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Volt Tackle Videos: Replay Archive + Critique Thread


Gets up to speed!
Mar 4, 2010
Dang I went to Dallas :(
1: Watch your SB, marth has a move for every time you try to use it nearby. I've been spiked out of it more than once, it's not nice at all. Only at a high percent when it is completely necessary. (Or b-throw -> SB)
Vs. Characters with a good-range spike you don't wanna really jump out and thunder, the sword could easily reach straight through to you while you get back from that thunder. The situation he was in would have let him recover just fine, too. Sword Characters are dangerous. ;;
At a low percent (but NOT 0%) your fthrow (at around 2:15) would have led to an upsmash. Unless its too high or at 0%, you don't need to try and mindgame anything, upsmash is guaranteed.
At the end...you started doing some little things that he read you on. A few dodge rolls, throwing out moves, you have to be careful about that. Don't lose your cool off of a stock or he will just keep the momentum he had before.

hey guys i was wondering if i could get a critique on my pika :)

Game 1: Thunder. You were doing it a little dangerously in this match, he wasn't being sent up far enough and you might have been punished.
You used a little much downsmash this match. It was definitely used when a better move could have. (:28, could have downthrew and followed up instead of release -> dsmash, QA-> Downsmash at :35, many other places.)
DK in the air, you wanna be either in front of or below. Now, it's never 100% safe, but its better than being above and behind. Don't try to approach from the air, DK can easily put you on his bad side. Just let him come to you.
His tilts have amazing range, it may be tough to get in. But that's okay, none of them are disjoints. You can grab him through all of them. This is especially good at low percents, leads to the chaingrab. At high percents you can attempt an upthrow to thunder. DK is so big that if you target it right at the center, he is too big to get out of it with an air dodge.

Game 2: Notice twice before 5:20 that the thunder worked because he ADed but still wasn't able to get out.

You show what this MU is all about this game. Combo DK at low-med percents, then don't rush for a kill.
Gotta be careful about QA, his smash attacks are really big. It's generally gonna be a lot better to go straight for the ledge because of how much area those attacks cover.
Pika is gonna die really early vs DK. Go on the defensive around 80-90% to be safe about it. A well placed smash/punch can kill at those percents if you are caught off-guard.

Game 3: When you went to do a momentum cancel this match, I notice you uaired, then jumped, then SBed. Don't jump, because it takes more time (meaning you'll die at a lower percent the longer it takes) and it takes about half your jump away because SB stops your momentum completely.

This stage seems like it would be great against DK, his horrible vertical recovery means you can just pressure him off the right side of the first transition and bang.

You do a lot of really good things. It's just some of the things you do wrong are the most crippling ones. Work on those and get a little more experience. Even though you died ridiculously early, good job in this set.

Story of how I nearly gave up critiquing:
I had spent about 35 minutes on the above videos and was halfway through match 2 of the second one and left because food was done. My little cousin (who loves messing with me) got on the computer while I was gone and typed out a really long pagestretch line and when I got back and saw it, it looked like he deleted the entire post. I proceded to cry for about 3 minutes until I looked closer and found my paragraphs a little to the left.
I really nearly cried.

Here's some stuff of me and stealth playing again... do what you want with em
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7tqO7cauyI vs oli
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6unqlDUsUhE vs oli
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Plj1FLbTXY vs marth
Stealth Raptor, namesearch. Do you want these critiqued?

A set vs Tesh at HOBO. Wasn't tournament, but I was playing serious. If someone could look for what I was doing stupidly (I've already seen some stuff myself) then that would be great.
Vs Tesh 1
Vs Tesh 2
Vs Tesh 3

The matches MAY be scrambled, but I think I have it right.
Really guys, do me a favor here. Scan over them and tell me if you can see ANYTHING with these. IDGAF about your skill level, I do the stupidest **** that even my 2 year old cousin would call me out on and if you see it, tell me.


Smash Champion
Feb 29, 2008
Chi-town, come at me
A set vs Tesh at HOBO. Wasn't tournament, but I was playing serious. If someone could look for what I was doing stupidly (I've already seen some stuff myself) then that would be great.
Vs Tesh 1
Vs Tesh 2
Vs Tesh 3

The matches MAY be scrambled, but I think I have it right.
bored, need to think

ill try since im comfortable/confident in this MU. wont be much though

anyway i like to think of this Mu like pika has all the tools needed to shutdown sonic, HOWEVER sonic has all the tools to avoid being shutdown if that makes since to you. its mostly a matter of figuring out your opponent


-You need more T-jolts, like alot more. This was the biggest thing i noticed, i personally use them to apply pressure to sonic or to cover his roll-aways/air-dodges to the ground. Like always though its risky cause powershield -> Fair is a good punish for sonic. They work really well when hes running away to foward-b or down-b since t-jolt either beats it or they clash.

-i feel you respect sonic too much, if you understand. By this i mean there was a certain point when you where just running-> shield, which got you punished a ton, but that wasnt a constant theme. Your where like super jumpy or jittery in your shield which got you grabbed alot. you don't need to be, cause in alot of situations with sonic can simply just run away when approaches and stops to do whatever it is he wants to do(grab, fowardsmash, shield etc). the only exception i can think of his upsmash.

- I like that you didn't let him run away too often, i feel its much easier to deal with sonic when you stay on top of him.

- You should watch you oppnet more, after a while he just started to run-up and shield to try and grab you, which worked alot for him. just either grab him out of his shield or run/jump away from the situation and reset postion.

-when you get killed you die(lol)

meh now im just ramblin and thinking of things i do

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
oo i forgot he posted them. go for it, though he happened to pick the ones where i got wrecked the most LOL those are the most embarrasing XD and after this previous tourney i have changed significantly, but i dont mind people looking at those


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2009


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD
Vs Tesh 1

2:06 No, don't do that lol. After the first fthrow at 0% which should lead to an fsmash, use dthrow for follow ups. Sonic can't do much when he's in the air which is why he uses dair to get back to the ground quickly so dthrow to nair or usmash would be better there.

3:11 Woah, that was actually pretty cool. I might play around with that a little.

3:24 That was probably a mistake, but don't climb on the ledge like that. Just hop up and qa to the other side.

3:40 Looks like you got read there, but make sure you don't go into a helpless state like that from qa.

4:58 Good read there.

Match 2

:35 Skull bash is way too obvious to throw out there onstage like that. If you're going to use it, don't charge it at all because its less predictable that way, but still it shouldn't be used because it's one of our most punishable moves.

There are just a few things you need to work on. The sonic matchup isn't as bad if you know it imo. He can only kill with fsmash and bair really so if he's in the air expect a bair and stay away. If he's on the ground expect an fsmash and space properly. You need to use dtilt more as it is a great spacing tool and ftilt is a quick gtfo move for pika. Using these is better than spot dodging because sonic won't be able to punish them oos of shield as easy as punishing your spot dodging. Also, you thunder randomly quite a bit and at this point in the metagame, no one really runs into it anymore. Just chase him with pika's aerials because they are all useful and pika has a good enough recovery to get back on stage.

Match 3

:43 Again make sure you make it to the ground after a quick attack because sonic will punish. Choose your directions before you use the move if that helps.

3:25 Nice pikasliding mindgames.

You played smarter this match overall, but you seemed to be a little lax when you had a stock lead. It is nice to know you can relax, but use this to stay more focused, calm, and aware of what you need to do instead of being lazy because anyone can make a comeback.


Gets up to speed!
Mar 4, 2010
Dang I went to Dallas :(
...is there really NOTHING new here?
Also, didn't notice until now people checked out my videos, thanks guys!

I'll definitely write this stuff down, thanks.

Also, I have no idea how I screwed up so many QAs or why I would SB so much. iirc it was late in the day and I was working until 1 AM the night before. -Johns-
And when I jolted, I always had this fear of him just running straight up to me as I was doing it, even though I knew he couldn't run through it. ;;

But the Thunder is so I can stall and give myself time to think...I think.
Maybe I'm trying to be intimidating.
So many stupid mistakes..............

Vs Esca's MK
Vs Esca's Pit

This stuff was recorded yesterday. Just for anyone who wants to see/say something about how I need to dtilt more or stop screwing up QA/QAC or stop being so aggressive and trying to force kills/grabs/etc.
I won the set with his Peach, but of course I would. I'll never lose to a non-Illmatic peach in my life. (Helps that he never really uses Peach much, if at all before today.)


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD
I'll critique the second one first since it's both my mains.

I'd say stay away when pit is on the ledge. His planking game is too good. Just stand back a reasonable distance and spam jolts. You might even gimp one of his jumps and make him panic a little. This way he also won't have time to jump up and arrow you without fear of getting hit and even if he reflects them the jolts will just clash and you will be unharmed.

1:21 He was just smart to reflect that there.

2:40 Just get in an usmash, we can't cg Pit too well.

2:48 don't randomly thunder on stage, because most of the time people won't run into it unless they're mindgamed and that wasn't one of those situations.

3:44 React fast to those jab trips because its a free fsmash, usmash>thunder, or grab

4:37 nair oos probably would have killed him there, you aren't nairing enough its a great punisher

7:57 Try to make it look like you're going to run past him and then pivot thunder, it mindgames people more than you'd think. I should have footage of me doing it to sl!kvik soon.

8:08 I'm sure that meant to be a skullbash or something lol. Save you jump til you're near the edge and just snap to the ledge.

8:25 Try to walk close to him and hit him with a charged fsmash there. You can't run through it and usmash.

9:45 could've run up and gimped him with a jab there, that was too risky for him.

10:01 Gotta love them arrow kills off the top :awesome:

You're forcing the kill too much when he's around 100% You use fsmash a lot of times when ya shouldn't. Punish oos with dsmash or fair/bair more because multi-hit moves will poke his shield or punish his spot dodge. If you predict a spot dodge, half charge the fsmash instead of hitting c stick.

Use more ftilt, its 5 frames and faster than pit's fsmash because hit got you with that a lot. Space with dtilt and you can get a free grab to usmash for a good 30% from 0. Also, use your aerials more because pika's are great. Bair is near impossible to sdi if you're rising, uair combos into itself and nair, dair also punish dodges and fair does too. Only use fsmash or thunder for punishing bad spacing. If he DIs a utilt/usmash too far away to jump and thunder, try and chase him with qac thunder. Oh and get back on the stage with quick attack, but try to cancel it into a reverse jolt incase he chases you to insure your safety.


Smash Ace
May 20, 2010
Just a heads up. I main metaknight, but I have been wanting to get good with pikachu so Im putting in the effort to get good with him. I am currently going all pikachu for a while, and I may end up maining pikachu and seconding mk. That's to be determined though.

Anyways, I was doing some friendlies with some friends over the weekend and when they get uploaded to YouTube (a week or so) I'll be posting some here for critique. Be as harsh or critical as possible (things that im doing well, things that I could do better, and things I'm not doing that I should be, or vise versa) cause I really want to get as good as possible with pikachu. Thank you guys! I'll post here again with links once the vids are up on YouTube =]


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
GUYS, I'm so excited to announce that I'm gonna be going 100% Pikachu for the rest of my Brawl singles career. No joke. I'll get more videos uploaded later but please critique my (our) Pika's.


I need someone to closely analyze these matches and tell me my faults and things I can do better. I'm not really too sure of Pika's mixups and better pressure options so bash me hard!


Gets up to speed!
Mar 4, 2010
Dang I went to Dallas :(
Don't critique me in the damn ditto, anyone. Remember, that doesn't count.

I'll do it in a few minutes, Esca. I'd tell you more stuff in person, but I'm really only good at critiquing through the computer.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
It's not a troll stealth. IDK why everyone thinks I'm trollin'. I'm being completely serious when I'm saying I'm picking up Pika!

AND DUDE YES, NINJA Pika is the best.

IDK why yall theorized that goggles is the best, this has to change. But seriously someone critique


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
It's pretty much a coincedence that you joined just after P5. Normally Pika hype comes and everyone claims they'll main him then drop him after realizing it's not that simple. Just view this as like, a preliminary test to see if you do care about pika, then just stick to playing him, cause the next challenge is seeing if you won't drop him after a few weeks.


Gets up to speed!
Mar 4, 2010
Dang I went to Dallas :(
Esca isn't trolling, we've been talking about this for a couple weeks now.
He might be trolling when he calls bandanachu good, though.

And Esca, we are all only like this because in the last year there have been at least 5 people join the boards and either stop posting entirely, or go to a different character.
Like I said before, I think I'm still the newest fully-competitive pika main on the boards.


Smash Ace
May 20, 2010
Esca isn't trolling, we've been talking about this for a couple weeks now.
He might be trolling when he calls bandanachu good, though.

And Esca, we are all only like this because in the last year there have been at least 5 people join the boards and either stop posting entirely, or go to a different character.
Like I said before, I think I'm still the newest fully-competitive pika main on the boards.

and yes I agree, goggles are da bess pikachu!


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2010


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2009
Paris , France
This thread need to be updated!

@Atney: Contre Marth, tu peux le Fthrow->Usmash à partir de 1% mais pas à 0.
Et tu devrais lâcher MK c'est un mauvais second pour Pikachu, oriente toi plutôt vers DDD/Falco/Marth qui sont bien mieux selon moi.


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2009
Paris , France
I can't really help you but if you didn't fail some of your cgs/recoveries I think you wouldn't have been 3stocked


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Ive got a bunch of matches up on my channel.
I feel like i should get some crits since ive never had any.

[collapse=Catch That Pika Tourney VIDs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR_bGDEYSVk
I would really appreciate the help guys...:embarrass:
I especially need help with this pit matchup...
[Tetsuo matches i probably shouldve removed cause i was just messing around.. but you might find something wrong in them...]


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA

Good matches. You camp a little more than I would, but to each his own. I noticed a lot of very good things: good DI, after the first match you pretty much stopped sidestepping which is good, and you had a lot of good thunder placements.

I would keep in mind that you can edgeguard with more than thunder. Throw in a nair to edgeguard every once in awhile, especially against Snake who will more than likely be expecting thunder. Also, if you are really close to your opponent, I wouldn't tjolt so much because that's easy to punish if they power shield it. You don't have to throw out a tjolt with every jump, as it can get predictable and will leave you with lag.

I've played a lot of Snakes, and you did great in the matchup. There is something I would tell you that can help in that matchup, although the Snake you were playing against had a weird playstyle so I don't know how he would have responded. Most Snakes go into defensive mode as soon as you go into the air. They pull out a grenade and throw up their shield expecting an aerial. This leaves them open for you to just land next to them and grab. Once Snake is in the air, you can do some serious comboing. Also, keep in mind that Snake usually is going to be trying to slip past you back onto the stage when he's recovering; he's not necessarily trying to fight you in the air. With that in mind, you can usually bait an airdodge by acting like you are going to thunder and instead you land to punish him with a reverse fsmash. Just a couple of suggestions with regards to that matchup.

I know Wario can be a pain to kill. He's pretty much impossible to thunderspike and he's too mobile to run into an fsmash (unless you reverse it, predicting that he will go to your other side). Although the airbreak is not guaranteed when Pika grab releases Wario, it can still work sometimes to lead into an upsmash or a nair.

The main thing I want to reiterate is that you don't have to fill every void with an attack (tjolt or otherwise). When you do this, your opponent can just wait to see what attack you do and then respond accordingly. The moments when you were not attacking every second were also the moments that you were playing your best. You'd be surprised how unprepared people can be for you to just land next to them or behind them without attacking into their shield. A lot of things people do only really work when you are aggressive. If you want proof of this, try starting out a match by doing nothing but moving around (no attacks, no shielding, just running and jumping). You'll notice how many of the strategies people use to zone only work if you rush in with an attack.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2009
Atlanta, GA
[collapse=GREAT CRIT]Outlaw,

Good matches. You camp a little more than I would, but to each his own. I noticed a lot of very good things: good DI, after the first match you pretty much stopped sidestepping which is good, and you had a lot of good thunder placements.

I would keep in mind that you can edgeguard with more than thunder. Throw in a nair to edgeguard every once in awhile, especially against Snake who will more than likely be expecting thunder. Also, if you are really close to your opponent, I wouldn't tjolt so much because that's easy to punish if they power shield it. You don't have to throw out a tjolt with every jump, as it can get predictable and will leave you with lag.

I've played a lot of Snakes, and you did great in the matchup. There is something I would tell you that can help in that matchup, although the Snake you were playing against had a weird playstyle so I don't know how he would have responded. Most Snakes go into defensive mode as soon as you go into the air. They pull out a grenade and throw up their shield expecting an aerial. This leaves them open for you to just land next to them and grab. Once Snake is in the air, you can do some serious comboing. Also, keep in mind that Snake usually is going to be trying to slip past you back onto the stage when he's recovering; he's not necessarily trying to fight you in the air. With that in mind, you can usually bait an airdodge by acting like you are going to thunder and instead you land to punish him with a reverse fsmash. Just a couple of suggestions with regards to that matchup.

I know Wario can be a pain to kill. He's pretty much impossible to thunderspike and he's too mobile to run into an fsmash (unless you reverse it, predicting that he will go to your other side). Although the airbreak is not guaranteed when Pika grab releases Wario, it can still work sometimes to lead into an upsmash or a nair.

The main thing I want to reiterate is that you don't have to fill every void with an attack (tjolt or otherwise). When you do this, your opponent can just wait to see what attack you do and then respond accordingly. The moments when you were not attacking every second were also the moments that you were playing your best. You'd be surprised how unprepared people can be for you to just land next to them or behind them without attacking into their shield. A lot of things people do only really work when you are aggressive. If you want proof of this, try starting out a match by doing nothing but moving around (no attacks, no shielding, just running and jumping). You'll notice how many of the strategies people use to zone only work if you rush in with an attack.[/collapse]
First off:
Are we allowed to discuss it here?
Ill just edit my post if not.
Anyways, maybe this is bad observation or idea on my part but isnt it good to pressure someone with the constant tjolt? I can keep players tense and on their toes if im constantly pressuring them with tjolts. And is tjolt really that laggy? Partially full hopping it feels not so bad.

FYI this snake player REALLY depends on his B-Reversals. Which is a bit different to me.

One thing you said made me really surprised and happy: "good DI"
Some pikachu/MK a while back said i had terrible DI. [but i also do not so good Pika vs Pika]
I ALWAYS neglect remembering to use Uair to DI.

Why couldnt i beat Pit?!
I had to use Ness.
My first time even trying Ness in a tournament. Anyways the JSSN[pit] matches were grandfinals.

So anyways i gotta get to class so i may come back with more questions later...


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
First off:
Are we allowed to discuss it here?
Ill just edit my post if not.
Anyways, maybe this is bad observation or idea on my part but isnt it good to pressure someone with the constant tjolt? I can keep players tense and on their toes if im constantly pressuring them with tjolts. And is tjolt really that laggy? Partially full hopping it feels not so bad.
Yes, it is bad to use tjolts predictably because they are easy to punish if they are right on top of you when you shoot them. If you want to see how much lag you will have, do a little test. Go into training mode and put it on slow motion. Jump and do a tjolt and see how early you can do an attack afterwards.

FYI this snake player REALLY depends on his B-Reversals. Which is a bit different to me.

One thing you said made me really surprised and happy: "good DI"
Some pikachu/MK a while back said i had terrible DI. [but i also do not so good Pika vs Pika]
I ALWAYS neglect remembering to use Uair to DI.
Your DI seemed pretty good to me. That Snake player was flashy, and IMO didn't have much real substance behind his game. He used a bunch of b-reversals and bairs, but he was trying to do so much that he just got hit by tjolts every time. He could have just hung back and pshielded them all instead of trying to be fancy.

Why couldnt i beat Pit?!
I had to use Ness.
My first time even trying Ness in a tournament. Anyways the JSSN[pit] matches were grandfinals.

So anyways i gotta get to class so i may come back with more questions later...
There were a lot of factors working against you in the Pit match; it's not just one major thing. You don't ever really want to sidestep against Pit. Almost all his moves are multihit and will punish sidestepping. The same problem as before hurt you; you would rush in to attack and he would just throw out an attack and hit you. He played defensively, whereas you were very aggressive. You used a lot of qacs to try to get in which really were more flashy than useful. I'll add more later. I've got to go.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Yes, it is bad to use tjolts predictably because they are easy to punish if they are right on top of you when you shoot them. If you want to see how much lag you will have, do a little test. Go into training mode and put it on slow motion. Jump and do a tjolt and see how early you can do an attack afterwards.
I understand doing a TJolt in someone's face is not a good idea. But what else am i supposed to do with my time while im waiting for them to approach me?
I tested out waiting for WALLe[ROB] to approach like you said and the results were disastrous. When they finally come to approach me i dont know how to react. The only idea that pops into my head is Nair OOS. [which i REALLY need practice at...]

Your DI seemed pretty good to me. That Snake player was flashy, and IMO didn't have much real substance behind his game. He used a bunch of b-reversals and bairs, but he was trying to do so much that he just got hit by tjolts every time. He could have just hung back and pshielded them all instead of trying to be fancy.
Most of the players around here wont tilt their shield so i usually aim for their head to still poke them with a TJolt.
Anyways, when i think of playing snakes a basic play goes through my had:
Early percents: TJ -> make snake approach -> go for the grab/reverse grab
50%-~110%: TJ -> SH Dair spacing -> Fsmash
110%: FF Fair, Utilt, Thunder or QAC Nair or Nair OOS

There were a lot of factors working against you in the Pit match; it's not just one major thing. You don't ever really want to sidestep against Pit. Almost all his moves are multihit and will punish sidestepping. The same problem as before hurt you; you would rush in to attack and he would just throw out an attack and hit you. He played defensively, whereas you were very aggressive. You used a lot of qacs to try to get in which really were more flashy than useful. I'll add more later. I've got to go.
So do i sidestep to much in general? or just the match up?
When i see pit all i think of is arrows.... JSSN's arrows are retardly ACCURATE. They are scary/deadly.
So sidestepping [i call it spot dodging?] comes to mind alot.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
I understand doing a TJolt in someone's face is not a good idea. But what else am i supposed to do with my time while im waiting for them to approach me?
I tested out waiting for WALLe[ROB] to approach like you said and the results were disastrous. When they finally come to approach me i dont know how to react. The only idea that pops into my head is Nair OOS. [which i REALLY need practice at...]
I'm just saying don't tjolt with every jump to the point that you create a predictable pattern. Tjolt has more lag than you think, especially if you hit the ground immediately after you shoot it. This means that even at medium range you can be punished if they powershield it. If you do some jumps without tjolts, then you will be harder to predict/punish. It depends on the manner of their approach, but there are plenty of things you can do to zone them out. Short hopped auto cancelled dairs are always good, as well as short hop retreating fairs. You can also utilize ftilt, fsmash, and dtilt. Just watch how they tend to approach and find a solution to punish them.

Most of the players around here wont tilt their shield so i usually aim for their head to still poke them with a TJolt.
Anyways, when i think of playing snakes a basic play goes through my had:
Early percents: TJ -> make snake approach -> go for the grab/reverse grab
50%-~110%: TJ -> SH Dair spacing -> Fsmash
110%: FF Fair, Utilt, Thunder or QAC Nair or Nair OOS
That works until you find opponents that know how to DI out of fair (and opponents that can DI the uptilt so well that you can't get a thunder off even at high percents). I don't think Pikachu can really force an approach from a Snake who knows how to properly grenade camp. What will end up happening is he will control the stage and pressure you to the outskirts while pshielding whatever tjolts you throw at him. He can also just jab through them if he feels like it.

So do i sidestep to much in general? or just the match up?
When i see pit all i think of is arrows.... JSSN's arrows are retardly ACCURATE. They are scary/deadly.
So sidestepping [i call it spot dodging?] comes to mind alot.
You need to just powershield the arrows when he shoots them, duck under them, or jump over. I noticed specifically in those two matches against the Pit player you spot dodged too much.

Captain L

Smash Champion
Aug 15, 2009
Some videos of me in the grand finals.... at a 5 man tournament. There was money on the line but it wasn't very serious.

vs ~Firefly~ :metaknight:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvlWIEH97_Y (Match 1+4)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpvgzO9A-Ok (Match 5 + 3 + a friendly vs someone else)

The frigate game was when I remembered that I promised to time people out at this tournament. Don't bother critiquing unless you really find joy in it. And in the friendly I was fishing for a uair footstool the entire time. That smashville platform kept showing up at the wrong time :mad:

also today is my birthday

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
time to change that.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kib2MRJGPGw vs Ares, Marth
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOAghcaRC0k vs Ares, Metaknight
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lM9DFEn8Ng vs Fino, Snake
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwfxTPlcbKY vs Fino, Olimar

critiques of the fino matches would be greatly appreciated
I watched the fino matches. I don't feel right giving you much critique because you are better than me. Lol.

I saw that you understood both the Snake matchup and Olimar matchup really well (they just happen to be the 2 matchups I know the best too). You demonstrated what I was trying to explain to outlaw, that sometimes it's better to do an empty jump and land next to your opponent, especially Snake because he throws up his shield and pulls out a grenade when you do this. Both characters get away with a lot because people don't realize how they are vulnerable.

Another reason I feel like you really understood both characters' strategies is because of the way you edgeguarded. I applaud you for not letting them slip past you and regain stage control, which is what both Olimar and Snake try to do because they are ground-based characters. You had good mixups on your edgeguarding.

I think with Snake you could do better with getting the chaingrab, but I feel weird telling you that because I have a lot of trouble grabbing Snake too with Pikachu's T-rex arms.

Against Olimar, you shouldn't have approached him so much when he was using the statue for cover. You took a bunch of damage because he was abusing the statues. What you did late game was correct IMO: staying on the platforms above until the stage changed. I really think if you had done that every time he camped near the statues, you would have won that match.

In general, I think you could use more bair, but maybe that's just personal preference.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
time to change that.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kib2MRJGPGw vs Ares, Marth
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOAghcaRC0k vs Ares, Metaknight
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lM9DFEn8Ng vs Fino, Snake
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwfxTPlcbKY vs Fino, Olimar

critiques of the fino matches would be greatly appreciated
I watched the fino snake one.

I would say not to really downsmash as much against him. Fino was diing every one of them, and some of those opportunities could be used as something else. You were only getting about 6 damage per downsmash and no real follow up. You could grab instead and reset the situation.

Also, I think you could fair a little more, and nair. Both are really good moves against Snake.

There were some missed thunder opportunities as well.

You had super efficient camping though, you just need to react better for each situation.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Well, since I'm not exactly an expert at pika, you may want to take my critique with a grain of salt, but here goes.

Regarding the vs Fino (snake) match, the main thing I noticed was that you were way too passive offstage. Go out and N-air him. Unless he's high enough to recover through an airdodge/aerial (whether a ledgegrab or C4, which damages him anyway and resets it somewhat), there's nothing (at least I don't think he has an alternative, someone correct me if I'm wrong) he can do but eat the damage. If he's recovering too high for you to N-air, thunder him. (And ciphergrabbing is awesome if you can pull it off.)

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
Yeah as im sure you noticed i had many hard reads on his snake that i just whiffed on. another vs his olimar as well where i psheilded and for whatever reason i rolled Instead of my intended grab but w\e. thanks for the critiques! More on the olimar would be nice


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
Yeah as im sure you noticed i had many hard reads on his snake that i just whiffed on. another vs his olimar as well where i psheilded and for whatever reason i rolled Instead of my intended grab but w\e. thanks for the critiques! More on the olimar would be nice
It might help if you could upload another match against his Olimar for us to go by.
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