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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Kaizoku covered a lot of Doom's merits as an anchor, but I'd like to add that Doom also basically ignores pushblock without the use of an assist, since he can dash cancel normals.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
doom has a harder time dealing with keep away than dante and teleport helps solve that

basically the reason why dante is a better anchor than doom


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I'd agree that Doom has more trouble dealing with 2v1 or 3v1 keep away, but that's a tough situation regardless. I think Doom is a better anchor if you're both down to your last character and both or neither of you have X-factor though.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
dante is still better

dante is a retardedly broken character, if viper, firebrand, and zero weren't such dumb characters, he'd be the most bull**** character out there, he has an answer to everything

he's fine when he's alone but he gets 249832043 times better with an assist, like viper, zero, and firebrand

dante has a good amount of set-ups: teleport mix-ups, blockstring into volcano jump cancel shenanigans, dash up cr. L, dash up M, fake cross-up teleport, same stuff in DT, etc

what does doom have, air dash stuff and footdive? basically, the fact dante has a teleport alone makes him a better anchor and on point character

Shin Kaizoku

Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2011
Yes. Having a teleport that's punishable on reaction is so good. His X-factor is gone in one combo, so putting him on anchor is not worth it in the slightest. You also have to alter your combos when hes in xflvl3. Dash up cr.L? Really? That's your argument? Okay.


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2008
Think before you talk
Actually Dante is definitely a better anchor then doom. His mobility is way better than dooms. His stinger is projectile invincible so it forces people to try to keep away at super jump height. And the last thing you wanna be is under a lvl3 Dante that can combo off throws for massive damage and has gdlk aa's.



Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I don't know why so many people dropped She Hulk, she is still amazing.

This guy Zedd I play with has the best She Hulk I have even seen.


He has new technology nearly every day.

Also Doom is indeed better than Dante.

The proof?

I OCV'd a guy on a 43 game win streak with Doom yesterday.

He came in on half health vs Vergil,Hawkeye and Dante.

The way I finished Dante was sick.

Did 1 rep of the buktooth, when I went for the 2nd I did air photon array>xfactor>footdive>doom time.

God I was so happy.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
doom doesn't have any mix-up game, he's basically footdive->airdash or airdash shenanigans, seriously, half of doom's gameplay is catching the opponent not blocking, he's not a bad anchor but dante is a dumb anchor, the only thing good is that he can disregard push block but wait...

dante has way to options to even number, and then dante has devil trigger which allows him to bypass push blocking (flight cancel) and now you have to deal with a character who basically is in x-factor level 4

doom's a pretty good anchor don't get me wrong but he lacks the mix-up options that dante has


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i think people are getting confused here

doom's best spot is probably anchor because of what he provides for a team
dante's best spot is second due to his assist and the shenanigans he has when on point

this does not mean doom is a better anchor than dante


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
I don't know why so many people dropped She Hulk, she is still amazing.
wh-WHAT! god dam. how in the world have you not been banned yet? She hulk is amazing in umvc3??? she may be the WORST CHARACTER IN THE GAME.

if anyone wants a challenge or anyone that takes umvc3 serious, add me on psn: dasboot42.

Shin Kaizoku

Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2011
wh-WHAT! god dam. how in the world have you not been banned yet? She hulk is amazing in umvc3??? she may be the WORST CHARACTER IN THE GAME.

if anyone wants a challenge or anyone that takes umvc3 serious, add me on psn: dasboot42.
Uh, did you watch the video?

Also, just throwing this out there, but Tron is ridiculously fun. Any team suggestions? Currently using Tron/Dante/Sentinel


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
the stupid **** that works online

i got hit twice and the result was a perfect...

TWICE, seriously, and the 2nd time was me coming in on a mix-up that i blocked the first hit and then somehow dropped the block without moving the stick

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
wh-WHAT! god dam. how in the world have you not been banned yet? She hulk is amazing in umvc3??? she may be the WORST CHARACTER IN THE GAME.

if anyone wants a challenge or anyone that takes umvc3 serious, add me on psn: dasboot42.
Man, what a jerk. Sanchaz, you ought not throw out exaggerations like that without an explanation.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Raccoon (y)/ Iron Man (a)/ Viper (y)

I need some Raccoon tips cause Viper and Iron Man are doing all the work.
Rocket Raccoon is only effective once he gets moving, otherwise he'll get bodied pretty fast.

Personally I like it best when my opponents are mid distance from me, if they try to rush at me in the beginning of the match I'll waste my super on the Mad Hopper as a GTFO me move.

If they can't teleport, space them out with netraps and logtraps. If they stand on the ground for too long mix them up with Iron man's assist + tunnel rat M.

You can also use tunnel rat M if they get too close to a netrap to mix them up with that.

If they get even closer, set a boulder trap and gain your distance again.

Against teleporters use tunnel rat H in the beginning of the match to see what their mixup game is like, then you should be able to read it afterwards.

RR is heavily dependant on Mixups, and there is plenty that you can do.

1. Once you kill an opponent, put a netrap in the corner and hide underground with tunnel rat H. If they can't airdash they have to take a 50/50 guess.

2. After ending a combo place a boulder trap and crouch block infront of them. If they do the same thing they're toast because they'll get hit by the overhead boulder trap into a combo, and if they stand up to block it, attack with one of your crouching attacks.

3. After ending a combo with log trap, jab and air grab them.

4. End a combo with log trap or bear trap, and lay an oil bomb down, shoot it and then tunnel rat H to mix them up.

5. Beam Assist + Tunnel Rat M

6. Attack a blocking character, end with forward H, then cancel into UpForward RocketSkate into air H for an instant overhead on the other side.
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