Ok bare with me here im going to try my best to explain this whole process i got to work in the last 5 minutes.
1. Download all the necessary files (the encrypter, the tweaker)
2. When you have these create your gct file you want to play with. Doesn't matter how many lines.
3. using the tweaker and its new GCT to Bin function select that new gct and create a bin file (THE NAME MUST START WITH al_ after that you can name it whatever you want)
(\/\/\/\/ONLY DO THESE STEPS IF YOU ARE RUNNING v007 of the tweaker, v008 automatically encrypts your files, if you created a bin in v008 just skip to step 6*****)
4. with your new bin file created, open your folder that has your encription program in it, in that folder should be an IN file, Place your bin file you just created in there
5. when it is in there activate the encryption program (should be named encrypt, simply enough) and if done correctly you should have a fresh new bin file now in your OUT folder that was previously empty
(^^^^^^ ONLY DO THESE STEPS IF YOU ARE RUNNING v007 of the tweaker, v008 automatically encrypts your files, if you created a bin in v008 just skip to step 6*****)
6. with this encrypted bin you are going to place it on your sd card in the al folder (if you do not have an al folder in your RSBE folder create one), which is in your RSBE folder, which is in your apps folder, which is in your wii folder, which might be in your private folder.
7.now with the bin in your al folder you are going to create a gct to run the whole thing, on the first page of this thread you should find a series of codes, they are for the japanese version the usa version and the pal version, select the one you have and copy that along with the bottom code.
8 this new gct is just like any previous code you created just go into occarina and activate the two codes and have it place the gct into your codes file on your sd card like before
9 with everything inplace start up your wii normally like you would to play brawl+
10 now go to the vault on the opening screen of brawl and go to albums
11 click on the sd card and open up the picture of the gct that should be there (this is where i got a little lost i didn't really know if i should just open it copy it or what so i just opened it and looked at it to make sure)
12 welcome to unlimited codespaced gct in actionville, population you
(if anyone could help me out with clarification on step 11 i would much appreciate it)