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  • Howdy, just checked out your Corsola moveset and I’ve got to say, that’s SUPER well done! I could definitely see this being a great wtf character in a fangame! As someone who also makes in depth movesets occasionally it’s cool to see unorthodox movesets like that, great work friend!
    Hi, was wondering if you were planning to post the rest of your sets. I'd be glad to help, as I thought Vaati was a great first set.
    I like your Bomberman moveset, it reminds me of the old games on the PS1 I used to play
    That sucks, oh well
    I know lot of people would like to see Waluigi or Isaac but I feel Waluigi would be too close to the other Marios and Isaac would be close to the sword fighters
    Bomberman has more interesting moveset potential because his abilities are unique
    Have you even played Golden Sun? Isaac has a lot of mystical abilities, particularly in regards to earth manipulation. I agree that Waluigi's moveset potential is pretty dodgy, though.
    Oh I was thinking of a different character sorry
    No I didn't play Golden Sun
    Only thing I can imagine Waluigi being different is perhaps focus on the sports games
    Like a tennis racket projectile deflector
    Hey, not sure you noticed, I replied about the sets in MYM. I'm happy to PM/message you the sets after I copy paste them, should be easy enough, just press the gear in the top right of the reply box and you'll be able to paste in B coding. Feel free to ask any questions, would love to see those sets posted in MYM.
    Greetings LuigiFan18 I peeked into your signature of Ultimate Characters its pretty good choice of characters man I certainly that Banjo will be one on the 5 DLC Characters of Smash. The one I want is Zero from Megaman X to be in Smash X too. Which of the 5 DLC Characters will be coming out to be in Smash what do you think?
    So, I was wondering... why dont you play Luigi in Smash if you are a Luigifan? You just dont like his moveset or?
    That's exactly it, his moveset. He just has more trouble offstage than I'm comfortable with.
    Deleted member
    Okay, I figured that. Yes I always thought his moveset was kinda braindead tbh. And his recovery is so easily exploitable. I gotchu.
    I'm not sure who you are, but I see you around sometimes, and you seem to give me likes from time to time. I figured I'd say hello and I guess even follow you. I'm not sure how the following feature works, but it's there, so I'm going to use it.
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