Hey guys; haven't posted much because I haven't been recording anything as of late. However, I won another tourney yesterday and my roommate recorded the final match without my knowing. About the tourney, I did upload the results to the tournament thread (whoots, Yoshi has 2 wins now). Regardless, the first like 10-15 seconds of it are cut off and my opponent's head is in the way of his damage for most of it but you can see what happens at least. I'll be uploading that later today after we can get the video off his camera an onto Youtube. My opponent and I made a lot of mistakes in the match so I don't doubt it'll get slammed by critiques if you guys actually watch it. My final opponent played Snake/Meta Knight against me. It was best 3/5 and I won the first, he won the next 2, I won the 4th, and then I won the last one. He was Snake for the first 4 and switched to MK for the last one. Anyway, enough talking, I'll upload it whenever I get it on Youtube later today so be on the lookout for it.