holy ****, 4000 lines?
Will this be "elegant" enough for you Brawlplusery folks? lol seriously, with 4000 lines, we'll have all the room we'll ever need.
This was the original intention of my GeckoOS rewrite and why people were hyped up about it.
I was trying to get it to load a gct file into 0x80570000 but what happens is. i was able to read a gct and write to 0x80570000. the problem was that when the game boots the memory is cleared. the code has to execute AFTER the game boots to make sure it's in the memory. I decided to try rewriting the kenobiwii ASM loader to this, which was a headache.
this method uses WiiRD, which runs in the loader, to accomplish this, which is somewhat easier (since you can make special memory management calls). after i saw the sd remapping for the textures, i knew this was bound to happen and i just waited. i stopped working and waited for my USB Gecko but I figured by the time I got my USB Gecko, loading GCT files from SD would have already been done. Snapshot file reading came before my USB Gecko even got here and that's when I fully gave up. PW is far more experienced at ASM than I am. It was a matter of time. I'll do what I can now and fix up GeckoOS to be more Brawl+ orientated.
I think you can make it as long as you want with in reason, the name is written with a string code.
Well, i'll play around with it. I'll make a init.gct file read to the standard 0x800027E8 memory location and modify the 16 characters depending on user selection. there are some good examples of reading the file table so it shouldn't be too difficult.
one i get it working, i'll expand from 16 chars