Smash Legend
The way I see RC is that it is a constant stage hazard. The player who is farther clockwise around the map than the other tends to have a very big advantage. This means that most of the game is played from a 70-30 advantage for one of the players, and a disadvantage for the other. This advantage isn't random by any means, but it is nonetheless unfair for the duration that the advantage exists. I don't mean to suggest that the stage is unfair because either player can gain control of the "front" of the stage's movement, but it's comparable to a football game where the team that gets scored on first only gets 3 downs for their next drive.I feel people get confused between luck based factors and and training and learning based factors
Like Rainbow Cruise for example: Wish someone explains to me, what is the random factor on that stage? Every platform stands there and reacts on players movement (like standing on one makes is falling down etc). Nothing happens due to pure randomness. Stage moving? it is always same movement with same speed. Nothing luck-based there. But usually Rainbow Cruise gets ***** because "it don't serve the purpose of best player winning the tournament". It is simply a stage, where anyone who spends time learning that stage can be victorious.
I see Rainbow cruise much more legit stage in terms of not having luck-factors than PS or YS for example. PS stage transforming is pure random. Sometimes it creates the rockfield like 5 times a row, and I bet I don't need to tell that can cause some serious powesswaps in the middle of the match. It is almost free time for timestallers, when they can force other player to battle in a narrow corner where chances getting punished rise exponentially. No need to mention, how much these stage transformations help fox to handle stage even better. Windmill causes some weird teches and soooo many time my edgeguard has get ruined because stage transforms and causes ground to shake, dust to blow and stages rising messing my edgeguard. All of that due to pure randomness. And still people are like "well, PS is strange but it can be a C-pick" and in terms of RC everyone are like "NOOO a moving stage is instantly unplayable".
Just wondering. I prefer RC as good stage, but overally the current stagelist seems fair enough and I enjoy it. Just confused about the reasons behind some stages getting favoured / punished due to anything but equal reasoning.
That's not necessarily unfair in a literal sense, but it creates a situation where skill is being determined by gameplay on a slant. One player is fighting against the odds while the other fights to keep the odds in his favor. There are plenty of games that use this system, but it tends to not suit fighting games well at all, and Melee is no exception. This sort of balance is pretty common in FPS games where one part of the map is better than the other, and the map isn't symmetrical. Asymmetrical maps in FPSes can be extremely skillful, but they are extremely hard to balance, so I find it hard to believe that RC just happens to fall within that well-balanced range.
Moving stages are asymmetrical, and limit one player's options while enhancing their opponents without the opponent having to earn said advantage through their own intelligent positioning.
Ohhhh, I get it. I didn't know that's how needles worked, thanks.needles going in one of 5 directions is not a bug, its intended.
Just try it. Shoot full needles, jumping from one of the side DL platforms. Pause and watch how they land. Then do the same with one needle a couple of times. You'll notice that it lands in one of five positions.
When using this as an edgeguard to cover sweetspots its even more crucial. Sometimes it covers the edge, sometimes it just hits the floor.