Nobody is calling him toxic for believing that opinion. Everyone's calling him toxic because he's sick of fans of Undertale and Persona talking about things that legitimately interest them. I understand that opinion, but he's being toxic about it by insisting fans of something shouldn't talk about the series they like at all.
Except people take it to the next level and treat the game like it's the second coming of Christ. Half of them haven't even played the damn game, they watch it on YouTube and have Joker pfps. Doesn't sound like "legitimate interest" to me. More like bandwagoning.
That's where my frustration was. Maybe I should have been more clear.
I haven't read the last page because I don't want to. Stop labelling me as toxic, because name-calling and giving people labels is just as toxic, if not more. In fact, dogpiling is just as toxic as my initial post might have been (I'm sorry for that, I do think it came off as strong)
I was just tired of hearing how I'm basically Hitler if I don't play the game or like the game. They're well-crafted games I agree, but they are not the best games in the world, like so many treat it as.
I'm tired of those specific fanbases worming their way into everything imaginable. Is that not tiring to anyone else but me? Is that enough from you guys? Instead, I got labelled as toxic. For something I was personally frustrated with. I knew it was unpopular, hence I shared it in this thread. I came here to share an opinion, and I got lambasted for it. So much for "unpopular opinions" - most of the "opinions" in this thread are popular opinions anyways.
I'm this close to just telling you to go **** yourself but I'm not going to, so: Lay off, all of you. Seriously. Stop dogpiling on me, it's gross. I'm sorry I came off strong, but it was out of personal frustration. Maybe I did deserve it yeah, but it's still disgusting behaviour. Even if you had good intentions, it's not nice to label someone as an awful human being because of something they said. So much for positivity and inclusion that I see you folks preaching about, I guess.
I've seen similar things said in my post said by the VERY SAME PEOPLE IN THEIR PROFILE POSTS. I've seen it elsewhere on Twitter. Is it okay if you do it, and not me? No? Then quit the double standards.
You can like Undertale, Persona. I don't care. What I do care is that you bring it into
fandom. And it gets tiring.
Okay? Anyone that replies to this by calling me toxic
again I'm just straight up blocking them, I don't want to put up with this right now, I'm tired of being labelled as someone I'm not. Entitled, spoilt, toxic.. it's disgusting, and just as toxic to treat someone like that because they had an opinion you took as a personal attack, when it was never meant to be intended as that. Calm down.
The people calling
@BananaSlammer toxic are being just as toxic. This is an unpopular opinions thread; he should be able to post an opinion without being called toxic for it. -_-
Anyway, I have 0 interest in Among Us and wish youtubers would play something more interesting instead.
Thanks Rizen. Thanks for not demonizing me like the rest of the folks on this thread, made me feel better about this. Just tired of being treated like crap everywhere I go on this site. Wasn't the first time something like this has happened.