Oh yes, I meant to make a post about parking, sorry about that.
Now I'm not 100% sure about this, (but I'll try to find out today) but if you park at a parking meter, it will be free on Sunday, and free on Saturday past 6 or 8pm, so you only have to worry about a part of it. There should be signs around or near the parking meters that give the specific free times, but I will see if I can find out for all of you today.
Also, in the few blocks around the venues are plenty of spots without and parking meters. Just look around the streets with a bunch of residential houses instead of businesses where you're bound to find parking meters.
I am familiar with the parking situation around drexel so here it goes. Tourny is on 34th and powelton. All parking zones are checked by the PPA on Saturday. Only a few meters farther on campus are checked on sunday. The signs at these places will say "Except Sunday" at the bottom so make sure it does.
Now onto free parking...
street order
Market -> arch -> race -> powelton -> baring -> hamilton
lancaster ave cuts through diagonally.
Most of these spaces will be occupied, but on Saturday there is a better chance of finding one.
Powelton between 36th down to 31st is free on both sides.
Race between 32nd and 34th is free.
Arch between 33rd and 34th is free.
Baring between 35th and 36th and 31st and 32nd is free.
Hamilton between 31st and 33rd is free.
33rd from arch to baring is free.
34th street is free before arch. (its a one way going towards market.)
Half of lancaster between 34th and 35th is free.
32nd is free between powelton and baring.
31st is free. (Powelton curves into 31st).
Asside from this there is plenty of two hour parking. Two hour becomes free parking deoending on the parking zone after 5, 6:30 or 8.
Hope this helps.
Cactuar lives on 42nd and powelton where there is always parking. I can pick up 1 or 2 people from his place, but I will be unable to take them back so they may have to find a ride or walk.
I have been at drexel for 5 years I know where to park. Call me 484-437-5333.
If you want to park in the two hour zones you should have Chibo open up Outlook and set a reminder for your car on outlook's calendar. Does thunderbird have a good calendar thingy?