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Volt Tackle Videos: Replay Archive + Critique Thread


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2008
Your DI seemed pretty good to me. That Snake player was flashy, and IMO didn't have much real substance behind his game. He used a bunch of b-reversals and bairs, but he was trying to do so much that he just got hit by tjolts every time. He could have just hung back and pshielded them all instead of trying to be fancy.
Outlaw did excellent, he doesn't give himself enough credit sometimes. I play "fancy" because I enjoy it. I'm not a stock player that does what everyone else does. There is actually a lot of substance to my play style. Sorry if I don't like to just stand on one side of the stage and ps the whole match, I choose not to be boring. Good matches Bradley.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
Outlaw did excellent, he doesn't give himself enough credit sometimes. I play "fancy" because I enjoy it. I'm not a stock player that does what everyone else does. There is actually a lot of substance to my play style. Sorry if I don't like to just stand on one side of the stage and ps the whole match, I choose not to be boring. Good matches Bradley.
You don't need to get defensive; I'm not saying you are a bad player. This is the Pikachu critique thread, so I had no real reason to sugar coat all my comments about his opponents in the expectation that they would read it someday.

You can pshield approach instead of pshield camp. When I said you didn't have much substance, I meant that you focused so much on flashy c4 combos that you didn't rely enough on your fundamentals. This isn't the Snake critique thread, so I won't go into much detail, but I will say you were trying to do too much, while Outlaw hung back and just bombarded you with tjolts. However, I guess I say that assuming you want to take the most reliable path to victory. If you want to try and land some unreliable but cool-looking combos, then by all means, go for it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2008
You don't need to get defensive; I'm not saying you are a bad player. This is the Pikachu critique thread, so I had no real reason to sugar coat all my comments about his opponents in the expectation that they would read it someday.

You can pshield approach instead of pshield camp. When I said you didn't have much substance, I meant that you focused so much on flashy c4 combos that you didn't rely enough on your fundamentals. This isn't the Snake critique thread, so I won't go into much detail, but I will say you were trying to do too much, while Outlaw hung back and just bombarded you with tjolts. However, I guess I say that assuming you want to take the most reliable path to victory. If you want to try and land some unreliable but cool-looking combos, then by all means, go for it.
I just didn't like the "lack of substance" part because with your line of reasoning "lots of bairs and reversals" virtually anything I do, even what you would suggest could be considered no substance. I work hard at my strange playstyle. But I appreciate your clarifying. I often joke and say that I should be playing brawl in japan, I absolutely prefer the un-reliable but cool looking combos :).


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I'll look at the vid in a bit. Are you going to Genesis btw? =o

EDIT: Ok, a few things. First, don't bair into the ground so often. You got punished for it enough that it should click that you should lay off of it. Another thing would be don't charge attacks so often. I saw you charge a ton of smash attacks. Whenever you charge something, you are giving your opponent extra time to see what you are doing, and not only avoid it. But punish it (which wound up happening after they started catching onto you near the end. The last thing I noticed were your instant airdodges. You wound up getting spiked by rob because you air dodged in his face. If your airdodges are habitual and your opponent learns them (which happened) your opponent will give you the d***.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2009
the air dodge that got me spiked was buffered. Which sucked. And I'll work on not charging smashes so often, but charging smashes isnt always bad. It definitely gets me kills pretty consistently, especially against spot dodgy characters like rob. But thanks for the advice haha. And I plan on going to genesis.

Edit: I'm disappointed this is the only vid of me late that I can have you guys critique XD

I need to start saving my other matches.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2009


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2009
@stealth raptor

Can't look at all of them, gotta go to work.

Stop approaching with t jolt. if your gonna t jolt, do a retreating t jolt. Nair beats upsmash a lot (pikas vs. olis) so if you can get your nair out first, you should be able to hit him with an upsmash. Running up nairs work when hes spamming pikmin, also, whenever your above him, he spams upsmash hella. If he continues to do this, fast fall air dodge to the ground to d smash, or up tilt. Its safe if he tries to grab you or upsmash you, as you'll air dodge through the upsmash, and if he tries to grab, your moves will come out quicker as olimar has no grab armor frames. If he starts punishing it with spotdodge/holding shield as you do your move to w.e he wants. Predict it and grab him after fast fall air dodge. Mix it up, pika has a lot more approaches then t jolt. You can't out spam olimar, and t jolt gives pika a lot of lag. if he starts grabbing you if you run up nair, run up spot dodge, or run up grab him if hes not spot dodging your nair.

Also, iirc, fast fall fair works on olis upsmash too.

Also, you don't have to qa through him to get back on stage. you can do normal get ups. If hes giving you room, just get up.

I'll check out the rest of the vids when I get home.

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
i used to think fair beat his usmash. then fino showed me that if timed properly it goes right through fair D: i assume its the same for nair, ill test it though


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2009
Try the air dodge thing. It worked well against weruop when I played him.

I almost beat him, but I didn't think of the air dodge to grabbing thing. He showed me that after XD

edit: if he nairs you (to go for an upsmash) you can mash up air and you'll clank with his upsmash. Or clash. or w.e.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2009
Not even gonna start with you lol. But you are wrong on sooo many levels its hilarious. Also, this was when weruop was good. About 6-8 months ago. But yes, fino is probably better then weruop now, but hes probably not as good as he was in his prime.

just sayin.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2009
Whats funny about video, is I pulled out MY fox against his pika and 2 stocked him.

The funny thing about MY fox, is he has been played under 10 total times.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2009
Paris , France
I'm bad at criticizing so I'll be short. At first you should use Ftilts and Utilts more, they are awesome (especially the Ftilt in this MU). Then I noticed you had many opportunities to CG him but you haven't done it.Trust me if you have a good opportunity of grab, do it.MK can be CGed about 15~ and finish about 40% (not sure) and you can follow up with an Usmash.You use Dtilt a little bit too much IMO, you used it when you could CG him or at least Fthrow->Usmash which is a true combo on most of the characters at low percents.

Great use of thunderstorming, great Pika if you just started to pick him up.

PS: Sry for bad english

Edit: Do not try to Uair MK when he is above you because his Dair>our Uair


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Hinesville, Georgia


Critique would be awesome, these are about a week and a half old or so. Much thanks to pikadude for recording
What zodi said with uair but its ok to juggle sometimes for mixups.

You messed up alot of your hyphen usmash punishes.

Fair does not momentum cancel at all..._.

You need to make sure you keep good distance while tjolting and sense he is playing aggro you should be focusing more on punishing instead of camping.

Yea not only usmash punishes but those are the main ones.

Don't try to follow up the buffered dash nair after dthrow. Camp after wards unless you can use the stage to your advantage for a mindgame or something.

Needz moar dtilt but you know whats going on.

Don't roll behind mk when he ftilts!

Try some stutter step fsmash punishes for his up b for it might be better at times.

lol@1:30 match 2

Pikachu's dsmash is good but your using it wrong occasionally.

@3:20 you dont have to jump and thunder after dsmash

Idk why but I enjoy watching brawl matches by decent pikas more than pro level...:urg:


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2009
lol@rizk constantly trolling me, but having bad characters XD

100$ mm at genesis 2? :D

Also, I disagree about mks dair>pikas uair. Maybe with the exact data it is, but pikas uair comes out faster, and if I challenge mk when hes above me with u air, 9 times out of 10 ill hit it.

you roll a LOT. Instead of rolling or spot dodging, try jumping away. not doing anything else, just jumping away. or ROLL away, not towards/behind him. Good pika though.


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2008
Dearborn Heights,Michigan
Brick has jokes. Bad characters are bad.

Brick wrote at 8:09 PM on Jan 19, 2011:Just want to say, nice medal case, 4th place in a wifi tourny.
You came to me cuz. You mad salty that you still free. Stay free like yo momma on a Saturday night xO


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2009
rizk, I'll ask you one more time, 100$ mm at genesis 2? I'll bump it up to 200$ just for you, money on the table.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2009
LOL. You bad dog.

L2place top 10 in your state, then talk to me k?

k. You have 4 good people in your state, and you can't even place top 10. I can place top 10 when its WA and OR. You are bad duder. When you have MADE money from a tourny, talk to me k?

stay free.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2009
Roller, I'll 20$ mm you at genesis 2. I have no idea how good you are. I know EXACTLY how good rizk is. Oh, and WA/OR not meaning anything? Not like felix has placed top 3 at mlg or anything. or anyone from WA/OR have beaten him.
Saying WA/OR is bad is dumb. but okay. We'll mm at genesis 2 XD
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