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VaNz Stuff.. about Peach (Tactical Discussion)

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Soooo campy samus is actually kinda hard to beat. Lost to one yesterday, was kinda shocked actually. I got too impatient =(
Me :peach: vs. HugS :samus2:

You can float over her projectiles, weaving in and out, and can break through most of her missiles with Peach's aerials. Just be careful about her Charge Shot. Also, use lots of turnips lol


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2011
Miami, FL
Turnips. Throw them, and look at how he reacts to them, and then base your approach off of that.

This actually helps a ton.

Because she's really individual, and has many little quirks and things, and...I dunno. She just is. And yeah, floating is tooooooo good. :)

And welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay.
i'll definitely try to turnip more often and that link is definitely gonna help a lot. thanks!


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Bladewise uses this a lot, and I think it has a lot of potential. If I recall correctly, the frame data itself is the same, but the range is not. It's something that can't be used nearly as much as Bowser/Samus's Up-B's, because the range is much smaller, but it's very good at throwing spacies off. Of course, they can account for this with double shines, double shine grabs, and aerial > shine > wavedash away to bait a response. Still, it's a good mixup.
thanks for responding since i am curious about this. in my first post about this i think i mentioned peach's up-B is lacking in range so it cant be used as much, but what i want to use it for is to sort of force the space animal to change up his spacing, like he would need to space so the up_b wont hit him. When he does that I believe it will make it much easier for peach to wavedash back and punish their approaches. In conclusion i dont understand why we as peach's dont do this more often, it seems like a useful tool he r overlooking atm.

So shield dropping with peach, who is doing it and how useful is it? I feel this is a tech we (peach players) need to get on top of. It just seems like a really nice way to get off of platforms when we r stuck in a bad way. Also i find the timing for this kinda tough (i need more practice with it) anyone have any tips on this?

Also about the commentating on baka's match I think degree said it best.


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2008
Richmond, TX
hey guys id like some help on the fox matchup. my opponent uses fox for games 3-5, so if you want to watch less u could just watch that. otherwise if u have falco advice from the first 2 games that'd be useful too. here's a link:
part 1 (together its only one 5-game set): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLTnEyamOoE
part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UF2YJUoFHs

if ur really bored, second set: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wZCD4tKqHY
bumped just in case...help would be very much appreciated. thanks for the comments on the commentary though, glad to know im not the only one that felt that way

so in a tournament yesterday i was playing in a very close teams finals, and whenever the opponent did anything (even just a single hit, no joke), at least one person would cheer, but if we did something, it was either silent or "awwww". when we won, NO ONE clapped. are there some negative connotations with peach or some ****?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2011
Miami, FL
bumped just in case...help would be very much appreciated. thanks for the comments on the commentary though, glad to know im not the only one that felt that way

so in a tournament yesterday i was playing in a very close teams finals, and whenever the opponent did anything (even just a single hit, no joke), at least one person would cheer, but if we did something, it was either silent or "awwww". when we won, NO ONE clapped. are there some negative connotations with peach or some ****?
my friends do that to me T_T

whenever anyone gets a combo on me, even if its like a 2 hit combo they all freak out then i combo the guy or get some fancy edgeguard or w/e and everyone happens to be looking the other direction


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2010
baka, don't worry about it man. Like I said before, you're playing the finals and they're not. If they can't beat Peach then that's their problem, not yours. Johning about Peach is easier than practising to beat the character. One of the (current) top 2 players in the world uses Peach and he doesn't win because she is a good character by default, because she isn't compared to the characters almost everyone complaining about her uses.

Use the hate to fuel you. :D


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
I agree with almost everything said above minus using hate to fuel you, that makes you a bitter person.

This might sound really dumb, but the art of not giving a **** is one of best things you can learn in LIFE. Sure, not saying anything to people who hate for no reason may not stop the problem, but not giving a **** about it in the first place takes you out of the entire situation.

Im debating on whether or not to get infracted for posting my "dont give a ****" pictures...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2010
I meant fuel doing well, not fueling hatred of anyone else. More like a "the more you hate me, the better I'll do :D".


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I suppose I'm a tad bit luckier, because the jabs I get for using Peach are usually in jest from my friends (at least I hope they are). But to be doing well in tournament, and getting calling out for nothing more than my play style? Ugh. Perhaps you should think about wearing headphones during a match, Baka? If it's something that's interfering with your gameplay, or even just something that you really despise, playing music throughout your matches may help (if it doesn't mess you up, of course). Sorry I can't be anymore helpful than that. :\

And congrats on an even 1300.

So guys. Mario. I dislike his combos. How should I DI these so that I don't get *****? Also, is it just me, or does his aerials beat ours at odd angles? I find his nair and dair hard to deal with at times.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
Vanz, be my best friend and just remove it and give me a warning. I really do love you!


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
hey guys i got a frame data question, and since this is are thread for everything i figured I would ask it here. If i were to djl (double jump land) oos what is the fastest frame i could d-smash oos? and on a related note could this be used to punish any aerials from CF?

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Its gonna be slower than a shield grab. Without looking up frame data its gonna be ~5 frames for your jump another frame for your double jump, and 4 more frames for your landing. Thats 10 frames then add in your dsmash start up.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
yea thats what i figured as well, but i wanted to make sure with frame data. this really makes me question if trying to perfect djl is worth the effort at all, like what would be the use of it since its not fast enough to punish most moves. (i do want to note u can djl to jab which would be a bit faster but i still doubt its fast enough to punish most moves)

I understand the advantage is that u can do any move oos this way but it just seems to slow to be useful, correct me if i am wrong

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
It'd probably be your best bet in situations where you are trapped in your shield and you don't want to roll

just djl into dtilt (option selects a CC while putting out a decent hitbox)


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
ok i can see where that could work, so for djl i have been doing it by pressing y twice really fast, but a friend of mine decided to try the tech out and was doing it by hitting x or y then the joystick up. what do u (u being all peach's) think is the best way of doing it. also since d-tilt is a way of using it i am thinking about trying joystick to jump then a jump button for double jump so i can get the joystick back into position faster. djl is not the best or most useful tech that peach has but i am surprised it has not been looked into more then it has


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2009
New York
Could Q dropping(Z dropping a turnip in the few moments you are actually in the air in a DJL) be used to escape falco/fox's shield pressure?
Q drop into a roll seems pretty safe also


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
^its a interesting thought but of course if they r shining when u drop the turnip it will be reflected at u, but it might be worth looking into

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
It would be pretty situational. Fox/Falco's attacks go thru z dropped turnips so the only ways it could work would be if you could do it before their move started or if it hit their shine and messed up their pressure that way. The former might work in cases nair OoS wouldn't because I assume Z dropped turnips have their hitbox first frame (its possible they don't) but the knockback from a Z dropped turnip is low so I don't think it would work as a reliable "get off me" move. I don't really see how you could set up the second one without shield grab being a better punish (they would have to early aerial on your shield and then land close to you so that when they shined you were already airborne) though i suppose if you have a turnip you can't shield grab.

That said, turnips do give you a lot of options in shield. You can throw your turnip for good range as well as throw it behind you. Fullhopping OoS with a Z drop is a shield escape the Links use a lot and could be situationally useful for peach as it gives you quick access to the air which is peach's strongest zone. Peach's turnips aren't as good as bombs but their properties are similar enough.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
If you could z-drop > hit > land fast enough (floating or whatever probably required) > d-smash then that would be amazing.

Probably wouldn't be a true combo, but anything that involves hitting a gimmicky down smash seems like it could have potential.

- kirbykaze


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
is that a quote from kk or is he on unknown522's account? Anyway i sort of feel like up-B oos might be more useful then z dropping in situations were the turnip would hit, but just for escaping pressure by using a turnip to help u get away, or for the thing unknown or kk wrote (if that worked) i could see the turnip drop maybe having some use.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
^^if so thats cool and adds back in 4 more frames of speed which is nice. I as trying to djl with the joystick and so far it seems to be the hardest of all the methods i have tried but i am guessing with some practice I could get it

Also u guys might not remember but a little while back i was asking for how u guys wavedash oos and it wa suggested that i use l to wavedash oos. i started doing that and now i am having trouble wavedashing with R i have no idea what happened. luckily I now just use L for all wavedash's and i kinda feel its better. but its just weird how much trouble i am having with using r now.

Also i was trying to work on some of my swag moves and i came up with one that sucks in a serious match but i feel has mad swag points. if u r holding the edge against a recovering fox or i guess falco, try to jump off the edge and reverse neutral B them, mad swag points
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