I was doing well against Dazrin's TLink with MY Bowser, lawl. And he spams like no other.
That matchup really depends on stage, imo. Bowser can also crawl through a lot of stuff.
Yeah, that's actually true. It really does depend on the stage.
Initially, I thought the MU was 90-10 or something in favour of TLink regardless of stage. However, on a stage like YS or MC, there is little hope for escape from bowser, and he doesn't give you a chance to throw many projectiles. Then, he can take advantage of TLink's poor offstage game and edgeguard it easily.
However, on FD, the MU is free and beyond for TLink because he has all the space in the world and no platforms in his way to keep pelting bowser with projectiles and following up with combos into dair/up-b.
Ike and Ganon are kind of similar MU's in that the MU differs depending on the stage size. Ike and Ganon are annoying as all heck though in ways Bowser is not >.>
As for puff vs Bowser, the MU is extremely difficult for puff. Yes, Bowser is easy to rest, but Bowser can literally just sit in his shield and puff can't do anything about it. Bowser outranges puff by a huge margin and his OOS game destroys anything puff tries to do. Not only that, but puff is so light and easy to kill that any move that puff gets hit by is certain death. Puff can't even shield against Bowser otherwise her shield will probably break. Her shield probably could only take a few hits before giving way. Bowser is also hard to kill because of how heavy he is, and gimping his recovery is no easy task for puff.
However, if puff finds a way to get in on Bowser, assuming the puff is good, puff could probably combo her way into a rest pretty easily.