That's a load of sh*t.[/QUOTE[
Wow dude. You made an ENTIRE THREAD complaining about getting infractions. Do you really not know the rules of Smashboards?? There are stickies explaining them in EVERY forum you go into.
Use your head.
Oh and the whole "I don't owe anyone anything" part. Technically, you are correct. Excuse some of us though for appreciating the fact that the TO is GIVING US AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE ANY KIND OF MONEY AT ALL. That's more than enough incentive for me to play out a Grand Finals match. Other reasons why I play out Grand Finals matches.
*I have respect for people that stayed late to watch my matches for entertainment.
*I have respect for people that stayed late to try and learn from my matches.
*I want whoever actually deserves the money to get it, not the person who would have been second place.
*I realize that this is a competition, not a lil get together with a pot and friends to manipulate it.
*Some of my morals stem from the values that are competition, improvement, fairness. These are all more than enough incentive for me to play out every match, including Grand Finals.
If a tournament director tried to "withhold the right" to make me play my finals match against someone who was my friend and I wanted to split with, I'd very obviously just Pichu ditto who ever I was supposed to play. I'd then wait for the timer to run out for a tie until the f*ck of a tournament director told us it was cool and that we should just split already rather than subject the entire tournament to hanging around past 2 in the morning watching 8 minute long eventless ties.
You have a lot of respect for people.
Telling me I can't split money with my friends when we have both clearly earned it is like trying to tell me that the TO can tell me where to spend my winnings. There's loopholes for every garbage rule ever made, so good f*cking luck, dude.
Basically what I'm saying, is even if a tournament director was somehow able to put that rule in his tournament, and somehow still able to get people to come to it, how in the world do you think he could ever enforce it?
Not really, you're just terrible at posting.
Sorry if I came off as rude or disrespectful. I just get annoyed when people come into threads all gung ho, dodging censors and acting ********.
Let me point out that the real cost of splitting is that the professional leagues will never take a game seriously when its top players are colluding. I don't think we ever really recovered with MLG (though there are other reasons there) after they found out that Chu and Ken were just screwing around and playing out the finals match with alts. I cannot begin to tell you how bad that was for the game.
You can say players' rights all you want, and you're right. You can say it's unenforceable, and that's mostly right. But in the end, the real cost is the aura of professionalism. Professional gaming will not take off so long as a splitsies mentality is present. No one wants to watch a match where players are not trying their hardest.
The fact is, technically no one HAS to do anything. You can just go and forfeit every match if you want. You can do whatever you want in tournaments.
That doesn't mean it's the right thing to do, or it will have ANY sort of positive effect on anything related to Smash tournaments in the future.