Well I guess now would be a good time to make a few shoutouts and just go over a few things.
First is I haven't done any shoutouts for any of the tourneys lately so I'll do that now.
Sheth: Good **** at the past couple of tournies, I feel like your focusing on to many characters, try to stick to 1-2. I'm not good at the marth MU but I feel like your marth has potential
Altairian: Always a good sport dude, your probably the most dedicated brawl smasher in the community imo. Don't get discouraged.
Chris: Your goggles friend right? You come to every tourney in Rochester and I think I saw you at SS2 so you prob like the game. Just step it up
San: Thanks for playing all those friendlies with me, and thanks for the support. It really means a lot to me. I feel like I learn a lot after every smash fest I went to with you there at Jesses place
Dr G: Good **** dude. I was really impressed with how you did at rising from the ashes pt 2. Thanks for playing all those friendlies against me this season. It really helped me improve my game.
Moss: GGs with that MM. Your a pretty chill dude and I look forward to MM you more next season. >)
JamesG: I never play you much but being the next person over me in the PR expect to see me asking for a lot of MMs. I can tell I need to step my **** up some before I can give you a run for your money though.
Goggles: Yo I'm not going to lie, your the kind of guy where people either like you or hate you. I think if people give you a chance your not a bad guy though. You do **** that pisses people off a lot, and some times you do **** where I'm like, ". . . WTF?" But whatever, I'm a live and let live sort of guy.
It was really nice to see you come out of nowhere and make it into the top five. You really stepped your **** up, and its nice to see someone else playing falco in this region. I got a lot of respect for you.
Pika: You haven't been doing good lately but I feel like most of our good players in this region have been in a rut at one point or another, now its just your turn. I didn't see the livestream but good **** at nikefest. Mad hype for mlg. I'm supporting you as the #1 pika!
Kanto: I remember three or four months ago having a conversation with you on the way back from rochester about how everyone has their limit and what it takes to get to the next level. I remember you telling me how, "I did the same **** over and over." Or something along those lines.
I don't know it kind of struck a cord with me, probably the best advice I've ever gotten up to date lol. I know you've been busy lately but as long as you have a love for the game and the will to keep playing I'm sure you'll get better
AK: You have a lot of potential dude. I was **** when I first started playing before I got into the competitive brawl, but for not playing competitively at all your really good. I think you have a lot of potential, hopefully we'll see you in syracuse.
Snakeee: I look forward to seeing you at mlg. I think you've got your edge back now.
13370: Sucks that I haven't seen much of you lately, but you where always another person that always supported me and I really appreciate it.
BP100: I havent seen you since SOY1 but I remember I was really grateful for the advice at that event. Sorry we couldn't play games on lolfail wifi.
XXX: Your mad chill and if you where active in the scene more I prob wouldn't even be on the PR. Hopefully you'll be more active next season
Eevee: I'm sorry for mispelling your name all the time. Frannie right? ><;
Cura: Stop ****** me so hard. >< Thanks for hosting all those smashfest for our area. It really helped me step up my game. You probably coach me the most out of all the players in the region and its really helped me a lot. I wish I could say I enjoyed getting ***** by you in all the matches we play but I promise one day I'll give you a match worth remembering. xD I've still got a ways to go though.
About me getting the tenth spot on the Power Rankings:
It feels really nice to finally be on the PR, especially when I said I wanted to get on by June and its still the middle of may.
At the same time it feels bittersweet. I always imagined getting on the PR because I beat someone worth talking about.
The way it is now I've never lost to anyone bad, but I really haven't beaten anyone good either. I feel like I really haven't done anything.
Honestly I would rather win a few upsets and lose to someone bad once in a while rather then getting on the PR like this.
Which brings me to the last person I'm giving a shoutout too, Sharky.
I feel like you and I have been pretty close in skill level since around RITs got hype. We had a lot of close matches, including that MM at rising fromt he ashes pt 2.
The only difference between you and I up until this point was your PR seat and the lack of mine. You where seeded higher thus you faced lower seeds then I did earlier in brackets. My wins against higher seeded players looked better then yours, and your loss against AK was someone who I would have lost to at that point as well. IMO the only real difference is your loss to Phil. That one bad match put you in last place in the tourney too. It kind of sucks for the both of us dude. At this point I feel like I didn't get the definitive conclusion that I wanted, as far as I'm concerned your as good of a player as I am, even a little better perhaps.
I feel like I made the PR only on a technicality, and not based on the extent of my ability. I couldn't care less about stats, all I care about is the extent of my ability, and the PR was a way for me to measure myself against some sort of standard.
Let it be known that I object to the way our stats where weighed against each other.
At this point it would be meaningless to give up my seat. Instead I'll use it to challange myself to aspire to a higher standard in the future.
-Way to serious