^^^ omg ur such a faggy fan boy ***
My list: Based strongly on tournament placings, as it should be. Also, it is rather hard to rank those I havent played (Rice), or are new to the tournament scene/attend few tournies (Skrach+gang/DF/Nouc).
1. Shiz/SpeedN (k)
3. XIF (beasting, beats Lamb, Queen, others)
4. Lamb (Beats Queen, very consistant)
5. UI (beats or has beeaten everyone except shiz/speed/xif/queen/derf)
6. Queen (goes even with everyone above him, but losses slightly)
After that it gets kinda iffy...
7. GM (consistant)
8. Rock (wtfpwn good, kinda inconsistant)
After that.. a lot of CFL players come to mind, also Nouc, but his tourney absence makes it hard to determine.
9. Derf?
10. Nouc?
Other CFL playres would likely follow (Cake name cancelled crew/noobtestament). Then for SEFL: Sighrax is good, DooDah, others I cannot say.
1. DaShizWiz/KeepSpeedN
3. XIF
4. Chops
5. UI
7. Green_Mario
8. RockCrock
9. Derf
10. Noucles