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YGD - As the snow melts, the mighty Dinosaur rises once more!

Best Yoshi Attack

  • Total voters


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2009
New Jersey
Meat Riding from the other side of the world

The title should be:

"Taylor Gang or eat out Precious"

Or is that too much?
"Taylor Gang or Teabag a Bear Trap" way classier

Haven't looked around too much yet, for a variety of reasons (takes me much longer to read Japanese; the group is pretty much just one long thread; they've asked me a few questions that I've responded to; I've been splitting my attention there with the Sun Rise Tournament thread), so I haven't found anything. They did not have Yoshi's hitboxes, though, which is why I was asking for the video link (that doesn't exist) before, and I gave them Eternal Yoshi's pictures.
And ah okay well get to it whenever lol


Smash Master
Apr 30, 2008
Miami, Florida
Guys... :(

Poltergust recaps the shooting on campus said:
OK, here's a recap of what happened today at the University of Texas at Austin. In case you haven't heard from CNN and such, there was a shooting on campus.

It was probably the most frightful experience of my entire life...

I was in the Jester building for my History class (the class is on the first floor, by the way). During the class, I felt my phone rumbling in my pocket. I decided to ignore it because I thought it was one of my roommates calling me because they locked themselves out of their room again or something.

One of the students said that they got a text message from the university police department saying that there was a shooter at the Perry-Castenada Library, which is just across the street from Jester. A wave of panic flew across the 200+ student class. I check my phone and noticed that the text message I got was from the police department warning me of the shooter. I immediately called my mom and dad to inform them of the situation, and I later found out from my mom that this incident already made national news.

One of the students behind me had her laptop out and was playing a live feed at www.kvue.com. At least we were able to get informed of the situation...

We learned that the gunman shot himself, and everyone was relieved for a while. However, we then learned that there may have been a second gunman still on the loose. Everyone was fearful once again.

I played my DS and texted some others to calm my nerves. I was really freaked out, so I had to have something keep me occupied.

We were led out of the lecture hall, but we had to go outside. Of course, a lot of people protested, but we later found out that they needed to clear the building before letting anyone else inside. They even had the K-9 unit!

When I stepped out, the first thing I noticed was the SWAT truck right across the street. The situation was a lot worse than I thought. With all the sirens, policemen, and the helicopter, it looked like a state of emergency.

We learned more about the gunmen. The one who shot himself was carrying a fully-automatic AK-47. It was believed that the supposed second gunman also had one. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how dangerous that gun is; I don't think it's even legal to own one.

Anyways, the second gunman went east to the Calhoun building, which thankfully is in the opposite direction of Jester. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if he went west with everyone standing outside like that (even with all of the police officers).

After some more waiting, we heard that the second gunman was heading west, but a few blocks north of us. I became worried again and hoped that he didn't turn south...

After even more waiting, we were finally led back inside. Everyone was starting to get a bit restless, me especially (since I lived in the building but was still not allowed back into my room).

I stopped following the updates on the shooter. I honestly didn't care anymore. I just wanted to get back to the safety of my room.

To calm myself down, I grabbed a soda from the vending machine and texted basically everyone I knew about the situation. I needed someone to talk to since there wasn't a familiar face anywhere.

People who lived in Jester West were finally allowed to go back to their rooms. Thankfully, I live in Jester West, so I anxiously, but cautiously, headed back there.

And here I am posting this.

I never want to live through this experience again. It's all too horrifying to think about what could have happened.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
hmm, I don't know if we are talking about the same thread, but I used to post in the one in user blogs every now and then


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
The title should be:

"Taylor Gang or eat out Precious"

Or is that too much?
You have a dirty imagination.

Meat Riding from the other side of the world

"Taylor Gang or Teabag a Bear Trap" way classier

And ah okay well get to it whenever lol
I prefer "Taylor Gang or eat out delicious blue waffles."

Always gets their attention. Nomnomnom.

Originally I was gonna put

"Taylor Gang or eat out Whoopi Goldberg
ight I posted in it now I am subscribed

I plan on posting in there looks cool :3
That's nasty as hell.

And about time you joined the discussion.

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Yeah, I'm fine now. I'm just going to let that horrible experience fade from my mind...

If it makes you feel better, the Japanese have heard of you. I also told them that you're known for not showering. Or that you're in the conversation for best Yoshi. One or the other.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Thats easy to say, hard to do.
Lucario's such a bad matchup for us because all are kill moves are hard to land on him. ._. Spacing too good!
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