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Wreck-It Bowser


you're deadMEAT.
Feb 23, 2009
Bronx, NY
Yeah. You know, Meta Knight's still around bro.

There's hope for you yet.


Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
A Game of Thrones is a terrible book and George R. R. Martin should be ashamed of himself for writing it and everyone who was tricked into buying it should also be ashamed. Especially Spoony, the person who happened to randomly be holding a book from the series it's in as a prop in one of his videos.

I can only hope the HBO series based on it isn't as awful.


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
How is Game of Thrones terrible?

My only complaint is that I'm running out of characters to care about, I currently care about situations more than people lol


Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
Where to begin... for starters, if you're writing a story and you write a sentence that's only two words long in the middle of a paragraph that's not spoken dialog, you're probably a bad writer.

Another thing, I'm fairly certain that the writer has A.D.D. You know how stories generally have a protagonist or a small group of protagonists that wont generally stray too far from one another because the story is based around them? Well, from what I can gather, A Game of Thrones has... about eight unless I miss my guess. Not only is there alot of people to keep track of, but at the present time in the story, they are currently divided into four very separate groups.

Further more, you know how usually in a movie someone will ask about something he and the audience doesn't know anything about and then another character will be all like, well, you see, Billy, it works like this... You know, the proper way to provide exposition? Well, in this book, one of the many main characters was on a boat, observing her destination that just came into view, and out of the blue we get some back story on the location itself and what it looked like hundreds of years previously. For no reason. Just because. It was also completely pointless and had nothing to do with anything going on at the time, and it had no framing device what so ever. Just a little history lesson mid story because, as I said, the writer probably has A.D.D.

And god are parts of it boring as hell. It doesn't help that a large portion of the protagonists are children, providing many memorable lines of text, such as when one little girl was complaining about how her sister was better at stitching than her, but at one point, and I'm not kidding here, for a couple pages, what I was reading in this book was what a character in the book was reading in the book he was reading! And, big surprise here, it was completely pointless! Oh sure, it was a LOT more interesting, mind you. About a war centuries past with dragons and ****. I found myself thinking, why the **** can't I be reading that book instead? And I mean the actual book, not through another character.

Oh yeah, here's something I found appalling. Early on, two of our main characters find out their is apparently some sort of conspiracy going on and the king's right hand man may have been killed by a rival noble family. Oooooo, suspense! Sounds like we have a who-done-it story on our hands... for all of the rest of that chapter because it's revealed in the very next chapter who did it. Gee, I was almost finding the story interesting.

I don't want to spoil too much should anyone feel like reading the book, out of some morbid curiosity I suppose, probably the most ******** thing I've read so far was... okay, this requires some explaining. After the prologue, which was sadly the most interesting part of the book so far, this dude finds some direwolf pups with a recently deceased direwolf mommy. Not only is this the first time anyone's seen a direwolf in that area for many years, but the symbol for this dude's standard is a direwolf, and their are exactly the perfect amount of puppies for each of his children, including the ******* son he has, and there's the perfect ratio of boy and girl puppies to boy and girl children, BUT each direwolf's personality mirrors the child they're given to perfectly. If that wasn't enough, the book goes into much detail about just how freakin' special and supernatural these wolves are. They're like these kids guardian angels.

And then, in a couple paragraphs much later, the book just casually kills one of wolves off. And for no real reason either. Not trying to save the life of one of the children, no, but because one of them attacked this one guy defending it's kid and while that one got away, it's sister was shanked because... it was there. And person who ordered it is a ****.

Well played, George R. R. Martin. Way to go out of your way to completely undermine all that effort you put into making those wolves seem awesome. I guess the one that died just wasn't special enough. What awful story telling, George.

tl;dr - Some much better writers are, but not limited too: J. K. Rowling, R. A. Salvatore, John Flanagan, and Garth Nix.

EDIT: I will say this. The characterization of the butt load of protagonists in this book is pretty good, but it may just be me feeling bad for them because they have to be apart of such a poorly written story.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Random tips that may or may not help:

If you're having trouble airdodging back onstage as Bowser, try pressing back instead of down (which fastfalls) in order to get off the ledge. I had NO idea you could do this until Larry showed me a few weeks back, and it's been a huge help.

You cam jump THROUGH the windmill on PS1 by holding down as you jump. You'd be surprised by how many people don't know this!



Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Random tips that may or may not help:

If you're having trouble airdodging back onstage as Bowser, try pressing back instead of down (which fastfalls) in order to get off the ledge. I had NO idea you could do this until Larry showed me a few weeks back, and it's been a huge help.



Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
You didnt know you could press back to leave the ledge without fastfalling? I thought that was common knowledge. O.o

But then again, I did think that running off a ledge, holding up, and then pressing down c to dair without fastfalling was common knowledge as well, but when I pointed that out on the Shield DI>Punish MK vid so that Falco and such didnt die for it, G.I.M.R. had no idea.


Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
You know, I've been thinking some more about how I was under utilizing Jab and it occurs to me that some of Bowser's more difficult match-ups might be solved by it. I honestly almost never Klaw jump or dash any more unless I'm doing a Dash Attack which is surprisingly useful when you need that slight boost in range it has over FTilt.


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
I have to disagree with about everything you said JayDeth, haha. Also Jon Arryn's murderer doesn't get outed until several books later, what you read were just accusations based on motive.

But yeah if you're that pissed of at a direwolf getting killed I really don't recommend reading any more. God knows what your reaction would be to some of the stuff that happens hahaha


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2009
Is there a video showing how to come back on stage with a lagless fair ? If not I will do a replay that shows how to do it. Im actually mastering the lagless fair.


Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
KK, this is not the place for Bowser discussion, this is book discussion time... But no, I'm pretty sure there isn't a video showing that. In fact, I can't say their's a video showing anything Bowser related aside from Phiddle's awesome Bowsercide recovery vid.

You're both honestly going to defend a two word sentence writer? Two words? I mean, ****, how much lazier can you get than: *character name* moaned. Hell, the entire paragraph it's from had just as much thought put into it.

I really hope R. A. Salvatore has a new book out soon. I need a quality novel to enjoy after I get done with George "I Should Be Writing Children's Books" Martin.

... Okay, October 4... that's quite a while. :(


Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
And why was there nothing done to help distinguish what the character was reading in his book from the book itself? Normally they italicize the text or have it written in an entirely different font, why couldn't they have done that here so the story had more flow than a bologna sandwich? Or better yet, not have it in the book all because everything that was read was completely pointless!

Lazy writing that goes off on a tangent at the drop of a hat does not make for good story telling! D: I wrote more thought out stories than this in the 4th grade, people. Granted, narrative and explanatory writing is required in Florida (not sure about anywhere else) but that's still not a point in his favor.


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
I hate Daenerys, I don't know if GRRM intended that! Spoiler:
Who the **** gets 3 dragons and then barely trains them at all besides telling them to breath fire on command

I remember reading about passages in italicized font but then again I don't know which excerpt you're talking about. And I really doubt your 4th grade stories had this level of magnitude and intrigue.

KingKong normally I'd tell you to send the replays to me, but my wii hasn't had internet in like a month and a half, I bet Limit would be able to upload your demonstration though.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Is there a video showing how to come back on stage with a lagless fair ? If not I will do a replay that shows how to do it. Im actually mastering the lagless fair.
Send your replay to either Limit or me!


Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
Hey you^
you should go to dis tourney http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=308955&page=2

as for you mr. Jaydeath, the point of communication is for the man to get his message across.
Is the message translated effectively in two words? Sure!
Shoot, there's a two word verse in the bible capable of preachig entire sermons on.
Jesus wept.
All it says.
That's all it says and all it needs to say for me to know it's importance that Jesus, the man who knows all, the son of God broke down and wept.
Jesus wept.
For the Christian (and non-Christian alike, whether they choose to admit it) Jesus is the perfect picture of what a man should be.
And the world tells you men don't cry.

^see what I did? I had the same two word sentence in there twice. And I sure as heck got my point across and probably caught some attention because people tend to like religion.
Like it or like hating it, at least.
So does writing two words make the book less intresting?
I wouldn't think so.
Less creative? I'd argue more creative, the man has the guts to write two words and keep the story entertaining.
My rant is done.

Now what book you guys even talkin about?



Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
I like Daenerys. She's like the Green Ranger. She's the most interesting character so far, but she's had the least number of chapters involving her.

I'm guessing the magnitude and intrigue happens later in the book. If you want intrigue, you should read The Sellswords Book 1: Servant of the Shard. Or better yet, Kushiel's Dart. That book came with a list of important people and a brief description of how they related to other important people and you still needed a Ginsu Knife to get through the web of intrigue it had.


@Mr. game and watch
Lol, okay. Let me type out the passage it's from.

The direwolf let go of Joffrey and moved to Arya's side. The prince lay in the grass, whimpering, cradling his mangled arm. His shirt was soaked in blood. Arya said, "She didn't hurt you... much." She picked up Lion's Tooth [Joffrey's sword] where it had fallen, and stood over him, holding the sword with both hands.

Joffrey made a scared whimpery sound as he looked up at her. "No," he said, "don't hurt me. I'll tell my mother."

"You leave him alone!" Sansa screamed at her sister.

Arya whirled and heaved the sword into the air, putting her whole body into the throw. The blue steel flashed in the sun as the sword spun out over the river. It hit the water and vanished with a splash. ->Joffrey moaned.<- Arya ran off to her horse, Nymeria [the direwolf] loping at her heels.​

Truly not since the Bible has a more powerful pair of words been called a sentence. The reason why "Jesus wept" carries more weight is because of the dude attached to the name and the reasons behind why he wept. If those same words were referring to, say, the guy who runs my local card shop, Jesus, it wouldn't have nearly as much meaning. Read that passage above and tell me how it compares to "Jesus wept."

And while we're at it, why did Arya throw his sword in the water? The book makes it seem like she has some sort of curse that makes her turn and throw whatever she's holding when she hears the words "you leave him alone."

The book is A Game of Thrones, by the way. Or just Game of Thrones if you're watching the HBO series.

Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
He could have taken that another way to be more creative, not that he HAS to, of course.
My argument was just that two words can carry weight, but these words don't carry any and could even be left out of the book if the author wanted to do it that way.



Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
That passage is there to let you know what Joff was doing while Arya was throwing his prized sword away, never to be seen again: Moaning like a little *****, because his guts don't match his ego.


Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
It was so passionless, though. Almost as if someone else entirely wrote it. Example, let's put the same amount of effort into the lines before it so it seems like the same dude wrote it:

"Arya whirled and heaved the sword into the air, putting her whole body into the throw. The blue steel flashed in the sun as the sword spun out over the river. It hit the water and vanished with a splash. Joffrey moaned."


"Arya threw the sword in the river. Joffrey moaned."

Do you see now why it's like cancer for my eyes?

Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
What are his feelings for the sword?
He love it?
Gift from his ancestors?
Find it in a dumpster?

With a good relationship and sentimental attachment to the sword, it could be changed to "Joffrey moaned in agony at thought of never wielding his beloved Lions Tooth again."
or if he could care less about the sword and has no attachment.
"Joffrey let out a light moan and turned to face his near-death bringer, only to see Arya had already made it back to her horse and rode off like a quickly vanishing fog."

however, if his moan was an EXCACT MIDDLE, and he had no small feelings for his sword, but no major feelings, the author could get away with leaving the sentence out.



Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
Several paragraphs previously the sword is first shown and mentioned. It wasn't even a full sized sword (Joffrey's, like 12 or something) and wasn't really remarkable from the way it was described. It was just a fancy sword for the spoiled brat prince that he named because he's the ****ing prince. Then he gets drunk with his betrothed Sansa. Later they come across Arya and a friend of hers playing with broom handles. Prince threatens the friend to the point of drawing blood, Arya attacks, prince has a sword and things look dangerous, and then the passage I typed comes into play.

So, yeah, they spent as much time talking about it as they did chucking it in a river.

I'm going to save the gallows for when I actually finish the book though, but I'm not holding my breathe that things get better. :(

Hey, Zigsta. http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/9/2/6/72926_v1.jpg
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