I'm just going to post to this laughtably bad arguments on Gamefaqs that the poster tries to disguise as what most people expect from a 3rd party character
For Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Which of these "potential" newcomers has the most delusional fanbase?" - Page 22.
That whole thread is disgusting. Imagine calling a fanbase "delusional" for wanting a character, or even thinking they have a good chance of being in. Wow.
Master Chief:
"He would be too similar to Doomguy!"
This one is the one I hate the most, as fans of both characters. First off, have you even played Halo? They play completely different. Doom is run-and-gun. Halo is cover-based. You can't run-and-gun on Legendary, you'll just get yourself killed. Doom Eternal is the complete opposite of that, you're MEANT to get in close to get ammo and health back. You can't play Doom like Halo, and vice versa.
Two, the weapons. Halo has a wide variety of Covenant and UNSC weapons. And vehicles - Doom doesn't have any drivable vehicles at all.
Three, the music and characters. I don't need to explain this one. Just play the games, oh wait. The Smash community doesn't play games at all, they just hate on them instead, not even giving them a chance. Wonderful.
This is like saying Cloud, Joker and Hero play the same because they're from JRPGs. They don't. FPS characters have their own
character, just like JRPGs. I personally think a lot of JRPG characters look similar, but I don't see anyone complaining about that. So why is this a double standard for FPS characters?
"Too many Microsoft reps!"
Oh, but Sega and Konami are okay? And Capcom?
Sega: Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker
Konami: Snake, Simon, Richter
Capcom: Mega Man, Ryu, Ken
And people think Capcom is likely to get another rep, giving them FOUR reps. Why is this okay, but not Microsoft?
"They chose Steve over him!"
That's what everyone said for Banjo in FP1. But that didn't stop them both being in.
I personally don't see the Chief as likely anymore after Steve got in, but these are still really dumb arguments regardless, and just goes to show how this community just doesn't play any other game besides Smash.
There's more I get annoyed at, like:
"Only pedos want this character!" Yes, I have seen this said unironically. Honestly, quite disgusting.
"No indie reps allowed!"
Steve was indie. May not be now because he's owned by Microsoft, but he used to be.
"He'd look weird."
So does Steve? But that's what makes him unique.
"What would they do for his amiibo?"
Look online. There's countless examples of what they could do.
"Ubisoft has their content already in Smash." (or some variation of "Ubisoft content already being present/Rabbids + Altair is in, Rayman isn't" etc)
I guess ARMS content was over after the base game, then? Or Microsoft after Banjo got in? And Square Enix content after Hero got in? Keep in mind the latter is still getting new spirit events, and is highly likely to get another rep.
Note that I haven't said anything about Geno because I am not opening that can of worms. But trust me, there's a lot of dumb arguments said against him too. But just as an example, the "Deluxe Mii Costume" crap is the worst. It drives me up the wall so much.
Why didn't they do that for Heihachi then, instead of bringing back his Smash 4 costume? Heihachi was a popular request. Heck, what about Travis? Doesn't he deserve a Deluxe Mii Costume, not just a regular costume? Wasn't he a popular request? They wouldn't waste time developing a new costume when they already have one ready. I hate this argument because it's always specifically applied to Geno, and not other characters like it should be.