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Upstate New York Tournament Thread


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2009
You didn't beat me more than I lost to you. Games 1 and 2 were self explanatory. Game 3 was just bad execution (horribly mistimed jumps). If Jesse and I happen to play similarly, it is a coincidence. I'm sure most people would agree that I play "goofy as hell."

Edit: Yes, I would very much like Jesse being alright with Kyle.
Point still remains valid however. Whether you realize it or not, you do play similar to jesse, in a trollin sorta way. You have more of your own style than most of the other region excluding maybe goggles, but you still play similarly to the rest of rochester. The time I did beat you may have been a fluke, it may have been me playing uber and you like crap, or whatever. The point is however, that people that play similarly to Jesse that are not jesse, are much easier to beat.

Back to kyle and jesse: shut the **** up, play nice, and stop having a big **** contest.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2009
Geneseo, NY
ITT: People carrying on fairly civil arguments while others exclaim "Oh noes, doent fite, les all hol hnads n suck eech othr off!"


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
Baltimore, MD
ITT: Goggles thinks something, types something interpreted not as-thought.
Same goes for replies to goggles. Rinse and repeat every 30 pages.

U both mad.

Jesse, yer cool, and while I like the novel a page or so back, it seemed pretty straight-up general to me. That is stuff goggles really does know, even if you can't tell it in his game. Maybe I just see it easier because I'm not only a little worse than him, but play substantially slower characters, requiring me to read into his game at a reaaaaaally in-depth level.

If I was to make a general observation of how it usually goes down:
-Stock 1: goggles throws out some effective well-known parlor tricks and sees if you can deal. (Pressure, observe)
-Stock 2: Alternates between parlor tricks from before and different things based on how you've been reacting to them in stock 1 (Adapt, Observe)
-Stock 3: Goes 100% reaction-based with your habits. (Adapt)
And that's a formula for not just brawl, not just fighting games, but 2P games in general. How well he's doing it can just vary on different criteria, and how well he knows your own parlor tricks from the get-go.

Also, I'm gonna go out and say that 90% of the time, goggles ain't hater gonna hate when you think he's up in your face in a post. 30% of the time, he might really be sayin somethin, but then, leave your johns at the door, money on the table, settle it next tourney.
tl;dr: Goggles gets brawl rather instinctively, but also intellectually, at a level you might not see all the time, but it's there. And get confused before u mad when he posts. ¯\(°_o)/¯ > :mad:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2009
Hudson Valley, NY
Pretty interesting read regarding what defines a "good" player, and what their foundation as a player is built on.

I don't think anyone knows the answer to that question, even the best of the best like M2K can take it further. I guess that's what really makes me love this game. Constantly trying to critique my game play and ask myself what I'd do in x scenario. Trying to pick up on habits that I might get punished for and trying to consider all my options.

I think it was like a month ago I was playing friendlies against JamesG and he just read everything I did so well it kind of stunned me. At first I had a sense that I had a chance against him, but like in the second match he read me so well it kind of made me want to cry. xD But at the same time it made me want to play more because it made me realize how much skill it actually takes to be good in this game. So many things go into it, like what your reflexes are, how well your able to read your opponent, and realize patterns in your own game. Your tech skill, your understanding of the underlying physics of the game, general facts about the game and how certain things work, plus so much more.

Then last weekend I beat him in a crews battle match. We had a MM after and I lost but I felt like even during the MM that he gap between me and him has really gotten a lot smaller. The same could be said with me an 13370.

Every night I get on wifi to play this game, even though I hate wifi just to get better and I never get tired of it. My win-loss ratio on wifi is horrible, but I don't really get discouraged.

I have friends who play MMOs and such that I've tried to get into smash. They don't understand how I can enjoy playing this game so much. I try to explain to them why I like the game so much. I used to play MMOs a lot, I was really into PVP. But in the end MMOs are mostly based off simple concepts with the underlying fact that free time=power in those games. Those with the most free time will be the best players. I wanted something that required more then just endless grinding, or riding someones meat to get x item, or account sharing.

I wanted something that took skill, real skill. Something that had depth to it. I had always played smash casually, since 64, but I guess it was a good friend who showed me how much depth was in smash. Back then I was a horrible player, fsmash and phantasm spamming where my friends. He used link and kicked my *** every single time and I couldn't understand it. I didn't like losing, and I wanted to prove to myself with if I put the effort in I could become much better then he was at the game. That's how I found out about this whole community, and the competitive smash scene in general.

For me now its like I get a thrill out of playing the game. Like almost every day almost I learn something new. Some new tip, like ledge canceling with Falco which is a very situational move but might be able to make the difference in a close match. Or for some reason some pattern in my game play that I'm constantly getting punished for finally pops out at me and I'm like, "why did it take me so long to pick up on that?"

Honestly I'm not a natural at this game. I don't have good reflexes, I don't have any creative mind games, and it takes me forever to adapt to something new and unexpected that I encounter and don't know how to react to.

None of that discourages me though, because for me one of the greatest things about smash is developing into a better player then I am today. To me smash is a skill that I get a thrill out of. Some people get a thrill out of developing their athletic skills, or their artistic talent. Its about setting goals and trying to achieve them. Constantly testing my mettle against that of my opponents. It's not about how good I am today, but how good I will be tomorrow.

And the me of tomorrow is going to kick ALL your *****! >)



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
Remember that match last tourney at RIT, your Falco vs my Snake on FD? You won that match, congrats...But, the problem lies in the fact that you were SATISFIED with that win. That, in your head, is a legitimate win. That's what I call a "temporary win," because 80% of that match was lasering, then side B'ing when I got close...Then, mix up jab spamming, rolling and dodging until I was at kill percent, then spam Dsmash or Usmash or Fsmash.

That **** can get you a win, I'm not saying it can't. But, you're taking shortcuts. In all honesty, if you really want to be as good at this game as you say, and I feel like you do, you'd be better off losing and using more solid strategies, that may be harder to implement at the time, but will be more long term rewarding in the long run. That's how consistent pros get to be consistent pros. You're doomed to mediocrity if you keep playing how you play.
People refine their styles, dude.

You can't just say "What you're doing is bad, and although it got you the win, you should feel bad."

I mostly see this with Sai (the refining bit) -- You hadn't seen him when he was starting but he wasn't exactly anything good.
He was "Lol ledgegrab" and just played horribly. I don't know his track record or anything, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't beating people.

Now he's like "lol ledgegrab. over. and over. and over. and i have the patience to do this and it's effective. over. and over. and over. and over." And he actually has a decent stage game + edgeguard game now. Last summer I was able to easily get around his edgeguards, and when I played him a month ago I was having more difficulty.

It's gay, don't get me wrong. Like, REALLY gay. And it's not the best way to play as Puff, but it is an example of taking a specific strat and refining it. I'm not saying he's like the epitome of having a style focused around ledge grabs, but he's working on his own thing.

So, in closing, I didn't read anywhere near half of what you posted.

(Oh, and that's a really easy Brawl style to beat if you're actually good at it ;))


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2009
Point still remains valid however. Whether you realize it or not, you do play similar to jesse, in a trollin sorta way. You have more of your own style than most of the other region excluding maybe goggles, but you still play similarly to the rest of rochester. The time I did beat you may have been a fluke, it may have been me playing uber and you like crap, or whatever. The point is however, that people that play similarly to Jesse that are not jesse, are much easier to beat.

Back to kyle and jesse: shut the **** up, play nice, and stop having a big **** contest.

Pyro...we don't ALL play like Jesse so stop throwing it around like we do. If you haven't noticed most of us LIVE near each other in ROCHESTER. So it's inevitable that we will develop similar styles for certain characters but it's not really fair to say we all play like Jesse. I think it would be better to say that we need to get out of state and play different regions. That's why I've been to Mass twice this summer and plan to go to Syracuse as well. All we can do is expand our understanding of the game by playing as many people as we can.

PS: Don't have a big head. It will make you lose.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
This is Goggles, I will say that minhs style is also seperate and more akin to tsais, in that he realises that he will continue to camp out wins for eternity. Hes uses his experience in games like SF to add to his knowledge about smash. thats why hes so good at hiding it.

Other than that most people here do play somewhat similarly


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
I don't think anyone should tell someone how they should be playing, advice is nice but to tell someone that they are doing it completely wrong and its a bad way to play shouldn't be said. You cant force someone to develop as a player its something you have to achieve on your own through hard work and countless hours of getting *****. If you feel some one is playing badly let him/her get ***** 100 times then perhaps they'll realize their mistakes on their own term and alter his/her playstyle.

I personally believe in trial and error. If you try and do something that doesn't work eventually you'll stop, or learn to throw it in at random times as a mind game.

You can ask anyone that plays me often, (mostly central ny) I know absolutely nothing about this game. (Melee and brawl) The only reason i can play and place consistently is cause i put fourth the time. I try stuff that may or may not work 100 times until i realize it works or it doesnt.

I dont read threads on smashboards other than upstate stuff.
I dont read tutorials , guides, or hardly ask for advice.
What i do have is over 100+ Tournaments/fest/mini tournaments under my belt.
Probably more hours than id like to admit on wifi or against cpu's.

I guess what im trying to say is everyone (Including kyle,jesse, even m2k) Has their own vision on what it takes to become a good player, how to get there, what to do, and how to handle certain situatons.

My strat is to just play alot. And against everyone good or bad. This is how i become better as a player. Which may not be the same mentality of jesse (Having the right mindset/ Intentionally trying things that will make you lose to test options) or the same as kyle (Reading a lot of threads/ Watching alot of Videos) or even m2k (playing against cpu's) The fact of the matter is, everyone has there own path set. Let people get better on their own terms, give advice if requested , but you shouldn't push your methods on to other people.

Everyone just be yourself! :D


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Woah, it just hit me like a giant mallet right across the side of my head. (Usmash)

I haven't played cura in FOREEEEEVER, like, at NONE of those events in the later half of the year. How'd I manage to mess that up?


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
i want to see everyone again and play cny melee'ers =(

i'm not making enough money as i wanted up here and i gotta get my car fixed. i'll DEF be at ss3 though it's guaranteed. i already asked off ^.^


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2008
Seattle, WA
Hey guys, my name's Dan. I've been playing Smash since the release date of the original, but have recently become more interested in playing Brawl competitively. I live on Long Island now, but I'm going to SUNY Buffalo in the fall so I may be able to partake in some upstate tourneys, namely ones in Buffalo.

I main Ness, although I also dabble with Yoshi, Diddy, Luigi, Mario, Sonic, Pit, & Kirby. Haven't really picked out a true secondary yet. I'm still new to the competitive sphere (I've played in online tournaments a few times years ago, only breaking the first round on a coin flip because of lag), and generally only play in tournaments with my friends.

So hopefully I'll be playing some of you guys in the near future. I just fixed my Wi-Fi, it's working great now so if I'm around I'm down for some friendlies. :)


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
I try stuff out that I may have learned a day before in tournament sets/just wonder what people's reactions are to some things I randomly decide to do. I also read all the topics at smashboards (although I don't visit many other character boards), yet only post if it's worth posting (99/100 it's not)


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
you said some ego-riffic things to people besides me

There was the Greene Archer is a nobody thing, that was kinda over the line.

Sorry, I have to disagree. I didn't mean he was a nobody as a person or player. I've never heard of him, so he could be **** as a player and he could be the nicest person ever. That's cool, idc. The point is, he came into our thread and tried trashing us, when he doesn't live in this region so he doesn't even know any of us, meaning anything he says doesn't matter...Hence, he is a nobody and shouldn't be taken seriously at all.

There was the WNY is my region thing, which went hand in hand with the I can come back and win anytime I want, thing. both of which were kind of unnecessary.
Ok I'll clear this up. Whether everyone loves me or everyone hates me, no matter what people think, I will always believe WNY is my region. I'm proud to rep us out of state, I'm proud to defend us when OOS'ers come here, I'm here for any of our Smashers whether it's Smash help, or emotional/people help, and I expect them to be here for me too. I feel I have a duty to this region for being the place where my Smash career originated and blossomed. This is my region and I will always feel this way. This also comes with the belief that I know I can be #1 in this region at anything I choose, whether it's Melee, Brawl, Pokemon, MVC2, etc. Sorry, but no one's going to change my mind on that.

couple others that I cant think of off the top of my head. But I wouldnt mind or bring it up if you were only being a **** to me, I expect most people to hate on me at this point whether its warrented or not. But its starting to get to be like a general "Im so much Better than everyone" vibe im getting from you.
Well, if that's actually true then I'll definitely try to watch it and tone that down. My bad.

eh... im over everything else besides whats in this post tho. so my bad on any misinterpretations I had.
Yeah my bad, I tried calling but you didn't answer. You can go in the apartment whenever you want. Also if I do decide do get back into Brawl again, you're gonna be training with me for sure.

Jesse da bess.
Finally, someone understands. ;)

Pretty interesting read regarding what defines a "good" player, and what their foundation as a player is built on.

I don't think anyone knows the answer to that question, even the best of the best like M2K can take it further. I guess that's what really makes me love this game. Constantly trying to critique my game play and ask myself what I'd do in x scenario. Trying to pick up on habits that I might get punished for and trying to consider all my options.

I think it was like a month ago I was playing friendlies against JamesG and he just read everything I did so well it kind of stunned me. At first I had a sense that I had a chance against him, but like in the second match he read me so well it kind of made me want to cry. xD But at the same time it made me want to play more because it made me realize how much skill it actually takes to be good in this game. So many things go into it, like what your reflexes are, how well your able to read your opponent, and realize patterns in your own game. Your tech skill, your understanding of the underlying physics of the game, general facts about the game and how certain things work, plus so much more.

Then last weekend I beat him in a crews battle match. We had a MM after and I lost but I felt like even during the MM that he gap between me and him has really gotten a lot smaller. The same could be said with me an 13370.

Every night I get on wifi to play this game, even though I hate wifi just to get better and I never get tired of it. My win-loss ratio on wifi is horrible, but I don't really get discouraged.

I have friends who play MMOs and such that I've tried to get into smash. They don't understand how I can enjoy playing this game so much. I try to explain to them why I like the game so much. I used to play MMOs a lot, I was really into PVP. But in the end MMOs are mostly based off simple concepts with the underlying fact that free time=power in those games. Those with the most free time will be the best players. I wanted something that required more then just endless grinding, or riding someones meat to get x item, or account sharing.

I wanted something that took skill, real skill. Something that had depth to it. I had always played smash casually, since 64, but I guess it was a good friend who showed me how much depth was in smash. Back then I was a horrible player, fsmash and phantasm spamming where my friends. He used link and kicked my *** every single time and I couldn't understand it. I didn't like losing, and I wanted to prove to myself with if I put the effort in I could become much better then he was at the game. That's how I found out about this whole community, and the competitive smash scene in general.

For me now its like I get a thrill out of playing the game. Like almost every day almost I learn something new. Some new tip, like ledge canceling with Falco which is a very situational move but might be able to make the difference in a close match. Or for some reason some pattern in my game play that I'm constantly getting punished for finally pops out at me and I'm like, "why did it take me so long to pick up on that?"

Honestly I'm not a natural at this game. I don't have good reflexes, I don't have any creative mind games, and it takes me forever to adapt to something new and unexpected that I encounter and don't know how to react to.

None of that discourages me though, because for me one of the greatest things about smash is developing into a better player then I am today. To me smash is a skill that I get a thrill out of. Some people get a thrill out of developing their athletic skills, or their artistic talent. Its about setting goals and trying to achieve them. Constantly testing my mettle against that of my opponents. It's not about how good I am today, but how good I will be tomorrow.

And the me of tomorrow is going to kick ALL your *****! >)

I'm so happy to hear that man. You know what this all means right? If what you said is 100% true, then you have a duty to become one of the top players in this region, and become known, and be someone that people to go as a source of help.

I don't think anyone should tell someone how they should be playing, advice is nice but to tell someone that they are doing it completely wrong and its a bad way to play shouldn't be said. You cant force someone to develop as a player its something you have to achieve on your own through hard work and countless hours of getting *****. If you feel some one is playing badly let him/her get ***** 100 times then perhaps they'll realize their mistakes on their own term and alter his/her playstyle.

I personally believe in trial and error. If you try and do something that doesn't work eventually you'll stop, or learn to throw it in at random times as a mind game.

You can ask anyone that plays me often, (mostly central ny) I know absolutely nothing about this game. (Melee and brawl) The only reason i can play and place consistently is cause i put fourth the time. I try stuff that may or may not work 100 times until i realize it works or it doesnt.

I dont read threads on smashboards other than upstate stuff.
I dont read tutorials , guides, or hardly ask for advice.
What i do have is over 100+ Tournaments/fest/mini tournaments under my belt.
Probably more hours than id like to admit on wifi or against cpu's.

I guess what im trying to say is everyone (Including kyle,jesse, even m2k) Has their own vision on what it takes to become a good player, how to get there, what to do, and how to handle certain situatons.

My strat is to just play alot. And against everyone good or bad. This is how i become better as a player. Which may not be the same mentality of jesse (Having the right mindset/ Intentionally trying things that will make you lose to test options) or the same as kyle (Reading a lot of threads/ Watching alot of Videos) or even m2k (playing against cpu's) The fact of the matter is, everyone has there own path set. Let people get better on their own terms, give advice if requested , but you shouldn't push your methods on to other people.

Everyone just be yourself! :D
Cura you are talking about methods of getting better, I'm talking about a way of developing your playstyle. 2 Different things Brah.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2007
Rochester, NY
Hey guys, my name's Dan. I've been playing Smash since the release date of the original, but have recently become more interested in playing Brawl competitively. I live on Long Island now, but I'm going to SUNY Buffalo in the fall so I may be able to partake in some upstate tourneys, namely ones in Buffalo.

I main Ness, although I also dabble with Yoshi, Diddy, Luigi, Mario, Sonic, Pit, & Kirby. Haven't really picked out a true secondary yet. I'm still new to the competitive sphere (I've played in online tournaments a few times years ago, only breaking the first round on a coin flip because of lag), and generally only play in tournaments with my friends.

So hopefully I'll be playing some of you guys in the near future. I just fixed my Wi-Fi, it's working great now so if I'm around I'm down for some friendlies. :)
Hey, welcome! I hate to tell you this, but Buffalo doesn't have a particularly large (although present!) smash scene, and in upstate NY it's primarily concentrated in Rochester and Syracuse (which lately seem to be Melee and Brawl towns, respectively). However, come to tournaments, we love seeing new players! Everyone plays a lot -- and generally, are pretty chill -- so if there's a tournament or otherwise notable smashfest just bring a controller.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2009
Cortland, New York
Hey guys, my name's Dan. I've been playing Smash since the release date of the original, but have recently become more interested in playing Brawl competitively. I live on Long Island now, but I'm going to SUNY Buffalo in the fall so I may be able to partake in some upstate tourneys, namely ones in Buffalo.

I main Ness, although I also dabble with Yoshi, Diddy, Luigi, Mario, Sonic, Pit, & Kirby. Haven't really picked out a true secondary yet. I'm still new to the competitive sphere (I've played in online tournaments a few times years ago, only breaking the first round on a coin flip because of lag), and generally only play in tournaments with my friends.

So hopefully I'll be playing some of you guys in the near future. I just fixed my Wi-Fi, it's working great now so if I'm around I'm down for some friendlies. :)
Oh cool a new NY Ness main.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Ok serious time. Melee players, what theme do you want to see for Rankings? I have one in progress right now but we can change it if people don't like it....Throw me some themes right now, I'm getting these done.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2010

This is MY story
a lil late but lol such good timing... made me smile hehe. FFX ROX. but marked the the end for the FF franchise. Anything made by that atrocity square enix will never measure up to the old school squaresoft.

Me (Yusuke) fighting Suzaku, then Sieryu, then Byakko, then Genbu.
Yo was any1 thinking about Sieryu Death Fist, Suzaku Sky Dance, Genbu-100 Kick, Byakko Shockwave at all after this? Man great memories, Major props for any for gets the references.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
min answer my question about theme rankings and also...sounds like thats from a random old snes game my friend had

oh u said dbz nvm


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
I was thinking of MegaTen and some of those demons named after that.


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Shin Megami Tensei series. It is a weird shortening if you haven't heard of it.

A punch out! (or Super Punch Out!) theme would be pretty awesome.

I think the series has enough original looking characters to choose from.

Dr. G:



List of pics:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2006
You know, I've been thinking long and hard about this and our region needs ....

handsome power rankings.

We need to power-handsome level so that we can make other regions look ugly in comparison.
And I'm tired of Chu-Dat being top tier on the handsome power rankings. Our region needs to dress it up.



I like San's idea too.


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Well that was the only grandpa in the game lol. Those were just my thoughts, tbqh, you can choose any char (DK is a fightable character in punch out wii)


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Min, we can't do an SD3 power rankings theme.

If we did, it would mean Star Lancer Lise is top tier.

And then I would have to come back to ROC specifically to get first place on the rankings for at least one ranking period and then leave.
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