The problem here though is that everything that was used to make GSH2 could have been done in the WBR. Nothing has to be in secrecy in social groups or AIM or the IRC, we have been granted a great power here on SWF being able to have our own Workshop sub forum, Workshop Character sub forum, a WBR, a WBR character area, and a WBR user group to handle admissions. We were able to get mods to help everything out and put work into this for us whether it be keeping the workshop clean (Bio ur doin a great job btw), or organizing things in general, tracking polls, etc.
For the people involved in the making of GSH2, if they weren't in the WBR (a majority were afaik), then invite those new people. If people aren't helping, kick people out. Simple as that. There is no reason why it should have taken as long as it did to change some of the admissions since afaik, all it required was Yeroc clicking a accept button on the applicants.
Now sorry for replying to this, but I'm not going to let all this out in the open without me having any kind of reply to it, and also because MK26 wanted to hear a reply to it.
I would have preferred this remain a private matter, but it seems that's not an option anymore. Chibo, I already explained to you I'm sorry you were let go. I didn't particularly enjoy having to make the decisions I had to make concerning you or the others I ended up removing from the WBR. Though I didn't make them alone. Several of my trusted fellow members and I discussed the prospect of removing members that had not been active or did not seem well suited to the WBR's new direction. Regrettably Chibo fell into both of these categories to some degree.
Since I can't make links to some of the posts that factored into our decision, I can only explain my impressions of the things you said. The fact of the matter is, much of the past several months you've been extremely inactive, punctuated by bursts of questions about extremely dated codework, or making suggestions that were incongruous with what was happening at the time, or demands that our attentions focus on issues not at all central to the finishing of the Brawl+ project. You would disappear for weeks at a time, only to show up and make suggestions about a code we'd already discussed, experimented with, and scrapped ten days prior for a newer superior method. Or the time you tried to spur the stage legality discussion so that we could make a recommended set in time for your own tournament. I understand you didn't even use the recommendations, which suggests to me how little you seem to care about our opinions, and were simply looking for something to slap an official stamp on so it looked better. What about the time you suggested we remove the random spawning of Peach's articles and just not tell anybody? I realize it was said half-jokingly. But honestly, for as much complaining you've done to me and Cape about not providing a changelist for this new release, I don't find it particularly funny. I can look over the last ten posts made in the WBR and all I see are uninformed contrivances based upon an out-of-step presupposition about the project, with an overwhelming focus not on the aims of the group as a whole, but on how you can most benefit your own position within it. It was not contributing to the functioning of the room, and myself and the others decided that we could not abide it, and that such actions would not be tolerated within the new structure of the WBR.
If anyone views the decisions I have taken part in making as harsh, please understand I'm only doing what I think is right for the WBR. If I see something that I don't think is going to work well in the room, I will do my best to make amends, but I won't sacrifice my aims for the sake of trying to make everybody happy. I can't please everybody, much though I would like.
So, that's out in the open. And that's all there will be said about it here. Chibo, if you have more to say to me, you can do it elsewhere. Everyone else, let's get back to discussing the new WBR or the Brawl+ set. I'm still anxious to read all the applications that I haven't received from Bionic yet.
I'll discuss it point by point, seems to be the easiest way.
1. You did not explain to me why I was let go at all. To sum it up simply, it was along the lines of sorry we forgot to tell you we kicked you out of the WBR, bye. The closest thing you gave to a reason was "Activity and contributions to the project factor into our decisions as well." The fact that I was kicked out of the SBR without any warning at all only to be FINALLY PM'd about 2 days later alone is a very un-professional way of approaching the situation. And after it happened after IM'ing any WBR members I could find on AIM, none of them knew what was going on and why I wouldn't be back there.
2. Regarding my activity... I've already expressed my personal stance on the whole nightly sets. Mainly things such as testing sets ending up being used for tournaments, being updated every single night (they used to), and plenty of other people felt the same way. During these times I simply did not have the time to test every set and comment on everything. When I finally got around to doing whatever I could, everyone would be like LOL you obviously don't have the newest set! This was especially tough to keep track of considering there was no organized stickied thread in the WBR called like CURRENT BUILD with a convenient link in the OP. So much work was done in the IRC, which I made an effort to pop in every now and then (and I attended every meeting I knew of that I could make) but being active in the IRC was never a requirement of the WBR. In terms of Smash (because I have plenty of other things to worry about in life that aren't Smash related), I don't play just Brawl+ like most of you - I play Melee, Brawl, and Brawl+ and tend to try and keep a balance of all games. I've been a member of the SBR (now BBR) for over a year (I think it's been about a year) and that has taken up a lot of my time on SWF, and frankly has a much greater importance over the WBR because of how it's ran. And if you take into consideration the last 5 months or so, I've been a moderator as well needing to spend time modding my area, partaking in mod discussions, etc.
However, most of this is a moot point anyway because as far as I can tell, you've hardly began to touch removing the inactive WBR members like you said you have been doing, and I can check who is in the WBR to validate that point.
3. Sorry I asked a lot of questions, that's the kind of person I am. I want to make sure I'm doing everything right. Especially considering I was trying to work on coding and such (not just discussions), not all of the documented codes were explained well, and what do you expect me to do if I have problems? Fact of the matter is that when I went to these "bursts of questions," I was eager in helping out with the project and willing to devote time to it.
4. I never "demanded" to shift your focus away on anything. I'm sure you guys are capable of discussing a few things at a time right? One of the main things I can think of that fall under this is that I brought up multiple times the removal of luck from the game. Everytime I brought it up it spiked some good discussion, and I certainly wasn't the only person who was for the change as there were others that agreed with me as well, and overall helped offer ways to make these changes.
And as for why I would bring it up again and again, is because the topic would eventually just die off and the people who build the codesets and packaged them up for testing never did anything about it to even test it out.
5. Tourneys were being held with no consistent ruleset, so I took the time to organize everything into various stage votes the same way the SBR/BBR does to create the first official reccomended ruleset. And you're talking about it in a negative way? If
YOU didn't want it back then you should have said so, but it seems that a lot of people appreciated it and a good amount took part of the discussions and voting. I originally started it without BtL2 in mind, but yes I did work to finish it up in time for then, but why shouldn't I? Not because it was my tournament, but because it was the biggest Brawl+ tournament yet.
As for me not even using the stage list, read back in the BtL2 thread and you will see why. Someone leaked out the stage list as it was being worked on and people HATED it. Some atrocious stages got on there, though that's not my fault, it's the fault of the WBR and the voters. And when I decided to go to a very conservative stage list for the sake of it being a huge tournament, people loved it and were very glad for that decision I made. If you compare the stages I used at the tourney compared to what I voted on, you'll note that I didn't even allow all of the stages I personally wanted legal.
I have to leave for work now. More when I get home.