Guys, let's get this thread back on topic.
Jack Daniel's is ****ing amazing.
WHAT jack daniels is DISGUSTING
it has to be really ****ing good whisky if youre gonna drink whiskey
****ing low *** flopmerican standards
anyway, id like to remind everyone how we got into the drinking stuff
Hear this my fellow smashers. You will be presented with the most epic owning in a long time, and in sweden we have extremly high standards for this. And yet, this story sticks out. Flopmericans, EU master race, mexicans, japanese, and all other of this amazing community, let us look past our differences and laugh at leffen.
Basically, there was alot of drinking at stiiig. it was all great fun, and as smashers have seen before, leffen sucks at partying and he always acts more drunk then he is and just in general acts ******** (kind of like a 14 year olds first time drinking, except that he is like that every time). knowing that leffens drunkedness is based on placebo, i hatched up a plan (this was all the mighty mike swaggars idea). we where going to make a drink of something like apple juice and something bitter (thats not alcohol) and have him take shots off it, and watch him thinking hes drunk and laughing at him.
unfortunately, O, the guy who was supposed to buy the apple juice and vinegar or something else with a strong taste, forgot to do as such.
However, the last night, me and IVP wanted to pull it off, and we decided to do something a bit risky. after the first night, somebody had put some beer in a small glass for shots, and thats what me and IVP decided to use. It had been there for 4 days, filled with dust and old and disgusting. at one point i picked up a dead fly from the glass.
We took him outside to take shots with us, and we pretended we where trying to get everyone outside to drink with us (most people were playing smash at the time), so he would not suspect anything.we mindgame him into taking the shot, he says "oh my god, that was strong", and apparently this 5% beer was to strong for him to drink everything, he left a third. he immideatly starts walking funny, acting more drunk, walking funny, and saying "OH MY GOD IM GONNA PUKE OH NO". Leffen asks what it was, and I say "well, it was some 35% apple flavored vodka". Underestimating how ******** leffen is, I wanted to pull a safe move. But IVP, knowing leffen better does something far more flashy and risky, like an amazing captain falcon. IVP says "No, that was the 70% apple liquor (he didnt hear i called it vodka) stuff jadde brought!" (jadde is a guy who goes very far at parties, drinks alot, brings weird drugs etc so it was very beleivable he wouldve brought it). Leffen freaks out, saying "OH NO YOU TRICKED IM GONNA PUKE!", stumbles inside.Me and IVP can barely hold ourselves from laughter, as soon as we were 2 metres away from him we just looked out each other and almost burst out in laughter but managed to do it somewhat quietly. Leffen didn't notice it, I guess he was drunk from the 2/3rds of a shot of 5% beer he drank.Once leffen is inside, he claims to armada and a few others that he had taken a shot of 80% (yes, 80%) apple-liquor-vodka. which obviously does not exist. it was colored like beer, so it being 70% is ****ing impossible. but leffen, naive as he is, beleives it.
Zoler, being a bit to drunk, tells the story to armada. Armada laughs his *** off and later he told me that he was very proud of me over what I had accomplished.I must also give IVP huge credit over his part, although it was my idea and plan, he did most of the execution, and he pulled it off perfectly.But Zoler ****s up and keeps talking about it when leffen is close, and leffen overhears it. It made me very sad and dissapointed in Zoler, but leffen had already gotten owned so I guess it was OK.
Me and IVP are outside, chilling, drinking some beer and laughing about leffens retardness. Leffen walks by and is going to bed. We start saying things like "man, you're so drunk!". He says, in a very holier-then-thou matter "pfft, i know it was a trick you guys...", trying to pretend as if he figured it out on his own. But 5 minutes later me and IVP hear about how he overheard Zoler.
I hoped you enjoyed this story, my fellow smashers. Feel free to tell them to every smasher you know.
With best regards, Mike Swaggar.
And leffen, this is not to be mean. Just accept that it's a funny story.