I'm very intrigued by the different ways people utilize their controllers. No matter which way I try, some area of my tech skill is limited by the choice I make. I know this is unavoidable to some extent, but I'm curious how other players, especially the top ones, deal with it. I'm totally willing to retrain my hands if I think I've found something that will work better for me down the road.
First, I have a basic question: does anyone here EVER use their fourth/fifth fingers for anything? Anyone who plays a fingered instrument will tell you that they lack independence, so trying to use them for something that requires coordinated movements as minute as melee seems unnatural to me, but theoretically I can imagine someone using his fourth finger for R.
ShroudedOne: I definitely understand that C-stick aerials allow for more natural aerial mobility during the float, but how do you nair, then? (Wouldn't life be so much easier if we could nair with the c-stick??) If you use A, you'd obviously have to use your thumb because your index finger's busy holding Y if it's a fc nair. I guess I can't see a problem with that because I think(?) everyone has to move their thumb between A (and B) and the C-stick anyway. Do you always use the C-stick for all other aerials?
I guess the main difficulty I'd have with this is using R with the middle finger and trying to switch between R and Z. It's difficult for me to get the leverage to press R all the way down with the middle finger, especially if I'm trying to keep just the tip of my index finger on Y. I'm guessing you just use L for everything, though I suppose you could brace the controller against your body for the leverage? Though I'm used to shielding with R, I guess I can imagine using L for everything, though it would make wd oos more awkward.
Also, do you ever have problems with the positioning of your thumb on the C-stick? My thumbs always slide around the sticks as it is, and it's worse when I use just the tip (AND THAT'S WHAT NOBODY SAID, THANK YOU). It's especially bad when trying to move quickly between A and the C-stick. Does anyone else have a problem keeping a grip on either control stick? There must be a simple way to enhance the grip, like attaching something with more friction or something like that?