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Wreck-It Bowser


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
UK, London
because it's not that black and white most of the time.

you seem extremely pessimistic about bowser...i mean yeah he's bad but it can be our little secret..lol
Bowser's supposed strengths always boil down to FTilt stops the opponent from aproaching recklessly, Klaw, Fortress, and possible chaingrab. No it's not totally black and white most of the time, but the basics are also far more important than what Bowser csan potentially[/I do if the opponent screws up. You say Bowser can chaingrab? Ok sure, now how exactly is he going to get the oppertunity to chaingrab? How can he force a situation that allows him to catch an opponent with his frame 9 Z-grab? He can't. He loses in almost every basic situation against these characters yet you all still conclude 4:6 against a number of characters, touting Klaw and FTilt as the bare saviors, when they barely help at all. Never do I hear an explanation of how Bowser is supposed to deal with approaching, or how to properly deal with juggles, or how he's meant to camp. The consensus here is that you just spam FTilt, spam Klaw and that's it, job done, 4:6. What in the name of heaven and earth is that all about?

Bowser sucks, is there a reason you're crying about it good sir?
Read my post again. I am well aware Bowser is terrible, in fact, I think I seem to be the only one here who is. I am crying because you stubbornly insist that Bowser does well against top tier characters. Which he does not. He quite clearly does not. Nothing shows Bowser performing well against any of them, but no, just keep saying he does, because you will anyway. Bowser is in G tier, borderlining on H, but somehow he does well against top tiers? I could write an essay about how poorly Bowser performs, but I shouldn't have to, because I'd be telling you things you already know, only we reach different conclusions. Mine being the far more realistic.

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Read my post again. I am well aware Bowser is terrible, in fact, I think I seem to be the only one here who is. I am crying because you stubbornly insist that Bowser does well against top tier characters. Which he does not. He quite clearly does not. Nothing shows Bowser performing well against any of them, but no, just keep saying he does, because you will anyway. Bowser is in G tier, borderlining on H, but somehow he does well against top tiers? I could write an essay about how poorly Bowser performs, but I shouldn't have to, because I'd be telling you things you already know, only we reach different conclusions. Mine being the far more realistic.
There's a reason I don't main him anymore good sir, I know he gets *****, and to win with him you have to play a really boring style, which is the main reason I quit him, because he's super boring to try to win with. Bowser does OKAY vs a few top tiers, but the important ones **** him, DDD didn't **** him when he couldnt infinite or small step him, but now he does.

Bowser does fine vs Marth, Snake, Falco, and GnW, those are the only important characters he does OKAY vs. (4:6 isn't an awful matchup, and is completely doable)

The fact of the matter is, the important Bowser players that actually tried to prove a point with the character;

Kingkong(Lives in Canada, region isn't weak but isn't THAT good either)[Was very serious about the game and put everything into trying to win with Bowser, even doing the Bowser IC's matchup vs Swordgard multiple times in tournament, Quit the game for now as far as I know, though he's probably going to Apex because it's Apex]

MrEh(Lives in Hawaii... lol? WAS a very weak region, there actually decent now)[MrEh doesn't even play Brawl with them anymore, highly dislikes the game, and sandbags whenever he does play]

Ixis(Won't comment on your region, it's not my business to do so, never been there)[didn't you disappear at one point? I honestly don't know if you play the game anymore, no disrespect towards you]

Vex(Lives in arguably the strongest region in the world)[I DID AT ONE POINT, BELIEVE BOWSER WAS A HIGH TIER CHARACTER, however, about a year after playing him I believed he was top of low tier at best, I quit the character before the end of 2009]

What do all these Bowser players have in common? They all either quit Bowser, or didn't keep up with the metagame because they quit(except Kingkong, and he was actually doing well, he really understood the character better then most people, but alas, I haven't heard from him in awhile). I do not believe there is a single Bowser player that is as smart as say Ally, DEHF, ADHD, or MikeHaze. I believe my intelligence as a player is getting close to them, but I am no longer a Bowser player, and all the other Bowser players quit or live in a weak region, or both, and couldn't get to their level of intelligence, understanding, and technical ability.

Kingkong's Bowser is probably the most evolved Bowser in terms of fitting into the metagame, he's ridiculously good at keeping people out as long as there not Metaknight. Seriously, try to get in on his Bowser with Snake or Falco, he'll jab the **** out of you, and I mean doing it correctly to the point where you can't punish him even if he whiffs or you spotdodge.

Although I agree Bowser is bad, there are NO top level players using the character that are on Ally's level, having his intelligence, reaction time, and technical ability.

/Bowser is bad, but so are the Bowser players


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
I agree one hundred percent with Vex's post, but I have something to add to that, and that would be that I do think Bowser has potential. Bowser, which a ton of people dont realize, is a generally fast character, and is overall probably top 10 in the game on mobility, not to mention klaw hopping helps Bowser mix up where he's going to be and can instantly change his aerial momentum. Due to this, Bowser has a good footsies game and can space pretty well, giving him the ability to block and create approaches. Another thing, is that Bowser has a pretty nice reach on his moves, and beats out a lot of characters in the spacing game. Couple this with his speed, and Bowser can wall pretty well.The last, which im sure everyone is aware with, is that Bowser has tons of kill power, and multiple of his kill moves are pretty safe. This means that you can score kills with punishes and reads a lot earlier than most characters, and then play a nice keep away game to wall people out and find openings.

So basically, what Im saying is that Bowser is bad, yes, but I think if he were to obtain a couple skilled, dedicated players, he has the potential to be a legitimate and dangerous character.


you're deadMEAT.
Feb 23, 2009
Bronx, NY
I agree with Phiddlesticks lol

which means I agree with what Vex said

Also z, none of Bowser's kill moves are really safe at all. His killing aerials, ie UAir/BAir can set up good frame traps but outside of that, his smashes or what have you aren't really that safe imo, and Bowser's best way to get kills off of his tilts are via grab releases.

Klaw is generally a safe move but by the time you reach kill percents it's probably staled.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
UK, London
There's a reason I don't main him anymore good sir, I know he gets *****, and to win with him you have to play a really boring style, which is the main reason I quit him, because he's super boring to try to win with. Bowser does OKAY vs a few top tiers, but the important ones **** him, DDD didn't **** him when he couldnt infinite or small step him, but now he does.

Bowser does fine vs Marth, Snake, Falco, and GnW, those are the only important characters he does OKAY vs. (4:6 isn't an awful matchup, and is completely doable)
Okay, let me try this again, because you all seem to be misinterpreting my posts.
You say Bowser does well against those characters, but the facts go against this, and prove otherwise. I'm talking about the actual raw facts of the game itself, from the inner workings of the games mechanics and physics, right down to the frame data. I am not talking about player performance, player performance has absolutely nothing to do with what Bowser, the character, can and cannot do.

Why is it so hard for people to understand this?

You continue to say Bowser does well against these characters, but if you create simple, hypothetical situations and theorize on the matchups and how these situations can play out, you will realize that these characters cleanly defeat or totally shut down Bowser in all the crucial fields. From the low percent on-stage game, to the platform game, to the air game, to the offstage game, to the high percent late game, and all the others in-between. Bowser does not have the ability to operate in any of these areas at a level that can compete even marginally well with top tier characters such as Snake and Marth.

That is what I am saying, and that is why these matchups are not 4:6, but in fact 2:8 and worse. It doesn't matter if a specific player performed well once or twice against a well known top tier user, because it does not change the fact that Bowser can't fight them properly.

The fact of the matter is, the important Bowser players that actually tried to prove a point with the character;

Kingkong(Lives in Canada, region isn't weak but isn't THAT good either)[Was very serious about the game and put everything into trying to win with Bowser, even doing the Bowser IC's matchup vs Swordgard multiple times in tournament, Quit the game for now as far as I know, though he's probably going to Apex because it's Apex]

MrEh(Lives in Hawaii... lol? WAS a very weak region, there actually decent now)[MrEh doesn't even play Brawl with them anymore, highly dislikes the game, and sandbags whenever he does play]

Ixis(Won't comment on your region, it's not my business to do so, never been there)[didn't you disappear at one point? I honestly don't know if you play the game anymore, no disrespect towards you]

Vex(Lives in arguably the strongest region in the world)[I DID AT ONE POINT, BELIEVE BOWSER WAS A HIGH TIER CHARACTER, however, about a year after playing him I believed he was top of low tier at best, I quit the character before the end of 2009]

What do all these Bowser players have in common? They all either quit Bowser, or didn't keep up with the metagame because they quit(except Kingkong, and he was actually doing well, he really understood the character better then most people, but alas, I haven't heard from him in awhile). I do not believe there is a single Bowser player that is as smart as say Ally, DEHF, ADHD, or MikeHaze. I believe my intelligence as a player is getting close to them, but I am no longer a Bowser player, and all the other Bowser players quit or live in a weak region, or both, and couldn't get to their level of intelligence, understanding, and technical ability.
I figured it would come to this. Unfortunately, this next line is going to include a number of posters in these very Bowser boards as they have loyally sided with you.

This quote above me, is one of the biggest problems with not only yourself, Vex Kasrani, but this entire community as a whole. I don't mean that maliciously, but it'll likely be interpreted that way anyway, and I understand any general opinion or respect anybody may have had for myself will be stained by red wine after reading this. However, I will not back down, nor will I stand aside and accept any of this.

The truth is, you all put so much emphasis on player performance, that you are actively willing to use this as the spine of your arguments on matchup discussions, in favor of the facts. A lot of you must conclude a matchup by simply reminiscing on a past match, recalling what worked best, and forming an entire matchup opinion and ratio based almost solely on the player performance of said past match, random facts, and of course, a final line by none other than whichever poster has the best status on the site. Be it a moderator, a back roomer or what have you.
Far too many times have a strolled through these boards and seen posts along the lines of: Well such and such did well against so and so with X character, the matchup must not be so bad, or I played this well respected player recently and did well, so I know more about the matchup than anyone else, listen to me, because I am right. I admit, even I have been guilty of such posts in the past, and I was wrong to make such posts, as were all of you.
The problem is, you absolutely cannot use this in any kind of reasonable discussion of a character matchup. It is positively absurd to believe that you can. This is exactly why we end up with horribly uneven ratios, why individual character boards disagree with one another on ratios, why the official matchup chart is not accurate, and why arguments such as this are unavoidable.

Vex, you listed the four possibly most well known Bowser players in all of Brawl history on SWF, and you conclude that due to weak regions, dropping Bowser and pursuing other characters, or both, that none of these players (excluding yourself of course) have elevated to higher levels of skill and that is why you don't see Bowser's competing with top ranked players using top tier characters. Did I understand that correctly?
You are putting the burden and the blame purely on the players. You blame the players for not adapting, you blame the players for not evolving Bowser, have you ever thought that maybe it's Bowser who's metagame cannot develop much further, or at least in line with better characters? Rather than the players failing to evolve it? Bowser is a shallow character, don't you think that it is far more likely that Bowser is simply reaching, or already reached, his limit? I admit the latter is a massive stretch, but the former is far more likely, if not certain. Bowser players cannot win because he is un-viable, because his matchups are unwinnable.

Kingkong's Bowser is probably the most evolved Bowser in terms of fitting into the metagame, he's ridiculously good at keeping people out as long as there not Metaknight. Seriously, try to get in on his Bowser with Snake or Falco, he'll jab the **** out of you, and I mean doing it correctly to the point where you can't punish him even if he whiffs or you spotdodge.

Although I agree Bowser is bad, there are NO top level players using the character that are on Ally's level, having his intelligence, reaction time, and technical ability.

/Bowser is bad, but so are the Bowser players
Really now? Well I suppose eventually they'll realize they won't have to try to get into his or anybody else's Bowser, they don't need to bother, the character is so bad he'll stay out. Then again, I've overestimated smashers in the past, I'm probably doing it now, even. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they kept getting bodied by KingKong halfway through 2013.

I'm going to trust you for once though, and assume Kingkong is better than everybody else, myself included. Out of curiosity, just how many Snake's and Falco's, who have mastered the Bowser matchup, has KingKong played anyway? I trust that KingKong is better than everyone else at Bowser here, assuming he still plays. I'm giving you this. What I am not taking, however, is your hyperbole of his play vs Snake and Falco's, who likely are not as good as he, nor know the matchup at the top or even an advanced level, and using it as a pillar for your stance that Bowser performs well against top tiers.

Let me make it clear for you all one more time, quote me on this: I don't give a Pachirisu's Tail or an Emolga's ear how good KingKong is. He could 3 stock M2K, Ally and ADHD with his eyes closed, hell he could JV 4 stock 9B and Bowser would STILL have nigh unwinnable matchups against MK, Snake, Diddy Kong, Ice Climbers and every other god damn A tier character. Player performance does not determine or even influence ratios, the facts prove how a character performs and nothing else. To use player performance as any kind of leg in a matchup discussion is counter-intuitive, wrong, and it needs to stop.

I agree one hundred percent with Vex's post, but I have something to add to that, and that would be that I do think Bowser has potential. Bowser, which a ton of people dont realize, is a generally fast character, and is overall probably top 10 in the game on mobility, not to mention klaw hopping helps Bowser mix up where he's going to be and can instantly change his aerial momentum. Due to this, Bowser has a good footsies game and can space pretty well, giving him the ability to block and create approaches. Another thing, is that Bowser has a pretty nice reach on his moves, and beats out a lot of characters in the spacing game. Couple this with his speed, and Bowser can wall pretty well.The last, which im sure everyone is aware with, is that Bowser has tons of kill power, and multiple of his kill moves are pretty safe. This means that you can score kills with punishes and reads a lot earlier than most characters, and then play a nice keep away game to wall people out and find openings.

So basically, what Im saying is that Bowser is bad, yes, but I think if he were to obtain a couple skilled, dedicated players, he has the potential to be a legitimate and dangerous character.
You're overestimating Bowser's abilities. He's not as fast as you may think, his horizontal air mobility is pretty good, but it pretty much stops there. His walk and run are terrible, and all of his moves have horrifically slow start-up, sans Fortress. Klaw hopping can potentially shift momentum, yes, but it is a double edged sword, without platforms it's far less versatile and even risky depending on the opponent, and a large chunk of the animation has him vulnerable to attack. He has no really safe kill moves, spaced FTilt is the most reliable, everything else is a gamble, unless Klaw is relatively fresh against lightweights and middleweights. You can't punish the opponent if their spacing is near perfect, characters like Peach and Fox borderline on impossible to hit when they play safe.

Bowser has no potential to be anything more than what he is now. Utter trash.

Of course, I fully expect the majority of this wall of text to fall on deaf ears or be misinterpreted again. If all the replies so far are anything to go by, I might get another reply from Vex that focuses almost solely on my criticism of the community, maybe one or two more from another poster like Z'zghashi and a cheeky troll post by JayDeth
<3 JayDeth
, but I don't expect anyone to understand or, more importantly, even try to understand what I'm saying at all. Numerous people have warned me about posting things like this, perhaps I should actually take their advice, it's not like the general mindset is going to change around here and I'm sure everyone would be much happier treating me like an alien and believing they have good (loose term) matchups when they don't.


you're deadMEAT.
Feb 23, 2009
Bronx, NY
So the gist of this is that we're either being too idealistic or we're just ignoring the facts/limitations within the game and going off of our own performances and bias, which is wrong in a matchup thread.

And you believe that said matchups are unwinnable, or should be if we go by the core mechanics of the characters and not what we've learned and experienced.

Am I right? Or did your wall of text go to waste


Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
I'm too tired to read Ixis's text walls, but I think my response would be the same if I understand the gist of it:

It's just a game, dude. Probably nothing related to it is worth losing sleep over and all these negative vibes I'm getting. And that goes for anybody and everybody.

That said, I am bored as hell with the video games I have now. Nothing worth while has come out in awhile. I think the last good one to come out was Mortal Kombat.

Also, I saw Iron Man 2 for the first time recently and wow was that movie pathetic. Iron Man wasn't exactly a blockbuster, but boy was that bar apparently too high for it's successor. I don't remember much about it, but I'm almost positive it was better than Iron Man 2.

Also, also, get stoked for the Preacher movie adaptation. It has a new director and hopefully they'll start getting some work done on it soon and HOPEFULLY it's half as awesome as I've heard the comic is.

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
No Ixis, I actually do understand where you're coming from, we just have a different opinion on those matchups. I still go by the thought of Bowser players simply not being as good as other top tier players because they did what I listed. Don't worry about it to much, it looks like this discussion is stressing you out, so we can drop it if you want, it's whatever good sir.

Also, I think Bowser can get SLIGHTLY better then where he is currently, but not much better.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
Arlington Heights, IL
Probably a good idea!

Though on topic...seems like its just a slight misunderstanding...pretty sure we're on the same page where it matters...bowser is bad :bowser:



Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Ixis I mean no disrespect but your reasoning doesn't take zoning into account at all while it's like 50% of what actually matters in the game (the other 50% being matchups ofc).
What move you use is as important as where and when you use it.
And what works in X matchup isn't as important as why it works.

That said, Bowser is still a terrible character. A terrible character with a few top tier options.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
UK, London
I'm siiinging in the rain..
Ixis, how should I change my mindset?
Keep your mind open. Always. Before accepting subjective opinions make sure you know all the facts. Don't make conclusions until you know all the facts yourself.

So the gist of this is that we're either being too idealistic or we're just ignoring the facts/limitations within the game and going off of our own performances and bias, which is wrong in a matchup thread.
That is exactly it, and it is wrong to do this because the events that may have happened during the referenced matches may not fall completely in line with the facts, and so divert our attention away from the facts. It contaminates the discussion by introducing unimportant variables, and other factors need to be frequently called into question such as the skill level of the Bowser player compared to his or her opponent, how well both players know the matchup, luck etc.

The way these matches may have played out does not take away from the facts, though. That's the point. A Bowser player beating a skilled top tier player does not mean anything more than that. The Bowser player won, that is all.

And you believe that said matchups are unwinnable, or should be if we go by the core mechanics of the characters and not what we've learned and experienced.

Am I right? Or did your wall of text go to waste
Correct again Limit. If you compare the strengths of Bowser to all the top tier characters, using frame data and the like, you'll realize his advantages are very minimal, if even advantages at all. You will not conclude matchups against top tier characters as 4:6 or anything like that without a large degree of bias, because you just can't argue against the facts.
As I said above, when using your own experiences to form opinions, yes, a lot of truth will come from it, obviously, but nothing you won't be able to theorize using the knowledge we have of the game already. It won't introduce anything worthwhile, it'd just distract from the facts and conclude horribly inaccurate ratios.

My posts will all go to waste if, even after all this, absolutely nothing changes. Which likely will be the case, unfortunately.

I'm too tired to read Ixis's text walls, but I think my response would be the same if I understand the gist of it:

It's just a game, dude. Probably nothing related to it is worth losing sleep over and all these negative vibes I'm getting. And that goes for anybody and everybody.
Maybe I shouldn't be bothering, because Smash World Forums have been doing this for so long now, so it's likely not going to change at all. At the very least I'm happy to put this out there though, that the way things are done is wrong.

That said, I am bored as hell with the video games I have now. Nothing worth while has come out in awhile. I think the last good one to come out was Mortal Kombat.
Well comparing games with your Xbox Live profile, you seem to have a pretty diverse portfolio, I'm quite surprised you're bored of video games right now, though if G is anything to go by, you don't seem to spend much time with them. How do you like arcade racers? DiRT 3 came out not too long ago and it's really fun. What other consoles do you own? I personally recommend the handhelds if you don't have any already, the DS in particular has so many unique, quirky titles that you just appreciate. PSP has it's share of awesome games as well.

Also, how is Catherine? It's not out over here yet because Europe suck. What do you think of it?

No Ixis, I actually do understand where you're coming from, we just have a different opinion on those matchups. I still go by the thought of Bowser players simply not being as good as other top tier players because they did what I listed. Don't worry about it to much, it looks like this discussion is stressing you out, so we can drop it if you want, it's whatever good sir.

Also, I think Bowser can get SLIGHTLY better then where he is currently, but not much better.
It's not just having different opinions though, it's how we came to our own conclusions. My way uses data from the game itself to unearth all the possible options, your method uses data from your own personal experience against other players first and foremost. Your method is backwards because it favors personal bias over the facts.
I don't understand how you can claim to understand where I'm coming from and still use alternate, less accurate and biased methods, or reach a different conclusion from myself using my way. It's absurd. I find it positively baffling that any individual who plays this game competitively can look at the facts and the data presented to them, and say with a straight face, that Bowser performs well against the top tier characters. I don't believe for a second that factual in-game data is at the front of your mind when you come up with these ratios, it just can't be.

Maybe you do understand what I'm saying, I hope you do, like you say. However that won't mean a thing if we're still going to just say things like these ratios are right because I've played X person who is the best at this character or It's the Bowser players fault that we don't see Bowser winning against top tier characters.

Either the boards drop this insane method of discussing matchups and form accurate ratios based on the facts alone or, I don't know, It'd just confirm my fears that this sites community is beyond help.

Ixis I mean no disrespect but your reasoning doesn't take zoning into account at all while it's like 50% of what actually matters in the game (the other 50% being matchups ofc).
What move you use is as important as where and when you use it.
And what works in X matchup isn't as important as why it works.

That said, Bowser is still a terrible character. A terrible character with a few top tier options.
I assure you it does. Zoning is simply another area where we use the in-game data and facts to theorize how to go about zoning, or how well it works against other characters, and what they can do to fight back.

Grounded Fortress is Bowser's only top tier option. I'm not sure how well you know the character, but you will be so surprised by just how often UpB is Bowser's best option.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Bowser's at the top of the tier list. What are you guys talking about?!


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Uhhh, Ixis, Bowser's ground speed isnt bad at all, in fact, its tied for the exact average (if you want to get really technical, its slightly above average as he's slower than 15 characters and faster than 19) and his air speed is 12th best. You cant say his mobility is terrible when he has more than half the cast beat on both land and air, not to mention when you combine the two he's almost always faster in at least one of the areas (only exceptions being Sonic, Falcon, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, G&W, and Marth. Lucas kind of as he's tied on the ground but slightly faster in the air). That means there are 31 characters in the cast out of the 39 (one of which is Bowser himself) that Bowser outspeeds in at least one area, so dont you go around saying Bowser has poor mobility.


Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
Well comparing games with your Xbox Live profile, you seem to have a pretty diverse portfolio, I'm quite surprised you're bored of video games right now, though if G is anything to go by, you don't seem to spend much time with them. How do you like arcade racers? DiRT 3 came out not too long ago and it's really fun. What other consoles do you own? I personally recommend the handhelds if you don't have any already, the DS in particular has so many unique, quirky titles that you just appreciate. PSP has it's share of awesome games as well.

Also, how is Catherine? It's not out over here yet because Europe suck. What do you think of it?
Well, it's not so much my profile as my roommate's profile. I just use it to play games on Live. Though, that said, I have played many of the same games.

Anyway though, all the games I've really liked I've played to death and then there's ones I never bothered to finished. One I probably should finish is Portal 2, though I watched my roommate play most of it which means I'll only be playing it for the puzzles... which is bad, because even though the puzzles got more complex the game feels a lot less focused on them compared to the first Portal where the story was more subtle and the puzzles didn't just feel like a means to get to the next bit of story. As such, I loved the co-op, but as Yahtzee pointed out, you really need to play all the way through it with the same friend else you run into problems.

I love Burnout Paradise as far as arcade racers go. But as much as I love playing it, I never feel like going out of my way to play it. Same with Saints Row 2, the best sandbox game ever made until they release Saints Row The Third later this year.

I'm mostly just killing time until Battlefield 3, Skyrim, and the previously mentioned Saints games come out. I'm totally going to over look MW3 unless I find out something REALLY revolutionary about it's gameplay. You know how they make those Call of Duty games so fast? Yes, it's partly because they switch devs every other year, but also because THEY'VE BEEN USING THE SAME ENGINE SINCE COD2! Two! D:

I'm praying SW:TOR is going to be good. It's gonna take more than just fully voiced cinemas to make that or any MMO sparkle.

Oh yeah, Catherine. I haven't played it myself, but I really want to. It's looks funny and weird and the way the main character juggles two women is just mind blowing. I'll probably have to take back my statement on MK being the last good game to come out actually.


^ What should concern me more? The fact that I actually saw this movie as a kid or the fact that I loved it?... and still do.

Le vieux lapin

Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2010
Nourrir la pluie
I main D3 and I used to laugh at anyone who claimed to main a Bowser.
But I saw this dude who used one at tourney in Houston. He beat one of our top MKs.
That MU was impossible, but he did it. I totally respect Bowser players now. Keep it up guys.


Smash Master
Jan 4, 2009
The Sunny South
Okay, we are now talking about MTG. Discuss my Extended deck. GO!

2 Crumbling Colossus
4 Fauna Shaman
4 Inkwell Leviathan
2 Kuldotha Forgemaster
4 Precursor Golem
2 Scarecrone
4 Solemn Simulacrum
4 Aphotic Wisps
3 Call to Mind
2 Cauldron of Souls
2 Mimic Vat
4 Shape Anew
6 Forest
7 Island
4 Reliquary Tower
6 Swamp


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
UK, London
Uhhh, Ixis, Bowser's ground speed isnt bad at all, in fact, its tied for the exact average (if you want to get really technical, its slightly above average as he's slower than 15 characters and faster than 19) and his air speed is 12th best. You cant say his mobility is terrible when he has more than half the cast beat on both land and air, not to mention when you combine the two he's almost always faster in at least one of the areas (only exceptions being Sonic, Falcon, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, G&W, and Marth. Lucas kind of as he's tied on the ground but slightly faster in the air). That means there are 31 characters in the cast out of the 39 (one of which is Bowser himself) that Bowser outspeeds in at least one area, so dont you go around saying Bowser has poor mobility.
Ok then, fine. From a purely factual standpoint, Bowser's mobility is decent. I was wrong to use the word terrible. I was looking at it from a wider angle, hence the tough wording and apparent overreaction. You can say he's mobile to a respectable degree, but this mobility is restricted by his numerous weaknesses. It can never really be abused, is what I'm getting at. A lot of the time there is always some problem that makes it dangerous to move about (carefully or carelessly, depending on the opponent). Whether it's his gargantuan size, bad spotdodge, horrible air game (one of the bigger offenders), blind spot etc. there is usually some weakness to the character that his opponent can take advantage of while he's committed to certain forms of motion, and Bowser can't afford to slip up and get grabbed, or intercepted in the air, or caught with a projectile or what have you.

I acknowledge that the mobility is there, though, and there are situations where it proves invaluable. His air speed in particular sometimes allows him to chase characters that may be carelessly hiding in the skies or trying to regain their composure, maybe after getting struck by an UpTilt, and possibly baiting the opponent and catching them with a Uair, Bair, Fair or Klaw is entirely possible, which will sting if it succeeds (Not that the top tiers have much to worry about things like this, they have the options to prevent it, and unless they're being controlled by imbeciles or those who don't know the matchup they probably won't get caught out). Being able to do this is actually not as common a trait as some might think. I wouldn't say it's a rare trait, but its definitely an appreciated one. So there you go.

My point still stands, however, that Bowser has no potential to be anything more than what he is now. Utter trash. Since you purposely neglected to address this I'm going to just assume you accept that conclusion. Or, the more likely scenario, you don't know how to argue against it and just chose to pick at something you knew you could address. Here's hoping you were better than that.

It doesn't appear as though I've gotten anywhere though, since, after all this writing, I'm still reading posts like this:
Bowser can beat DDD if DDD isn't allowed to small step or infinite him.
Don't worry, I get the memo, you don't have to tell me anything. I can take a hint. I'll refrain from posting on matchup discussions in the future, I'd simply be wasting my time since any kind of input or conclusion I could possibly put forward would merely be overshadowed by the notion that because one player played well against a highly regarded player of the discussed character, that that one player is entitled to form a ratio on the spot based on whatever matches were played. Data be damned.
Not that I claim to have ever helped with matchup discussions in the first place. I didn't believe I was ever really in a position to in the past, since I rarely knew the facts. But I was probably no worse off than anyone else, honestly. Then again, now that I think about it, I probably just saved myself a lot of time and effort. I did do that terrible Yoshi write up, I suppose. You guys should probably go ahead and delete most of that, I should probably apologize to Delta-Cod and the other Yoshi's for even suggesting some of the things I did.

Anyway it looks like we're just sweeping this under the rug, huh? How very like Smash World Forums. I'll give you smashers one thing, though, you're an impressively loyal bunch, though I can't quite make up my mind whether that's a positive thing at this stage, it's certainly benefited me in the past, and may very well do in the future, but a little, nah, a lot of discipline would have seriously helped. Oh well, what's done is done. No need to show me to the door. I'll let myself out.


Well, it's not so much my profile as my roommate's profile. I just use it to play games on Live. Though, that said, I have played many of the same games.

Anyway though, all the games I've really liked I've played to death and then there's ones I never bothered to finished. One I probably should finish is Portal 2, though I watched my roommate play most of it which means I'll only be playing it for the puzzles... which is bad, because even though the puzzles got more complex the game feels a lot less focused on them compared to the first Portal where the story was more subtle and the puzzles didn't just feel like a means to get to the next bit of story. As such, I loved the co-op, but as Yahtzee pointed out, you really need to play all the way through it with the same friend else you run into problems.
I didn't realize it was a shared account. My bad. I admit the summer time usually is quite dry, no pun intended. Even DiRT 3 which I recommended in the other post came out at the end of May, we're now in August :/.

I usually use the summer time to grab any titles I may have left off, since little is usually released around these times that I look forward to.

I've yet to play Portal 2 but thanks for those words. Most impressions I've read have made note that the game is far more enjoyable when played through with a close friend. Which is just as well, as I plan to play through it in co-op with auroreon. I still need to play through Portal: Still Alive for the XBLA, which I've admittedly been neglecting. I'll have to prioritize it when I finish getting 200G for Mega Man 10 and Limbo, two other XBLA titles I've neglected recently...

I love Burnout Paradise as far as arcade racers go. But as much as I love playing it, I never feel like going out of my way to play it. Same with Saints Row 2, the best sandbox game ever made until they release Saints Row The Third later this year.
Yea I see what you're saying. Even though you won't go out of your way to buy it, it sounds like you'll enjoy DiRT 3, which I'd say is a little closer to the Burnout franchise than, say, Forza, or Gran Turismo. The game get's rave scores and has a following, but it's not exactly a commercial heavy hitter (which is a real shame since it's a high quality game and franchise. Poor Codemasters did a great job), so it should be hit the bargain bins already. If you see it for dirt cheap you should pick it up if you can, once again, pun not intended.

I'm mostly just killing time until Battlefield 3, Skyrim, and the previously mentioned Saints games come out. I'm totally going to over look MW3 unless I find out something REALLY revolutionary about it's gameplay. You know how they make those Call of Duty games so fast? Yes, it's partly because they switch devs every other year, but also because THEY'VE BEEN USING THE SAME ENGINE SINCE COD2! Two! D:

I'm praying SW:TOR is going to be good. It's gonna take more than just fully voiced cinemas to make that or any MMO sparkle.
Yea, all the best stuff is usually reserved for the autumn/winter times. Christmas rush and all that. Iirc, Battlefield 3, Skyrim and Saints Row: The Third seem to be slated for a quarter 4 release (October through December), so you've got some time before then. Even Skyward Sword comes out around then, totally can't wait for that one.

I won't be getting Modern Warfare 3 unless it's really really really good. Which I doubt it will be. I suppose there's a chance it could be, but I just feel a sense of dread for the franchise now. After the Activision and Infinity Ward fiasco and the departure of so many key members of IW, I fear for the quality of MW3. It may just be a downward spiral for the CoD franchise from here on as far as quality goes, I mean sure they still have Treyarch, but I don't know if they have the creative minds to push the franchise forwards, I think they'll just stick to the working formula until the franchise fizzles.

Oh yeah, Catherine. I haven't played it myself, but I really want to. It's looks funny and weird and the way the main character juggles two women is just mind blowing. I'll probably have to take back my statement on MK being the last good game to come out actually.
It literally looks like nothing I've ever played before, and I really wan't to know what happens in the story. I was dreading that it wouldn't be released in Europe since Atlas don't have a European branch (which means I've had to miss out on practically the entire Shin Megami Tensei series and like half of the Trauma Center games) but Deep Silver saved my *** and picked it up. Release date is still pending though, I hope to god it isn't pushed to 2012...

Okay, we are now talking about MTG. Discuss my Extended deck. GO!
You could have waited an extra 20 minuets for me to finish :p
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