Rankings as created by QDVS and myself. Accuracy was strived for, but some biases are unavoidably present.
The list is split into tiers. After the top 7, it became too difficult to precisely rank players, so instead they have been grouped together at different skill levels. That is not to say that all the players in the Exceptional Tier are of equal skill, they are just in the same skill range. Within the tiers below Top, players will first be sorted by region, regions sorted by size, and players in alphabetical order, not by rank. When ranking, tournament placings were weighted the most, followed by our preception of the players abilities.
Rankings - 3/10/07 - Version 0.1 - THIS LIST IS NOT OFFICIAL
(QDVS, RockCrock)
Top Players
1. DaShizWiz/KeepSpeedN
3. Lambchops
4. XIF
5. Uber Ice
6. QueenDVS
7. Green_Mario
Exceptional Players
CFL: Col Bol, Dark Falchion, Exarch, Hozart, Noucles, The Law
SWFL: RockCrock, SheikSSBM
Great Players
CFL: Derf, Fenrir, phanna, Skrach, Rice
SFL: DooDah, Sighrax
SWFL: DewDaDash, SmashMac
Note: There are a number of players not ranked. This does not mean they are below the Great Players tier. It does mean that either Queen or myself have not played you enough to accurately rank you, or that we felt you had no significant placings. To fill in these gaps of our experiences, representatives from other regions will be employed to improve the list. THIS LIST IS NOT OFFICIAL. There are undoubtably descrepencies in the list, don't freak out over it, they will be corrected.
And one more time for those with poor sight, THIS LIST IS NOT OFFICIAL.
Signed, QueenDVS and RockCrock