Hax is the sh*t.
That dude with the purple name that says I'm terrible at arguing my points and to please do it with logic is just upset that I don't consider anyone's feelings in my choice of words. I made my points in a well organized fashion, mixed with an insulting nature that compliments my intent to make you feel like an idiot, as you should, for posting this topic.
I know that some people just need to stray away from the point altogether to distract people from the fact that they're spewing an endless fountain of bullsh*t and trying to pass it off as the gospel.
I don't believe I'm always right, but I do know for a fact I'm right about this. Case and point? This is a dumb thread about someone unable to win tournaments and not split it himself, so he's attempting to force people to not be able to split it so he can watch matches he thinks will help him improve.
Either way, it's absolutely impossible to enforce, stupid to suggest, and downright idiotic to think that anyone with any amount of ability is actually going to agree with you on the subject. Want to post back and argue with me? Then just f*cking explain how exactly you'd enforce such a rule. And explain how you'd get anything more than a tournament of scrubs for declaring such a rule. The fact of the matter is you can't so at this point you're clearly talking out of your ***.
As for PB&J: Evan, you've never won any money from Smash so concluding that splitting is dumb is an outside opinion with absolutely no bearing in this discussion. Just because you and all these other people don't like it doesn't change the financial desires of those who are actual capable of making the choice of whether or not to split.
Basically my entire point is if you all don't like it so much, quit typing these god d*mn monologues about how much you hate it and actually develop your ability to take away the chance for anyone else to split. Until then you're all just scrubs b*tching about pros beating the trash out of you and then not agreeing to play for your amusement.
Also, I remember, Evan, that you did actually win some money. From that teams tournament in North Carolina, where I clearly was going to wreck you, like I did, but it was your idea to split because you knew you were going to lose, like you did, and we split anyway, because we're friends and I didn't want to screw over a friend like that. So, yeah, uh, way to not look like a hypocrite.
I for one will always split with my friends, and will always play out the set regardless of a split, unless it's late and I'm tired, or the venue is telling us to get the f*ck out. My reason for this is I don't like the involvement of money in any of my friendships because it makes people turn into d*ckbags. At that point your only argument is that I won't be playing my hardest because I won't care about winning more money. To that I simply say: go f*ck yourself. There is no difference between me playing hard and me screwing around unless it's incredibly obvious. In tournament I always play to win, regardless of what's on the line, be it a pools record or a brackets placing. There's not some switch I turn on when money is involved that somehow makes my games more intense or insane. It just doesn't work like that, but I'm sure that if any of you complaining actually had the ability to beat anyone noteworthy you would know that already and this thread wouldn't exist.
But please, like I said, if you're going to respond to this with disagreement, then just please explain to me how you would make me play out a set with someone who is my friend outside of Smash when we've both already been guaranteed second. If you do respond without explaining that, then you're not only making yourself look dumber by the word, but you're just proving that idiots don't need any ground to argue because they can simply continue talking about nothing, regardless of what points they are or are not making.