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Will we have Smash Ball activated as an item in the pro/competitive scene?


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2004
Atlanta, Georgia
If they ban smash balls, they should ban smash or special attacks too D<
no they shouldn't. Smash Balls are different for everybody but they aren't as innate as the own character's moves.. =/

stop being silly.

everybody uses the beamsword and bat differently. should we allow them? no.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2006
mic_128 doesnt like me
oh my god why is this even a argument? They shouldn't be in competative play at all. Not because there an item but because certian characters final smashes look retartedly broken like foxes, I saw a match where a fox player kills a bowser twice with one final smash. That is just plain stupid. While in another match a DK uses his and his opponent runs to the other side and doesn't get hit by any of it because it just plain sucks. If they are alowed in the game it will just become unbalanced . And i do believe that in this game people want the characters to be balanced so they can go play them in a tournament and have a chance to win. Final smashes are strictly for fun free for all matches or goofying around.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
That is IF it can be turned off. Now chances are it can be, but still it's always possible they won't give us the option. The team may view it as a character move, rather than an item. And you can't turn off Link's swordspin or fox's shine just because they seem overpowered. The final smash/smash ball update is under technique's.

But I doubt they won't let you turn it off, so with that in mind I doubt tourney rules will allow it. They ban anything that can even slightly effect the "fairness of the game"


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2004
Atlanta, Georgia
That is IF it can be turned off. Now chances are it can be, but still it's always possible they won't give us the option. The team may view it as a character move, rather than an item. And you can't turn off Link's swordspin or fox's shine just because they seem overpowered. The final smash/smash ball update is under technique's.

But I doubt they won't let you turn it off, so with that in mind I doubt tourney rules will allow it. They ban anything that can even slightly effect the "fairness of the game"
well no crap you can't turn off Fox's shine or Link's swordspin because it doesn't require you to net a floating ball to do them.

it's actually part of their innate moves. something you can use ANY time at all.


Smash Rookie
Nov 24, 2007
i'm guessing that it will not be included in tourneys. and i agree with commonyoshi, final smashes are pretty unbalanced.


Oct 12, 2001
well no crap you can't turn off Fox's shine or Link's swordspin because it doesn't require you to net a floating ball to do them.

it's actually part of their innate moves. something you can use ANY time at all.
Oh, so those moves are actually more broken than Final Smashes.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007
Man this is really rediculous. Final smashes are unbalanced? are you kidding Me? they're probably the most balanced thing in the game because you have to fight for it.

Could you Imagine two pros going after a smash ball? Grabbing, fighting, positioning and getting a hit off on the smash ball only to get knocked out of the way, and then they return the favor.

It wont be easy to get a smash ball at the pro level, and as such who ever does get it deserves to get a stock off the other character.

It adds so much more depth to the game its not even funny, now the game is more than just "hit hit hit, grab grab grab, wavedash back and smash, then ledge guard" While you're doing that a smash ball can appear and now you have to either stay committed to what you're doing and risk them getting it, or go after it yourself

I hope they're smart and make it immpossible to turn off. Then all you Melee 2.0 people will cry for a good long while. Really, when are all you guys going to finnally allow the game to evolve to the next level? whats wrong with all of you.


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2006
Nashville, TN
again, the main problem is how you get them. if they spawned at the same time in the same place there might be a chance of them in tourny play. but If it spawns next to someone randomly while their opponent is dead or off the stage talk about an unfair advantage being bestowed upon you. again, the halo argument, it works because the guns are in the same place every time and you can build strategies around them.

that 1 guy

Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
Greenbow ALABAMA!!
wow some of you make it sound like there is no depth to melee at all...

Anywho I don't see final smashes as a balancing factor when say... Donkey Kong (who seems to be one of the weaker characters in brawl thus far) gets a final smash that borders on useless.

I'm going to reserve my final judgement though for when the game comes out. It's way too early to be making decisions this.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2006
Columbia SC
Yes take out smash balls and strip the game of almost everything, just like in SSBM tournies.

I was opposed to how the tournaments in Melee to so much out of the game, so of curse i would be displeases if smash balls were taken out in Brawl tournies.

I mean come on, allot of thought and hard work was put in to final smashes, why dismiss all of that?

Luck can always be countered by a certain amount of skill, espcially in this case were smash balls can be knocked out of a opponent. Plus the smash ball can't be instantly attained since it has to be broken first.

Besides, final smashed can be dodged anyway, and if you manage to dodge them, it leaves your enemy open for a few moments after the attack.

i don't see why this should be taken out. it's a nice piece of content in Brawl and can be worked to the advantage of the person doing the final smash of the person dodging , then countering.

So if you had 5000$ rideing on a match and you lost because of a FS I bet you wouldn't feel the same way


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2007
Actually, in the demo video it is shown twice. Although it's only used once, right as the match is ending we see another one appear, therefore, more than on can appear. The question is whether the same person can use their Final Smash several times in the same match. If so, Zamus needs her own Final...
well people say you can do a FS with zamus to turn in to samus once more, with out really attacking anything....


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2004
Atlanta, Georgia
Oh, so those moves are actually more broken than Final Smashes.
no they aren't. they don't automatically KO someone. you actually have to land it with your character's body. there's still a difference there.

one's done with the push of a button and the other's done approaching and doing a series of buttons/combinations.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I think it should be a given not to listen to anybody that joined this year, because every time I read a post from a new user, it is like their words are committing braincell genocide, and I forgot things like math and cursive.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
WOW your such a noob. melee tournemets mighit as well be played with only the the a button then

Thought: Ken vs. Isai in single button mode!

Anywhoo. I can easily see this going either way; mostly because it is WAY to early to be able to accurately predict this kind of thing.

On the 'for' side, I can see the main argument of "It takes strategy to obtain.", and on the 'anti' side, I can see the main argument of "Items are not fair to begin with, and having that luck factor based in is unfair."

I am currently seeing it more possible to lean to the 'for' side, because they can make the argument of "Well if luck isn't allowed, then Peach should be banned to! Etc, etc." But like I said, who knows.

The idea of not listening to anybody who is here for less than a year seems a bit of an extravagant measure; if taken literally. It could be true to an extent, but there's always the line that can be crossed when you just start being arrogant about it.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
London, UK
Single button tourneys - that WOULD be interesting, I tell ya.

Hmmm. I've never been to any events before, so I can't really share my opinion. But I can definitely see all items staying off, for sure. Pro players are picky =)



Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
I can see smash balls turned off because their are some final smashes that seem to be broken, e.g. Link's and Bowser's. But people will most likely start playing with all items on, then steadily banning more and more items until all are banned. Pros hate using items in tournaments, so the same thing will happen in Brawl touraments.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007
Ok, so you KO someone and while they respawn you get a smash ball. Now, whats to stop them from knocking it out of you during their frames of invincibility? and if you do use it the second they respawn then they are invincible! so HA!



Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2006
mic_128 doesnt like me
Man this is really rediculous. Final smashes are unbalanced? are you kidding Me? they're probably the most balanced thing in the game because you have to fight for it.

Could you Imagine two pros going after a smash ball? Grabbing, fighting, positioning and getting a hit off on the smash ball only to get knocked out of the way, and then they return the favor.

It wont be easy to get a smash ball at the pro level, and as such who ever does get it deserves to get a stock off the other character.

It adds so much more depth to the game its not even funny, now the game is more than just "hit hit hit, grab grab grab, wavedash back and smash, then ledge guard" While you're doing that a smash ball can appear and now you have to either stay committed to what you're doing and risk them getting it, or go after it yourself

I hope they're smart and make it immpossible to turn off. Then all you Melee 2.0 people will cry for a good long while. Really, when are all you guys going to finnally allow the game to evolve to the next level? whats wrong with all of you.

This kid is retarted.... its not the fact of getting the smash ball that is going to get it banned. Its the Final smashes themselves that cause a unbalance and Don't say it will balance out the charaters as a whole combined with there normal moveset. Cause they have said that dk is relativly the same as he is in melee. So if they were trying to balance it they would have givin him a final smash that was amazing. or at least decent. and characters that are already decent have sick final smashes like fox. Thats why it will be banned becasue it will make other characters at a huge disadvantage.... Because always being able to lose a stock instantly or two for that matter and not being able to do the smae thing back is a huge disadvantage.


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
I'd actually quite like to see a tourney with Smash balls, I think it would be interesting, but I also agree with EoF that it's probably not going to happen. Someone posted with certainty that Zamus will be her own character slot. Proof would be nice, yeah? I personally doubt that very much. But being a character makes for some consideration I think. We'll just see how the community decides to lean. I really think it'd be funny if Smash balls couldn't be turned off at all like someone suggested ;).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 25, 2004
Ok, so you KO someone and while they respawn you get a smash ball. Now, whats to stop them from knocking it out of you during their frames of invincibility? and if you do use it the second they respawn then they are invincible! so HA!

most hilarious post I have ever read


Smash Lord
Jun 20, 2007
This thread is for professionals at tournaments, which doesn't include me or any of you. Therefore, you have no say in it and can't complain. Additionally, I don't know why it would bother you that people halfway across the country aren't using smash balls.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007
Um maybe it concerns them 'cause they plan on going to tournies for brawl? maybe they missed out on the competative scene of Melee and now want to get in on it for brawl? Why shouldn't all the players have a say?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2007
Something tells me that they won't be used in tournaments. Maybe a few at the beginning, but I'm skeptical.

1. Some Final Smashes are a lot cheaper than others. Of course, it's not as if any one is so broken it simply can't be avoided. But then we haven't even seen all of the FSes in the game. We haven't even explored potential move-FS combos.

2. Despite what some people say, it's technically not part of the character's moveset since it requires an item, so that doesn't justify the inclusion of the FS.

3. It's an item.

4. Somehow I don't think people would appreciate the dynamics of the appearance of the Smash Ball. Both players would likely drop their current strategies and go for it, so as to prevent the other from doing so. And then, since the Smash Ball can be hit out of you and eventually disappears (I'm not 100% on the last part; I could've sworn I read it somewhere), there's the immense provocation to just use the thing ASAP.

5. People whose characters' FSes aren't quite up to snuff (ex. Samus' if ZSS happens to be a sub-par character, Pikachu's, Wario's, etc.) would complain a lot, and a lot of people might just think "Screw it!" as a result.


Smash Lord
Sep 20, 2007
West Lafayette, IN Downers Grove,
Psydon, I agree with some of your points, but remember that collecting the small ball takes a little more effort than a regular item... you'll probably have to jump in the air and attack it which leaves you open to your opponents attacks.

I could see quite a bit of strategy developing... do you grab the smash ball or wait for your opponent to go for it... do you attack them first then go after it while they're recovering? What if you go for it but as your collecting it, you get hit forcing it off of you.

Maybe the heavier characters are slower... but maybe it's easier for them to knock the item out of you and to retain it themselves. Who knows... either way, I wouldn't count them out of tournament play quite so soon.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
If there was a way of achieving your final smash similar to a super in 3rd Strike, then I could see FS being in. But as an item that arbitrarily spawns and floats around the screen, not really, but maybe.

The fact that it moves and requires multiple hits to break at least implies that faster characters won't **** by just running to it and collecting it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2007
I'd love to do an interview with someone that feels strongly one way or the other about this issue for my blog. SHOULD FS be allowed for tournaments?

Any of you guys interested? Send me a PM.


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2007
Probably brawling
it's not like a pokeball or bomb-omb, and it's been said before. Everybody has an equal chance to get it, it flies freakin everywhere and takes a few hits! Pros/ elitists have nothing to whine about at all!


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2006
Elmhurst, Illinois
I hope they do allow it. This helps to level the playing field between higher tier characters and lower tiers because the final smashes aren't stronger depending on tier. Also, as has been said, everyone has an equal chance to get it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2007
New York
Why would anybody even suggest they should be banned because some Final Smashes are better than others. Did anybody notice what's in the Melee Discussion right now? It's called a tier list. Just because Fox and Falco have better moves then everyone else doesn't mean they should be banned. Or just because the shine is broken doesn't mean that should be banned. Smash ball's should be in this game because you have to break them open and cannot do gain one by the ball just spawning above you and you hit it once. Even Bowser has to use at least 2 moves on it. Maybe Ike can do it in one hit, but he needs it anyways because not one singles Brawl tournament in the history of the world will be won by an Ike.
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