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Unofficial Recovery tier list V1.1

Kage Me

Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2008
The Netherlands
Why are Olimar and Ivysaur at the very bottom? I get why Solimar would be down there, but when he has 6 Pikmin, he gets an incredible recovery range.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York, NY
If you had to recover the entire distance of Bridge of Eldin, then yeah, Pit's would be better. But for practical purposes, ROB's up-B fuel is more than enough to make it back from anything. He can go under FD twice on one tank (or maybe 3 times if pushed, I've never really tried) and can survive multiple spikes from every character in the game, which is something that Pit definitely cannot do. Also, ROB's recovery has better vertical distance than Pit's. You'd be surprised how long you can stretch out a single tank of gas with interspersed fairs and a large boost with your last drop of fuel using nair. If there's 30 seconds left and ROB is ahead in %, GG because he can go hover in the top corner until time runs out.
Yeah, ROB wins vertically. He can also take more hits.

However it's not easy to hit Pit out of his glide, he travels fairly fast and he can change the direction he's moving somewhat unpredictably. Even if he only glides for about a second or two, he'll probably make it back to the stage at that point.


Smash Cadet
Jun 28, 2008
Franklin, MA.
Lucario at FD (knocked off left): DI right;
(Before double jump):
1. Double-jump onto FD.
2. Double-jump into a wall-cling, wall-jump into an aerial attack.
3. ES auto-snap to the ledge.
4. Anything else you can think of.
(After double jump):
1. If sea-level, ES onto stage.
2. If above, just land on it.
3. Below: ES to wall-cling, wall-jump to air-dodge/reverse AS.

+7 for Luke.

Also, Frigate Orpheon is THE Lucario stage.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2008
Jigglypuff doesn't need an up-b.
Floatiness + 6 (or 5 i dunno) jumps + Pound = Second best recovery in the game.
Pit has the fastest glide and that alone should be enough to get back on the stage.
Snake players usually recover high up, so getting knocked out of it is a lot less likely. Also, he can use his c4 to regain his up-B
Captain falcon's recovery is normal.
Ike can only recover from directly under, or high above the stage, or he is dead.
Snake can get caught (actually, he almost ALWAYS gets caught) when he is beneath a solid stage.
Captain Falcon's recovery is similar to Ike, the only difference being that it can be easily gimped. Side B can also be gimped.
On Ike, you are absolutely wrong. Call me biased, I don't care. Aether has super armor frames, meaning it cannot be gimped. Quickdraw is very fast when charged up, and you do not HAVE to be high up to use it. Also, with Aether, you have a reasonable amount of horizontal distance, not to mention you can be quite far away from a ledge (maybe one Ike's sword length away) and he will still grab the ledge. Sure, maybe it's not the best recovery, but it's better than Zelda's (Wut rank C?).


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Snake can get caught (actually, he almost ALWAYS gets caught) when he is beneath a solid stage.
Captain Falcon's recovery is similar to Ike, the only difference being that it can be easily gimped. Side B can also be gimped.
On Ike, you are absolutely wrong. Call me biased, I don't care. Aether has super armor frames, meaning it cannot be gimped. Quickdraw is very fast when charged up, and you do not HAVE to be high up to use it. Also, with Aether, you have a reasonable amount of horizontal distance, not to mention you can be quite far away from a ledge (maybe one Ike's sword length away) and he will still grab the ledge. Sure, maybe it's not the best recovery, but it's better than Zelda's (Wut rank C?).
If you use aether at a wrong tine,YOU will die.Basically if someone trys to gimp you ,you use aether,you die.Quick draw can easily be stopped by puuting a character between Ike and the ledge.The opponet may take damage, but you die.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Ike's SAFs end when he jumps for the sword. It can be easily gimped by characters with disjoined hitboxes. If they don't have that, they can't gimp it outside of attempting to edgehog, which is risky seeing how long Aether's hitboxes last. There is also the fact Ike can use aether under Smashville and Battlefield and just ride up the slope of the stage to safety.

QD is worthless unless your opponent is COMPLETELY unable to stop you. Which isn't very often.

Ike should be above Falco, but thats about it. Maybe Wolf if you could make a REALLY good argument.

EDIT: Goku, there is a small area where Ike can hit someone, and still grab the edge thanks to his aerial movement that is on par with Toon Link. QD can also stagespike, so I wouldn't recommend just hanging onto the ledge.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
pssshh if they use there side you can just airdodge ensteed of taking the hit. It stops his momentum where you are even if you dodge. But Ike should be higher than he is. you dont need quickdraw most the time. But there is the whole counter and toad at the edge. Fludd >_____<. His aether can be gimped.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Snake can get caught (actually, he almost ALWAYS gets caught) when he is beneath a solid stage.
Captain Falcon's recovery is similar to Ike, the only difference being that it can be easily gimped. Side B can also be gimped.
On Ike, you are absolutely wrong. Call me biased, I don't care. Aether has super armor frames, meaning it cannot be gimped. Quickdraw is very fast when charged up, and you do not HAVE to be high up to use it. Also, with Aether, you have a reasonable amount of horizontal distance, not to mention you can be quite far away from a ledge (maybe one Ike's sword length away) and he will still grab the ledge. Sure, maybe it's not the best recovery, but it's better than Zelda's (Wut rank C?).
Aether does have SAF and is incredibly hard to spike (can't do it reliably with samus or ness). But it doesn't matter when Ike has such ridiculous death angles where there's no chance of him coming back. Any good ike knows to almost never recover with quickdraw, with yoshi i'll just jump in the way and take the hit. Aether is good if he's in range, but it doesn't have much reach at all horizontally so he has to be almost directly under it. I will say Ike has a better recovery than zelda though, yuna may disagree but they also though zelda had a better recovery than yoshi.

But yeah, Ike's recovery is pretty bad unless he's launched up where he can easily defend himself.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
Diddy Kong needs to move waaaay up. The Rocketbarrels allow him to cover great distances, and the Diddy hump is great for unpredictable recoveries.


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Sure, maybe it's not the best recovery, but it's better than Zelda's (Wut rank C?).
Are you kidding me? Zelda's poor area of recovery comes a lot from player fault. In theory, she should always be able to reach the ledge or the stage and be safe unless she's facing something like Fox hogging the ledge and then Side-Bing, or forcing Zelda to recover low, which she doesn't have to because FW isn't ******** like QD. You have to force Zelda to recover low to even somewhat reliably punish her because you're limiting her options then. Hell, she can still throw things off a little with Nayru's, and she still has a good airdodge. She's floaty, yes, but floaty means she doesn't have to use FW to recover a good amount of the time.

Oh, and FW is the absolute best move as far as getting someone from Point A to point B safely. (That is, if you look at her recovery as a line segment, you're looking at the line part.) Point it where you want to go, and you're going to travel that distance in full invincibility unless someone stops you at the beginning. You can deal with her when she reappears, but then again, it's nice to have about the same distance as Ike's Aether in several directions. FW is easy to edgehog, but so is Aether. You risk death by messing up an edgehog on Aether, but the same holds true for FW. Hello, getting spiked out of Aether. If Ike can DI to save him from a spike, knock him away from the stage. Most characters have a safe move to do this, and even if it isn't completely safe, I think it's worth the 2%.

What advantage does Aether have over FW when it comes to recovering? Faster execution? Multiple hitboxes at a fixed apex? I don't get it, because it's a matter of waiting until Ike hits a certain point, grabbing the edge, and then tapping left or right to come back on the stage around the time your invincibility wears off. As for QD, don't make me laugh. It's good if Ike is close to the edge as it's unexpected, but what the hell else is it good for? If he's trying to charge it, you run out, follow him wherever he is, and airdodge at a fairly lenient time frame and he dies. Worst case scenario: You jump high, get hit by it, and die; he lands on the moving platform in Smashville. This happens, what, once every tickle-me-pink moon? Bad scenario: The above happens, but on any other stage. Ike still dies. Somewhat neutral scenario: You fail to line up with him and Ike reaches the edge or stage. He's either freefalling or he's on the edge, so it's character dependent as to how bad or not bad this is. Most likely scenario: Ike hits your airdodge and dies.

Zelda's recovery > Ike's.

Aether does have SAF and is incredibly hard to spike (can't do it reliably with samus or ness). But it doesn't matter when Ike has such ridiculous death angles where there's no chance of him coming back. Any good ike knows to almost never recover with quickdraw, with yoshi i'll just jump in the way and take the hit. Aether is good if he's in range, but it doesn't have much reach at all horizontally so he has to be almost directly under it. I will say Ike has a better recovery than zelda though, yuna may disagree but they also though zelda had a better recovery than yoshi.

But yeah, Ike's recovery is pretty bad unless he's launched up where he can easily defend himself.
See above for why Zelda > Ike. Also bear in mind that the Zelda player messing up a recovery on his/her own (basically, messing the angle up to death or easy punishment) doesn't count. All you can do is force an on-stage recovery when she's low. Kinda ridiculous to even think Zelda's recover is worse than Ike's when she doesn't even have the same deathly angles and fall speed as he does, along with the same reach as Aether in any given direction.

Also, if you're having trouble spiking Ike out of his Up B with Ness or Samus, then... maybe you should be using their projectiles instead. Ness can use any projectile he wants against Ike. Samus can really do the same.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
How is Lucas and Wario so high up?

Lucas is pretty easy to gimp and predict since he has to curve his PK tunder in the exact right position or he's dead.
Wario without his motorbike is screwed. The bike is sometimes left on the stage when his hit off stage.

And Pit should be lowered. He has great distance but one hit or projectile and he can't use his recovery again.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
How is Lucas and Wario so high up?

Lucas is pretty easy to gimp and predict since he has to curve his PK tunder in the exact right position or he's dead.
Wario without his motorbike is screwed. The bike is sometimes left on the stage when his hit off stage.

And Pit should be lowered. He has great distance but one hit or projectile and he can't use his recovery again.

- Lucas has Zap-Jump

- A good Wario NEVER leaves the motorbike on the stage

- Good Pits don't get hit, and he can glide.


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
How is Lucas and Wario so high up?

Lucas is pretty easy to gimp and predict since he has to curve his PK tunder in the exact right position or he's dead.
Wario without his motorbike is screwed. The bike is sometimes left on the stage when his hit off stage.

And Pit should be lowered. He has great distance but one hit or projectile and he can't use his recovery again.

Pit has those multiple jumps though.


Smash Cadet
Jan 20, 2009
Snake's gotta be higher than that. The Cypher does wonders and even is he loses it he's still able to use his down B to blow himself up and give him back his 3rd jump. Though if he gets caught on impassable wall he's screwed. D:


Smash Cadet
Dec 24, 2008
Cedar Hill, Texas and Hawkins, Texas (college)
Hello everybody. New to smashboards but I've been reading around and I decided to post in this topic after reading through the posts.

I would like to mention how pretty much every post about diddy's recovery was ignored except for like 2...And there was more then 2 post. His recovery should grant him at least B rank mid to top or bottom of A rank. His UpB rocket barrels do take time to charge but he can charge them full in about 2 seconds. And fully charged they have about the great vertical range short of Pit, D3 and some others I can't think of. If you do so happen to hit him out of UpB you can get a barrel in the face as one of the flies off and will usually come back to the stage and explode. They hurt. Not to mention the angles it can achieve and once it's launched it's pretty fast so the only good time to gimp it is while he charging it.

SideB is perfect for horizontal as it's very quick and hard to gimp. it also gives him a slight vertical distance. If someone happens to be daring and tries to gimp the sideB you could just grab them and then footstool off for an even greater recovery.

His peanut gun recoil is also very good incase you are a very far distance and the sideB+UpB+Fall speed of diddy won't work.

Everything I've said has pretty much been said already but I'm hoping this time it won't be ignored.


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Why is Falco so low? Worse than Marth, how exactly?Any character at any point in time can gimp Marth after sending him far off the stage.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Why is Falco so low? Worse than Marth, how exactly?Any character at any point in time can gimp Marth after sending him far off the stage.
I imagine because Marth can use a quick Fair to defend himself, whereas Falco isn't as lucky.
And Falco's recovery is easy to predict, regardless of how far it goes, it too can be gimped.

Electric Eel

Smash Cadet
Jan 26, 2009
I believe that DK should be at the top of Rank D, his horizontal air speed, large size, and his average up b should justify that.

Twilght Link

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2008
i recognize that jiggly has a GREAT recovery and all but shouldnt she be lower? She is pretty much dead if u footstool her as she tries to recover


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
there is no way lucas or gaw has a better recovery than pika. pika should be right above the both of them but below wario. we can use the skull bash for horizontal and the qac for epic mindgames so that trying to edgeguard is nearly inpossible. as pika, i have never been spiked to my death when using my qa. as marth, i have spike gaw several times when he has use his recovery. sure it can carry him with his umbrella, but its predictable and easier to edgeguard. if you want to agrgue that he has a higher vertical revoery, then you dont realize that pika players can QA straight up then 45 degrees west of north(north being the top of the screen).

i can see the reason lucas would have a better recovery, but it still has that element of predictability and easier to edgeguard than pika.

Johnny Pteran

Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2008
Tri-Cities, Michigan
So, so, so many problems in this list.

Why is Snake so low, why is Toon Link above Luigi, why is Squirtle above Marth, why is Link above Ganondorf, why is Captain Falcon so low, and how is ROB worse than Jigglypuff?!


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Why is Snake low? Because certain characters can take advantage of his recovery, and if he's forced to recover low, everyone can do that.

Why is Toon Link above Luigi? Because Toon Link's recovery is much safer and still covers a good distance.

Why is Squirtle above Marth? Marth's Up B is faster and a bit more deadly, sure, but Squirtle's small size and mobility help him out a bit more when he's recovering from above (though Marth's mobility is pretty good, too). His Up B, while it does seem to cover less distance, is pretty much just as safe. Granted, I don't know if I fully agree with Squirtle being above Marth...

Can't answer link/ganon.

C. Falcon's recovery is easily telegraphed and easy to intercept.

Can't answer Robot/Jigglypuff.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
No freakin' way should ZSS be above Diddy. Just no.

Or at least give me some reasons as to why?


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
ZSS's recovery is incredibly difficult, if not **** impossible, to gimp against someone who is awake. Diddy's is not and is easier to telegraph a bit.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Yeah, but....you can edgehog ZSS's tether recovery. Diddy has lots of options, and can avoid gimping pretty well (monkey flip away from the stage, for example, makes it risky for your opponent to go out farther to gimp you, but you can still make it back safely)


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
ROB is worse than Jiggs because Jiggs is able to use pound get even more distance. Sure, ROB can use his Robo-buster get more distance by tapping B, but Jigglypuff still trumps ROB for recovery.


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Yeah, but....you can edgehog ZSS's tether recovery. Diddy has lots of options, and can avoid gimping pretty well (monkey flip away from the stage, for example, makes it risky for your opponent to go out farther to gimp you, but you can still make it back safely)
You can edgehog Diddy's recovery! What the hell is the difference? Diddy has just as many options as ZSS, but ZSS's flip jump is better than his Side B, she can deal with edgeguarders *way* better than he can, she does not go into freefall from anything (meaning she can Side B and Up B an edgehogger... or even down B), and she has nice range for how quick it tethers. Plus she jumps higher.
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