtues of linux on the chat more then once.

Regardless, Mac has some versatility, but the point is that the pros and cons together only make it worth getting if you're using it for artistic purposes.

As far as PCs, obviously either you or the person who you got this story from both has the crappiest computer ever and the worst internet usage habits of anybody in the universe, windows has issues with viruses but a basic firewall and anti-virus (which any non-linux OS should have for the latter and every computer should have for the former) you should have nowhere near the problems that you're describing, and basic operation like that causing a signifigant drop in performance is a matter of bad hardware or infected computers.

As I said, if you're worried about viruses, use linux as your OS, if you want versatility, dual-boot. If you want low performance overhead, again use linux.

There is nothing that you can get out of mac/mac os that you can't get out of a PC with the proper linux distrobution and/or windows 7.

I think people could take care of their PC's better for it not to fall to pieces. You must have anti virus, anti spyware, pop-up blockers. Scan everything you download with this programs have constant checks and updates. So basically here's my options buy a computer that's doesn't protect itself or the user and then have to pay money in order to keep the protection up to date and current or get the computer that cost a little more protects the user and itself and still have access to the same protection programs you have and still be able to protect my self. I wonder which one I'd want.... Yeah, I've gotten virus and all the other non sense that comes with a PC seen other people's comp just get devastated by virus trojans spyware and all the other non sense. *shrugs* But whatever floats your boat. You can protect it yourself and do this that and the third for protecting your computer. I'd rather not have the bombardments and the unnecessary stuff phase my comp.
Wait... you don't do that for your mac?!

Seriously, linux is the only OS that you can get away with that, and even then you should have a firewall. Viruses exist for Mac (the limited market share is all that protects it because it's less efficient to develop viruses for Mac) and lord help you if anybody specifically decides to attack your comp.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Regardless, Mac has some versatility, but the point is that the pros and cons together only make it worth getting if you're using it for artistic purposes.
Pretty sure that's what Kata's getting it for........

I don't really give a **** about PC vs. Mac, but I keep seeing people say Macs are good for art (which is what Kata needs it for -- film specifically), then recommending that he get a PC.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Pretty sure that's what Kata's getting it for........

I don't really give a **** about PC vs. Mac, but I keep seeing people say Macs are good for art (which is what Kata needs it for -- film specifically), then recommending that he get a PC.
Actually we had a conversation, he actually needs it for very specific artistic purposes which the mac hardware seems to have a blind spot on.

Also, it's out of it's out of his budget.

Keep in mind that this convo sort of branched off from the original purpose.
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