Off topic switcharoo
The themes on this game in my opinion are for the most part, VERY good.
BIGASS post containing thoughts on ALL THEMES, INCOMING:
Capcom Side:
• Amaterasu - Despite never having played Okami myself, I recognize this theme immediately. I really like this theme.
• Arthur - Probably the most obvious choice for his theme, and it's pretty rockin'
• Akuma - I like how this song is a bit subtler, though very fitting. Not the best, but definitely good.
• Chris Redfield - I feel this theme is fitting for Chris in MvC3, it's well done and is good for sure.
• Chun-Li - This theme sounds kinda poorly put together, I like it, but I feel like they could've done a better job for sure.
• C. Viper - Though it's missing the beginning part of her original theme (which I really like) the remix fares quite nicely.
• Dante - I don't like the songs in MvC3 with lyrics for the most part, this is no exception. Beyond the lyrics though, the song itself is pretty lackluster.
• Felicia - A silly, light-hearted theme very fitting for a character like Felicia. Very Mario Paintesque.
• Haggar - A theme that reminds me of Cody's from SSFIV (I WONDER WHY) A very chill song, good in my opinion.
• Hsien-Ko - A nice theme, very fitting.
• Morrigan - I like this theme, it sounds good, and it's fitting for the character.
• Ryu - I used to hate this theme, but I've gotten used to it, like Chun's could've been better.
• Spencer - Love this remix, it stays true to the original and still manages to sound nice.
• Trish - Blaaaaaand
• Tron Bonne - Another good theme, not great. Though it does scream Tron Bonne to me. It's also very Megamany as it should be.
• Viewtiful Joe - A remix of the first stage of VJ, good theme.
• Wesker - A theme that gives off evil. Very fitting, pretty good.
• Zero - Fits Zero well, though I'm sure they could've remixed a different song for his theme. Still, likeable.
Marvel Side:
• Captain America - Another good theme. Somewhat fitting.
• Deadpool - Oh god this theme...Lyrics are really cheesy, but the theme fits him very well...It's sort of a love hate thing going on inside me
• Doctor Doom - Probably my favorite theme in the entire game, I feel as though it doesn't fit Doom well at all.
• Dormammu - Roooooock. Theme is good.
• Hulk - A good theme as well.
• Ironman - This theme is very good, fits Ironman too well.
• Magneto - Another one of my favorites, even though the spelling is kinda cheesy (My favorite part of the theme still though)
• MODOK - This theme makes you want to beat MODOK up right off the bat with how quirky and strange it sounds. Fitting and not half bad.
• Phoenix - Like the theme, fits Phoenix.
• Sentinel - I really like this theme, not sure why, but it makes the already huge and intimidating Sentinel even more boss-like.
• She-Hulk - Eeeehhh...This theme is decent at best, sure it fits, but it's pretty...eugh.
• Spider-man - Another well done theme
• Storm - Good them, fits nicely. The brass and piano feels like they replace lyrics that might've been in the song, I think it's a good choice.
• Super-Skrull - Song makes it sound like you've got something big on your hands to deal with, and Super-Skrull's looking pretty good gamewise.
• Taskmaster - Kind of generic, still likable.
• Thor - Theme fits PERFECTLY, is also a very good theme.
• Wolverine - Theme's good.
• X-23 - Reeeeeally don't like this theme.
Remember folks, these are all OPINIONS.