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VaNz Stuff.. about Peach (Tactical Discussion)


Smash Ace
Feb 10, 2006
What about Sheik? Sheik covers ground really well and together they can pretty much be an impenatrable wall without eating and aerial or dsmash or something. Both can play a closing in pressure game/camp pressure type thing. Sheiks kill power and easy set ups are a great compliment to Peach too.
I enjoy Peach-Sheik and have met w/ some fair success w/ it. Peach's mid-range float height does a good job complementing Sheik's ground game (Sheik Ftilt while Peach float-Dairs overhead is a nice wall to set up) and both benefit from each other's grabs. Sheik's blast-kill power is actually kinda lame, but it does get opponents off the stage, which is where you like them.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
I asked here for a reason LOL.

Andddd I wasn't asking also who's best for Peach, I asked about Ganon :)

Sry JFox, I quoted =/
1st sentence was a reply to you. the rest was to dynamism, lol
There aren't a lot of combos you can do with ganon because teams combos root from grabs and both characters are very slow
I'd just have peach approach and dsmash or something then have ganon follow the tech and finish it. I wouldn't try too hard for the combo, but it's probably because I'm bad

I actually haven't teamed with ganon's too much, I think they're too reckless of a teammate, so sorry if this is the bad advice that pissed off jfox


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Fox, Ganon, and Sheik seem to be good teammates for Peach.

Fox and Sheik are good at 2v1 or stalling until Peach returns. Ganon as a character is almost entirely built off getting big hits for mistakes by the opponent so in teams this ability is amplified and made better by D-smash and chaos.


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
so i got a few vids from tourney play and i'd like a little advice please and thanks, it's not on youtube only ustream stuff

me vs eggz
me vs noobking

and i like teaming with sheik's, the nice thing is i don't ahve to worry about her getting gimped easily, her are some teams matches if anyone wants to watch them

me+kira vs eggz+sw winners semi's i think
us vs m2k+gimpyfish
winners finals- http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2372969
grand- http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2373208 starts at 16:25 (m2k has an amazing 4 stock come back at 7:35 against eggz+sw)

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
Is there any actual aplication for Nair-slap? I decided I need to learn something stupid technical with peach, and I always liked nair slap. But is it something I could pull out in tournament just for extreme flash and some damage? I imagine the mental impact would be a bit more than the in game, just the "Wait, what?" from the opponent.


Smash Ace
Feb 10, 2006
Is there any actual aplication for Nair-slap? I decided I need to learn something stupid technical with peach, and I always liked nair slap. But is it something I could pull out in tournament just for extreme flash and some damage? I imagine the mental impact would be a bit more than the in game, just the "Wait, what?" from the opponent.
XiF uses it to pressure shields, but roll away > Nair-slap; Peach just can't keep up. It's pretty useful if your opponent doesn't know the grab timing though, cuz the slap hits them out of the grab and you can combo from there (Scar grabbed me out of it every time, though). It's a decent mix up, though; try alternating between it and Dsmash on shields.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Against better opponents, nair doubleslap can work couple of times if you time the second slap when they try to grab/jump out of shield and then immediately do something else like block their attack, full jump nair ect. cause they are bound to cc that second slap or just jump right out of it. Anyways, more experienced opponents, even if slapped when they do something outta shield are gonna do immediately something else, like aforementioned cc to something like grab (goo falcon) or jump into stuff (fox dair gg). Personally I'm trying to shy away from using slap alltogether, the best way to manage peach matchup especially for fast fallers is being jumpy cause that way you can avoid about all her ground based attacks and close ground floathed aerials, thus lotsa opponents will jump to make you miss quite a lot and one slap makes you vulnerable to that jumping. Slap is also so very easy to cc it's not funny, even from shield, basically making you a sitting duck to whatever they wanna pull off with that lousy hitstun. Fair to slap to dsmash can work sometimes though if your opponents expects to ger a grab outta you.

Doubleslapping is good when you need a quick interruption and you're just in range, one slap is good if you predict opponent and counter/move out of the way in time. For pressure, slap really needs to be accompanied with something nastier with more histun in order to make your opponent keep to their shields instead of always countering that one slap and if you're really techy and quick on your feet, you can make it work. For example, spaced fair to slap to dtilt iasa to more slaps, or fair to slap to nair to dsmash and stuff (use dashed nair aka forward moving to move inside shield, so dsmash deals more hits).


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
so i got a few vids from tourney play and i'd like a little advice please and thanks, it's not on youtube only ustream stuff

me vs eggz
me vs noobking

and i like teaming with sheik's, the nice thing is i don't ahve to worry about her getting gimped easily, her are some teams matches if anyone wants to watch them

me+kira vs eggz+sw winners semi's i think
us vs m2k+gimpyfish
winners finals- http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2372969
grand- http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2373208 starts at 16:25 (m2k has an amazing 4 stock come back at 7:35 against eggz+sw)
i couldnt watch any of these vids...

put them on youtube foo


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
i can't get them on youtube, we recorded using some brawl guys computer, and gimpy didn't inform us that we have to say save to youtube for them to get uploaded there

so unless someone magically gets the vids and transfers them, they are stuck in sucky ustream

why couldn't you watch them


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
i dunno....i thought u were a smash broomer now. not too cool for the char specifics yet XIF? lol :)

yo man, u comin to ROM2?


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
The idea that SBRoomers being elitist is ridiculous.

We don't magically piss glitter and excellence just because we have a purple name.

I do that because I'm a gay Peach player.


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
You guys don't like the fact I'm a member fo the kool kids klub? =(

What do you guys think about turnips? I'm really good at using them, but pulling them out takes so loooong wtf.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Seattle Boys!
I play peach in morjority of all my matchs her and falco

but i have a question what is the best way to mind game a shiek once youget grabed by her?
or do i have to just wait for the pack?

and if you can fc nair fast enough can it give shield preasure? enough like double and trible shines do?

With turnips i have a problem using them bait ppl....idk why but i really could use some help trying to bait ppl with them...any suggetsions? any mind games ppl use with them that they could share?


Smash Ace
Feb 10, 2006
When a game has 26 characters in it, I can't stand to play the same one for more than about 4 matches in a row.

With turnips i have a problem using them bait ppl....idk why but i really could use some help trying to bait ppl with them...any suggetsions? any mind games ppl use with them that they could share?
If you throw them enough, some people will try to catch them; which you can take advantage of (just be wary of the catch --> insta-drop)


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
When a game has 26 characters in it, I can't stand to play the same one for more than about 4 matches in a row.

If you throw them enough, some people will try to catch them; which you can take advantage of (just be wary of the catch --> insta-drop)
I can't play more than 2 matches in a row usually. The only time I'll play a lot of peach is when I'll have a bunch of good matches with someone better than me.

Except for M2K when he came to GA a month ago, I can't remember the last time i've even sat down to play someone better than me, even when they're at a tournament.

I dunno, I'd rather just walk around and talk.

Nowadays my first match of the day is generally my first teams match in bracket.

As for sheik, switch up the DI, that's about it. Try to nair or up B (bottom hit box has good initial knockback) out if they're getting sloppy and you notice it. Best place to DI is either straight up or up and a little behind. It makes the next grab a little ambiguous and the Sheik won't know whether they need to turn to grab or just grab in front.


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
every time i DI up vs vanz/tec0's sheik, they sweetspot the upsmash and hit me twice for ******** damage. If sheik grabs me, its like I'm auto-f*cked. i literally do anything i can not to get grabbed, which is super hard against her, but is still worth the effort cuz sheik relies heavily on grabs at low percent since CC is so effective.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
DI'ing Sheik's grab should be decided based on your percentage. If You're at a low percentage (like 30% and lower) just DI away and eat the Fair. You might be able to Nair her right after in some cases. Mid to High Percentages, I usually DI up and away. It's a real guessing game because she can kill you with both Uair and Fair. But the Fair is easier to DI, so if you DI the Dthrow hard enough, the Sheik might go for Fair and you can try surviving that.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
I rather think cc is effective only against sheiks who are not so accustomed to fightning peaches with sheik. :/ Sheik can just low fair L-cancel to jump again/grab and peach twirls her dress for nothing. >_> Especially the jump part ugh. Good spacing is the key though, armada does nasty things to sheik and just generaly keeps away from grab range. I'd link to armada vs jadde where he does nasty things, but helios hasn't uploaded it yet while he wanted to do it himself. <_< Harrumph.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Seattle Boys!
XIF not trying to suck d!ck or what not but i love how you play your peach i love the fc nair to double slap but when are the best times to use that? and whjo is it most effective against?

and dear god how do i stop from being shined i try to up b before the shine but it never works im lost with that and i honestly feel against marth and fox with peach i might as well pick another character honestly....any help with them?


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
FC Nair to slaps is one part of the nasty mixups Peach has. When you finally catch a character and they're dodging/rolling/shielding/whatever you can use that, fcnair d smash, fcnair grab, fcnair, dashdance away go back into whatever... whatever you think they may do you have an option to cover it, and it pretty much starts with FC Nair.

I don't quite understand what you mean by don't get hit by shine... do you mean in general or after you get hit or out of shield or what?

It's a one frame move, so if you're approaching him, you shouldn't even go near him without a turnip leading you or if he's actually committed to something and you can actually hit him. If you're getting hit in your shield and he's rushing you down, don't even bother competing with it. 1 frame.


It's too good, so just wait it out most of the time. If you can tell that he messed up his fast fall or l-cancel, go for the grab, but you're better off rolling away. Or if you're feeling saucy at low percents and you see him going for nairs, cc dsmash.

If you're already getting hit though, there's a reason why it's called a combo. Best thing you can do is learn smash DI. Smash DI'ing away from the shine will force them to walk a little bit further in order to follow up, which for some people is enough to mess up their next shine and even more importantly the u smash. Smash DI'ing in will force a cross up most of the time, and you'll get shined the other way.


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
xif...really? approach with turnips? I literally never use them to approach vs fox. I just outspace him. The shine doesnt scare me at all, it has absolutely no range. I just approach with fc fair, or i attack the space around fox (full jumping foxes get ****ed up) because he typically is going to just run into it.

I'm gonna post some vids, cuz explaining it is hard. i have like a thousand tricks for the peach v fox matchup, but the most key thing to it imo is just outspace him with everything and when u get him off keep him off.


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
can't you just nair out of shield? I just wait for them to aerial -> shine and then i nair out. same thing for Falco too.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
double shines>u

get at technical ec foxes

btw as far as sheik goes she should never be able to usmash u after throw. u can float out and nair, its just tricky di/timing. if you DI away i can regrab you, though, til like 20

also if ur at kill % dthrow uair works no matter ur DI


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
How do you fight a sword dancing Marth? I can't really avoid it, DI out, or punish it. Does anyone have videos against one, or advice?


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
Jfox maybe its cause I just suck with Peach but Peach vs Fox doesn't sound like fun to me at all. I rather take Falco.
I'm really good at fighting any character that fights a lot in the air, anything that has to short hop for full jump most of their attacks. I'm also very good at fighting anything i can outspace. And lastly I'm good vs anything that I can edge gaurd the **** out of. SO basically I **** Fox because I can competely outspace him, I can punish his full jumps and short hop arials, and I can edge gaurd the **** out of him.

Unfortunately, Fox is a really hard matchup, especially when Foxes are very good at camping with lasers. But honestly, I've always thought it was really only Peach's 3rd worst matchup. (I wonder what Armada would think...)


Everything else peach basically have advantage against.
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