I would **** Drephen in Sheik dittos
At Viva La Smash last year I had a really bad controller. This is because the day after SCC my controller got stolen, this was sept 30th 2007. Almost all of october I didn't attend a tourney. When VLS came around, I was using a random controller that my friend gave me, but it was really bad. I couldn't dash behind me quickly, which is very important in chain grabs, up throw to fairs with marth, dashing away after fairing a sheild to avoid getting shield grabbed, and many other things. With a bad controller I can't play good at all. That's why I did so bad at VLS, I could have potentially won that tourney had I still had my SCC controller. If you don't believe me you can ask Cactuar or Scar, they will back me up on this, I didn't even wanna attend that tourney because of that. Controller affects me a lot in Melee.
not to discredit the people that played me at fast, but i don't think i was that good at melee at that tourney, because I kept messing up CGs, jab edge guards, and powershields, and I normally don't mess them up so much, but I think that was because I haven't meleed in so long and was nervous. I still think Shiz is the best falco though, or PC's prime actually, I don't know. But on another note, I haven't practiced melee hardly at all in 2008 unless I'm going to play someone (like once every month or two at cactuars generally), so I don't know if it will get any better until maybe next summer vacation if I hear there's big tourneys for just melee. I'm just trying to ride off my 2007 ability, I think the best I've played in a tourney was the FCD finals.
but here's the thing I don't get. Why do people want me to lose? some people said it's cuz I won too much, but don't i deserve to win? I haven't even made the money that I should have because of bad luck with random things (half of this comes from Evo World), but whenever I'm at any tourneys people always want the other person to win unless they are friends of mine or from my region. I think that's dumb. I root for who I want to win, but usually say nothing at all, instead of just going with crowd bias.
I'm not a robot