Diddy v. zelda is very momentum and stage based. it tends to break even if you average things out. if you're losing a lot maybe you're picking the wrong stages? or have problems with momentum.
Agreed with the Tink. His projectiles are nothing compared to the likes of Falco and Diddy.
on the contrary. I find tink's projectiles much better than falcos or diddy's. Oh he can't camp with them like falco can, and he can't lay traps like diddy can, but he can use them effectively pretty much no matter where he is on the stage. they set up for follow ups, they interrupt you, they come out too fast to reflect if he's close, and his zair pokes just as well as any projectile and can't be reflected.
Zelda beats tink with the right spacing, but there's no way zelda can take the control of spacing away from tink. tink has so many tools for doing so. and even if you reflect his projectiles, you can't follow up on them like he can.
He completely destroys you in the air. his fair and bair beat out yours, his uair beats out your dair AND lasts long enough to beat out your spotdodge. His dair gets beatten out by your uair if you can space it properly and it occasionally beats out your usmash. timing is key there.
he can harass your recovery and force you to land on the stage where he can punish you easily with a usmash wich just destroys. In fact, he can hyphen smash you and kill you early anytime you are exposed.
to people who claim nayru's makes the matchup, it doesn't. his projectiles are pretty resistant to being used well against him, and if you get overzealous with nayru's you can eat usmash, or at least grab which will lead to uthrow and a lot of harassment.
tink plays almost nothing like diddy.
Tink stops you from squaring your feet. in other words, he prevents you from getting into a solid defensive position. he kills only slightly later than you do and will be doing damage quicker. Zair pokes and unreflectable (or at least dumb to reflect) projectiles prevent your greater range on the ground from being a huge issue. and his dominance of the skies remains.
ROBs projectile game is far less threatening than tinks against zelda. ROBs are all much easier to reflect and do more if reflected. and we can glide toss gyros. and ROBs are used completely differently. ROB camps with his, tink uses his up close to disrupt. being able to deal with rob does not make you able to deal with tink the same way unless that tink is an idiot.
Furthermore, we have one solid conterpick against him: mansion. he has several from which to choose to beat us. he bans this, we've got nothin. Now, granted, mansion is a major counterpick, but it's all we've got.
one of my sparring partners is a **** good tink. I can beat most of his charcters with zelda, but DAG yo tink is almsot impossible. I went all beast mode on him once and still only barely beat him. His sonic, which is better, gives me significantly less problems. and his other charcters less still. Tink is one of the hardest matchups I've ever had the misfortune to fight against with zelda. I just can't see what on earth gives us any sort of advantage.