My god is A Game of Thrones full of padding (yes, I'm *****ing about this book again).
You said you didn't like the Dany character, Flayl? What about Sansa? Good lord, if this book was a slasher movie and she was about 6 years older, she'd be dead before she could get her **** out. Arya isn't much better simply because she's a child and has no baring on what's going on so far in the story (about halfway through the book). Much like John Snow.
Now the ****** Lannister has made it quite clear that he didn't have anything to do with trying to kill the one Stark kid, Bran, which isn't surprising considering that all the direwolf puppies hate him, and if they've proven anything thus far it's that they're good at anti-climatic deaths and leaving apparently forever off screen/page/whatever.
I promise you, I could have written A Game of Thrones twice as better at half the length.
And what's up with Ned? He's, like, the only person who's not transparently evil or ********, and yet he admitted, to himself if not aloud, to liking the king's son Joffery, at least a little. This utterly baffled me. I can not think of a single instance anywhere in the book so far that could have caused Joffery to endear himself the slightest bit toward Ned. I guess it could be the fact that he's dating his oldest daughter, but everybody knows that Joffery's assholish lies lead to his youngest daughter having to give up her direwolf to the woods to save it's life (I'm sure it drowned in a puddle soon after with the track record direwolves have so far) and forced Ned to kill the direwolf of his oldest daughter. Oh yeah. Thanks Joffery, for that. It seems you're not quite the spoiled brat ******* I thought you were.
God this book sucks.