GnW is the absolute worst. He has no kill power, a terrible recovery, not out of shield options. He's slow and get juggled.

We just need to give him a lot of buffs. Then maybe he can compete with the other characters... Yea... Lots of buffs
Are you being sarcastic? I can't actually tell. If not, then you're wrong on a few fronts. GnW is pretty bad, yes, but it has more to do with the options he has at any given time and his lack of ability to force his opponent into a place where he can most advantageously take the lead than he's just lacking in basics.
He's got plenty of kill power, if you can use it appropriately and consistently is a completely different story. Examples of great kill power include Up-Smash, Nair, Side-B (Some of the time), Forward-Smash, Down-Tilt.
His recovery feels much better than it was in 2.1. I don't remember if they increased his range or not, but it's quick, the range is a little better (I think), and it's stall-capable with Bucket if you want to slow down your descent from fast fall. It might not have the simple ease of Mario's recovery where he can come back from just about anywhere as long as he's not too low, but it's not among the worst recoveries for characters in this game. Toon Link clearly has one of the worst and it only becomes average or maybe better when you AGT it.
Yes, his OOS options are very lacking. This is accurate.
He's not slow, but he isn't incredibly quick either. Either way, his movement speed isn't what causes him to be juggled, his fall speed is just perfect to allow someone to tap him into the air and then continue tapping him until he dies.
He probably doesn't need as many buffs as we'd think. I think just these few would give him a drastic change in player perception.
Make his bacon a little more reliable pattern wise, so you could plan in how to use it.
Make his down throw into a tech chase that GW could actually follow or set up with any sort of reliability.
Give him an option to end his hitboxes instead of being forced in a committed position all the time.
I think I talked long enough about GW and what I think is actually wrong with him as a character. If GW can get a little more reliability, I think more players would flock to the best 2-D model in this game.