I changed the title for Ed =D I'll start:
-Which matchups are you comfortable with?
Honestly I'm comfy with most any MU. I do my homework on characters so I never really go in blind; I just lack MU exp sometimes. I guess I would say Marth is becoming a most comfy one just because I play the MU all too much.
-What do you advise for upcoming Shelda mains?
First, be strong with all fundamentals. Seriously, get them down. Then, learn each MU in and out for both characters. You need to know what each character can do and learn what you can do to fight back.
-Do believe Zelda fulfils her role as 'the killer', or is it better to stay all Sheik now?
For me, she definitely plays a great murderer. It isn't often anymore I take too much damage by going to Zelda. A few more fixes on my style and I'll definitely be satisfied. As a whole though, many make the mistake, and get wrecked for going to Zelda because they lack one. A good Zelda will always be a good murderer
-How are you training for Apex? Are you ready for it?
"Back Then" I'm ready for it for sure. I'm really excited just to be going and I got extra practice with RedHalberd and Mampam. Just gotta have the right mindset now.
-Your best film?
Hmmmmm.......I love the SAW series. They are wonderful lol.
-What other interests and hobbies do you have?
Uhhh........girls, football, drinking, having a great time, doing a barrel roll, and taking long walks on the beach.
-What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?
Falling over a ledge during a mini-golf game I think. I got up sooooooo fast.
Your ultimate job?
This would've been answered as "Being drafted to the NFL" but now I'm not so sure. Ummmm, maybe working in a brewery with my Chemstry degree, or something in Japan/Australia.
-If you could change my terrible horrible username, what would you change it to?... ... ... and... why would you even CONSIDER changing it? so mad
I actually don't have an answer lol. "Quick Thinking"........I'd use Mr. Happy<3 Why so mad Kata??