I was thinking Dark Matter form Kirby; I even made a moveset for him.
Intro: Dark Matter materializes from a vortex of darkness, and his cloak, sword, and head form around him.
Idle Animation: Dark Matter floats up and down. After sitting for a while, he squishes himself.
Notable Palette Swaps: Zero-2, Drawcia, Magalor, Taranza, Dark Mind, Hyness, Marx
Grab: Dark Matter bites the opponent.
Pummel: Dark Matter keeps biting
F-Throw: Dark Matter spits them out.
D-Throw: Dark Matter thrashes them on the ground.
B-Throw: Dark Matter throws them out and slashes them.
U-Throw: Dark Matter throws them above and shoots a laser at them.
Special Moves:
B : Dark Blade; Dark Matter charges up a dark orb with his sword that ricochets at full charge. They can be parried by other kinds of attacks.
B + Forwards : Prism Slash; Dark Matter charges forward and slashes with his blade four times as it gives of a rainbow light.
B + Up : Blob Shield; as Dark Matter floats in the air, six orange blobs form around him and damage anyone in contact. However, they break quickly after a few seconds.
B + Down : Eye Laser; Dark Matter’s eye goes down to his chest, and it shoots a long dark laser that can be aimed in any direction with quick reflexes. It can be shot up to three times in a row.
Final Smash: True Darkness; Dark Matter’s true form is unraveled! He goes into the center of the background to fire dark lasers at the opponents. They deal massive damage upon contact and can be freely aimed.
1: Dark Matter’s eye goes down to his chest for a brief second.
2: Dark Matter swings his sword from left to right, then swings it down as his eye turns red.
1+2: Four orange blobs circle around Dark Matter as his cloak lifts itself in the air.
1: Dark Matter’s eye, down on his chest, spins around to the left three times and repositions itself.
2: A dark energy forms covers Dark Matter.
3: Dark Matter’s cloak is on the ground. The camera goes up and, seen in his true form for a split second, he knocks it down.
Icon: Kirby series icon
Victory Music: The beginning of
Kirby Hat: Dark Matter’s head (in his swordsman form).