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Wario Q&A Thread


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2007
São Paulo, Brazil
Nair is ****ing broken against Olimar. I'll elaborate if people really can't figure out why :)
Let me guess...

When you land into the ground with Nair he can't grab because you get squished on the ground after doing it, AND, if you abuse correctly from the 1st hitbox you will always be able to hit the second one if he uses Smashes because it will just clank the first hitbox with his smash and the 2nd hitbox hits him.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
I'm seconding Falco more for the stage CP advantage than the character matchups (except for DDD, of course). And I personally have barely any Oli exp, so I'm not too confident in the matchup. Thanks for the tips guys.

I still plan on going all-Falco for a tourney this coming weekend, but I'll probably go whichever character I feel does better in the specific matchup from then on.
What stages are you getting CP to where Falco will do better than Wario ? I don't get it.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
I think 5th is about right for Wario, and maybe 4th.

In my opinion, the best three characters in the game are: MK, Falco, and it's hard to really say between Snake/Diddy.

Overall though, I think that the top five, in order, should be:



Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
Yay my other main

Bait Whistles.
good idea

however be aware that there are olimars (such as myself) who whistle on reaction

be really careful with whistle because you can get hurt really bad from it
think of it like marth's counter, but it's a viable kill move

aircamping renders pikmin throw near useless

some little oli tricksies to keep in mind
1. oli can ledgehop - tether and land right on the stage, which may catch you off guard, resulting in a grab-usmash- w/e

2. oli can "farm" for purples and whites by plucking pikmin near the edge. so it's good to camp, but make sure you are close enough to put on the pressure at any time. just letting oli sit there will allow him to farm for purples/whites, which can be very scary

3. when oli's are on the edge, they will normally do one of several things:
- ledge hop - whistle
- drop down and uair under the stage
- instant tether
- ledgehop fair
- legehop purple pikmin toss (watch the front of their line for the purple, they'll try to get it to the front by uairing under the stage)

imo the best option to punish olimar coming back from the edge is to wait and grab, and reset the situation. we can't whistle grabs Q___Q

if you reset this situation a few times they may resort to airdodging or rolling aka free candy


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
MK, Snake, Diddy, Falco, Wario

Listen to me.
I am one of those people that still thinks that Wario is 3rd maybe 4th but not 5th.

the only problem he has is the Grab Release, Lack of range but he can compensate that with his Air movement.

His Fsmash is awesome even if its unsafe on shield most of the time, his Dair can be SDI'ed but still it racks 16% if its not, Uair is awesome, he has good matchup chart, He's pretty good in stages where some of the "good characters" ( except mk) have problems like Brinstar and RC. He can time people out, he have great killing potential and that's including the fart, he has an good weight overall, great recovery( 2 jumps, the bike and the other jump plus the air movement) he can punish shields with bites, yet his Grab game is a legit one. also I forgot his Nair.

seriously Wario is awesome as a character, Wario doesnt have that much of player representation maybe that's one problem he has is just that Diddy and Falco have more.

-PS: I accept corrections if I am wrong on my post. ( I really accept them, I want to learn more bout this game as my signature says)


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
I have a question about Wario vs MK: what are guaranteed oos options against his attacks? I know an oos fair can lightly punish his fair walls, but what else is there? Can I fit in an oos uair somewhere? Oos fart even? Am I late to the oos party?


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2007
São Paulo, Brazil
I am one of those people that still thinks that Wario is 3rd maybe 4th but not 5th.

the only problem he has is the Grab Release, Lack of range but he can compensate that with his Air movement.

His Fsmash is awesome even if its unsafe on shield most of the time, his Dair can be SDI'ed but still it racks 16% if its not, Uair is awesome, he has good matchup chart, He's pretty good in stages where some of the "good characters" ( except mk) have problems like Brinstar and RC. He can time people out, he have great killing potential and that's including the fart, he has an good weight overall, great recovery( 2 jumps, the bike and the other jump plus the air movement) he can punish shields with bites, yet his Grab game is a legit one. also I forgot his Nair.

seriously Wario is awesome as a character, Wario doesnt have that much of player representation maybe that's one problem he has is just that Diddy and Falco have more.

-PS: I accept corrections if I am wrong on my post. ( I really accept them, I want to learn more bout this game as my signature says)
Well, you talked about the MAIN reason why Wario won't be list above Falco and Diddy. It's because his representation is not that good, we got a lot of awesome players but they are not on the majority of the OoS or OoC tournaments out there and also on most MLGs.

I pretty confident that, if some of those awesome players get on the road again we will be seeing Wario as 3rd/4th.

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
That's a question most people will answer differently since most people have a different view on Wario's MUs. Imo, Marth/MK/DDD are clearly in Wario's disadvantage, Diddy is in our favor and the rest of the MUs that matter most are even or close to even.

Snake beats icies and goes pretty much even against the rest of the top tiers (except perhaps DDD).

Diddy loses to Wario and, arguably, MK, and doesn't really compensate with **** MUs in top tier.

Falco beats DDD and loses to icies.

Most top tiers don't have difficulty with 'lower' tier characters, Wario sometimes does, though all of those are debatable as well (I find Peach to be clearly in our disadvantage, not everyone supports that, some find Yoshi in Yoshi's favor, I disagree with that... and so on the disagreement goes). I don't believe that just beating Diddy warrants a top 3 spot, that's kinda what I'm saying.

Of course, tier lists are gay and completely subjective.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2007
São Paulo, Brazil
That's a question most people will answer differently since most people have a different view on Wario's MUs. Imo, Marth/MK/DDD are clearly in Wario's disadvantage, Diddy is in our favor and the rest of the MUs that matter most are even or close to even.

Snake beats icies and goes pretty much even against the rest of the top tiers (except perhaps DDD).

Diddy loses to Wario and, arguably, MK, and doesn't really compensate with **** MUs in top tier.

Falco beats DDD and loses to icies.

Most top tiers don't have difficulty with 'lower' tier characters, Wario sometimes does, though all of those are debatable as well (I find Peach to be clearly in our disadvantage, not everyone supports that, some find Yoshi in Yoshi's favor, I disagree with that... and so on the disagreement goes). I don't believe that just beating Diddy warrants a top 3 spot, that's kinda what I'm saying.

Of course, tier lists are gay and completely subjective.
I got you point, but it gets a lot easier to say that other characters got solidly MUs without knowing them in depth as you knows the Wario's MUs, you know, it gets kinda weird.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
if the MK spaces his fair, Wario fair does not punish it. maybe it works if you're sliding while shielding by shielding out of a dash, IDK, someone should test

OOS uair is too slow to be used to punish unless if they really mess up or something, OOS uair is mostly good to be aggressive

OOS fart is good for punishing, the only bad thing is that its horizontal range isn't that good, so basically they have to really mess up their spacing or you trick them or something. your two options to fart OOS are drop shield-> fart or jump OOS-> fart. shield drop -> fart is like 5 frames faster, but obviously you won't have as much range as if you jumped towards them, so only use shield drop fart if they're next to you or something
Using a frame by frame program, I have determined that even a well spaced MK fair can be punished by an oos fair. By oos, I mean you hold your shield and jump -> fair to punish. The window is small, but it's there. Be sure to DI back, because it's a weak fair haha.

I have a lot more to test, but I really want to find holes in MK's game that Wario can punish. They aren't big holes at all, but they're out there and I'm gonna find em!


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2007
São Paulo, Brazil
Using a frame by frame program, I have determined that even a well spaced MK fair can be punished by an oos fair. By oos, I mean you hold your shield and jump -> fair to punish. The window is small, but it's there. Be sure to DI back, because it's a weak fair haha.

I have a lot more to test, but I really want to find holes in MK's game that Wario can punish. They aren't big holes at all, but they're out there and I'm gonna find em!
Also, you can punish MKs Nair with Nair OoS 1st hit.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
Lol whaaaaat. Ive punished mk's oos nair with uair before. I think you can always get him with it if you react to the nair fast enough.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Yes, you can do pretty much anything OoS.

Except maaaybe Taunt. I don't think I've ever tried it.
Normally to do something oos you would jump first right. (upsmash, UpB, ect.) That cancels the shield.

I know you can drop your shield and then attack but that isnt really canceling the shield.

I should rephrase my question.

Can you cancel your shield and do a tilt instead of dropping the shield then tilting?

Part 2: If :dedede: is shielding and I Dair, but move out after im done with my dair but it would still have a little shield stun. Would he be able to uptilt me while/RIGHT after my dair finishes hitting his shield?


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
I dont think so. Because A) you will be on the floor after the dair auto cancels and I dont think his uptilt hits you if your just standing next to him. I could be wrong though(it may depend on which way hes facing actually) or B) you will be out of the utilts horizontal reach if you space the dair correctly.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
IF i am right above D3 and i start hitting his shield with my Dair, then if i move away (still being in the last 2 spins or w/e of my dair) can he get me?

@bassem, i didnt mean standing next to d3 but thank you anyway. I am talking about specifically in the air.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006

Fair is safe on Wario when done correctly. Do I win a prize?


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2009
Utica, NY
What's the proper way to deal with an egg-camping Yoshi?

Can't ever get exp. against him and have one in my region.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Yeah, by oos I mean "out of shield", or more specifically jumping out of shield (still holding shield) and doing something. Pretty sure you can do aerials, usmash and B moves too! Jumping out of shield cuts a few frames off of an action, so it's faster than just shield dropping and doing something.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Yeah, by oos I mean "out of shield", or more specifically jumping out of shield (still holding shield) and doing something. Pretty sure you can do aerials, usmash and B moves too! Jumping out of shield cuts a few frames off of an action, so it's faster than just shield dropping and doing something.
Yes thank you. My question: Is there a way you can TILT out of shield that cuts down frame action time.
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