Against Fox, I saw you try uthrow chaining, but he kept tricking you with reflector. Anytime Fox is above you, expect the reflector and compensate accordingly. Space bair. You charge in using bair in the hope that it will poke his shield or he will drop it. Instead just nick at his shield and back off. Once it does hit, then go in with the combo. This is especially important against IC's. You should never be within grabbing range unless they are currently in hitstun and you are punishing. Next time you play IC's, if he ever grabs you, suicide. If you play any IC's at Genesis, you have to assume that one grab will be death. This will help you space all your moves so you won't get punished.
Instead of trying to spotdodge Fox's dair and his followup, just shield the dair and spotdodge the followup. Be careful since eventually he will catch on and just wait for the spotdodge with a charged smash. Mix it up with shield grab and rolls. Also be wary of rolling after you shield the dair because they can punish it with usmash. On Halberd, you had the kill on Fox at around 1:05. Whenever you DJ'ed back, you should've used downb. It would've beaten him to the ledge and would've cost him a stock. This is a very dangerous move though so only use it if you know you can beat him to the ledge or have stocks to gamble with.
I like your grab game =P