Well after I wake up, part of my day will be filled w/ some egg experiments. Creativity is a plus! Don't want people to complain that I'm camping or nothing (although I don't). Egg -> grab is the first thing I'm trying, though the outlook isn't good for that combo (hard to pull off as it is). Eggs are good kill set-ups already (egg -> u-smash), and most of Yoshi's kills I see are off the top. If this new thing can keep that and increase his edge-guarding and mindgames...well....I'll see that for myself a little later. This definitely encourages better aiming and timing, and the risk-reward ratio is a little higher.You can't honestly complain about missing combos. With the mindgames and strings and combos that this creates already without the damage increase... No way man. I mean like... Egg -> Grab?? You couldn't do that before!
If the egg misses, by all means, throw another! And remember that old back-angled egg? You can now make that go all the way down and combo into/out of it. This Yoshi egg tweak in general promotes creativity and discourages spamming. I think lots of characters with centralized projectiles need something like it. But even if that doesn't happen, this spawns more interesting combos and should make other characters mains go "Wow, that was a spectacular combo video! Maybe I should think about picking up Yoshi!" from all the egg shenanigans.
EDIT: Alternatively to the damage, we also have the ability to make the "Bursting Egg" hitbox stay out longer. Just sayin'.
For your EDIT, I'll have to experiment to find out whether or not I'd prefer more damage, a bigger egg burst, or if either of those are necessary at all.
For you other Brawl+ programmers (like Cape), I have to ask: is this something that would be put into the game officially? If proven to be effective, is it something that Yoshi would get and not over-buff him per se?