First off, I feel you purposely critiqued everyone one of my points because half of them were not valid and implied things I do not think, but were rather things you assumed.
If they were things I assumed, then you could have simply left it at that and not replied.
You ask why does Mario being the biggest Nintendo franchise mean anything? What, so does the size of a franchise not affect how many reps it gets in Smash?
Most Mario games allow you to play as Mario or Luigi. Characters like Peach, Bowser, Dr. Mario, Rosalina & Luma, Bowser Jr., and Daisy have very little, if any games where they're the protagonist.. I can understand having Bowser as a playable character. He's the villain of the series, and I think everyone who has a villain in the series should have one as a playable character in SSB. The others? Bonuses. The questions you ask can even be applied to the real-world. Should people of color, women, trans*, the disabled, &c. not get just as much representation, simply because they're not the majority?
In that case, Game and Watch could have the same amount of reps as Mario couldn't it?
It could, if the Mario roster was reduced.
The size of a series, or more specifically it's number of characters, should affect how many characters are playable from that series because usually bigger series are more popular, have more beloved and requested character, and are more mainstream.
Would you want to play as a Goomba? In terms of popularity, the roster should mainly consist of Mario, Pokémon, and Wii characters. Zelda? Nope.
Drop down a notch. You do realize the reason Mario is as big as it is, is because it had a head start.
Mario and Donkey Kong being created by the same person does not at all make them from the same franchise.
I didn't say that. I said Mario and Donkey Kong share the same universe and are also created by the same person. That last part of the sentence is just referring to Miyamoto privilege.
This is the point where I felt you were just attacking everything I was saying.
Which isn't a problem, since I'm not "attacking" you. I'm "attacking" your ideas.
I never once stated or even slightly implied I was against more Metroid representation.
I never said you were.
I literally said word for word, 'Everyone has the right to their opinion, but to me, if one series in Smash needs more love, it's The Legend of Zelda. It's one of Nintendo's big 3 (along with Pokemon and Mario).' In that quote, I simply stated that in my opinion the series in Smash that most needs more love is LoZ. I never mentioned Metroid. Ever. Like I was literally stating my opinion, which you really shouldn't be attacking anyway.
Well, technically, the Wii series is part of the top three. Zelda's fourth on the list. Just because you're giving your opinion doesn't mean no one can respond to it, or that no one is allowed to. Stating that something is an opinion doesn't automatically shield you from critique or criticism. That's not how life works. You could have an opinion that the current president is the greatest president of all time.
Yeah we do have three Samus'. And if you would've actually researched a bit about me on Smashboards before attacking me, you'd know I'm also a huge advocate for Dark Samus having a unique moveset.
You keep using that word, but I didn't "attack" you. I'm also not interested in looking up profiles. You might as well have me look you up on Facebook so I can know you better. Or you could just reveal pertinent information without saying everything about yourself.
But instead, you implied that by me saying we shouldn't have three Links with the same moveset practically, that meant I wanted there to be three Samus' with the same moveset.
I didn't imply anything. I merely made a comparison.
And I mean ya know, Zero Suit Samus and Samus don't share many similarities, so it's really two Samus'.
Zelda and Sheik don't, either, so really, they're two Zeldas.
Were you trolling me or are you really jut this judgmental?
If by "judgmental" you mean, "Addressing someone's opinion", then yes, I'm very judgmental. It's not like I did anything wrong.
No. I didn't know that. That's why I replied the way I did.
I guess you don't recall our previous discussion.
Mario is a representative of Nintendo, but he isn't Nintendo. No more than Shigeru Miyamoto is Nintendo.
Half the roster could be Mario cast and it still wouldn't seemed forced.
It wouldn't have to seem forced, but it doesn't mean it'd be fun.
Did Mario work for something?
The series takes it's name from his series.
I don't know how valid that is, but so?
Being the biggest franchise is important. I have no idea how anyone couldn't understand that.
You keep making assertions, but you don't have an argument.
Also, honestly I wouldn't mind playing Super Mario Bros. the Fighting game.
You already have access to it.
I'm done here.