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The Top Ten Videos of Each Character


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
You're right, you're not on the open-minded hype wagon...you're still stuck in an early to mid 2009 mindset where you think players from the EC are better than every other player as pertains to any character in the game. That is obviously not the case to an individual with common sense and basic observation skills. Your posts are honestly among some of the most inaccurate and extremely biased posts I've read on this site.

Oh wait, that brings me back to a question I've asked you numerous times in numerous different topics...why do you try to claim to know anything over anyone on any subject about this game when you don't even travel to your own local NJ tournaments, let alone anything outside of that area for crying out loud?

Seriously...why? I don't understand how your mind functions; can you please enlighten me?
If you have a problem with my lack of tourney attendance please give me money and I will travel. If you can't/won't then please don't comment on the lack of my tourney attendance. I've told you a couple of times why I don't attend tourneys I don't understand why you can't understand or accept this fact. Kudos though mangz you got me and called me out of my tourney attendance for the 544544018408x time you da bess.

Also I don't think EC players are better than any other player with a character. It just so happens that with certain characters they are. I could go down the line and name then but it's pointless. If you really want to who I think is the best with each character then you can PM about it. If you really want to send me to a tourney you can also PM me about that to I have no problem with giving you my payapl info or when you can send the money to. If you're not going to do that then can you please stop bringing up my tourney attendance when you talk to me ? Thanks Queen Beef.

Also I read pretty much everything tourney results characters boards stage discussion etc etc etc. It's not like I'm just blinding flapping off at the gums. I've researched this game a lot and study a lot of the videos etc etc etc. basically I put work in son.


Smash Champion
Dec 14, 2008
If you have a problem with my lack of tourney attendance please give me money and I will travel. If you can't/won't then please don't comment on the lack of my tourney attendance. I've told you a couple of times why I don't attend tourneys I don't understand why you can't understand or accept this fact. Kudos though mangz you got me and called me out of my tourney attendance for the 544544018408x time you da bess.

Also I don't think EC players are better than any other player with a character. It just so happens that with certain characters they are. I could go down the line and name then but it's pointless. If you really want to who I think is the best with each character then you can PM about it. If you really want to send me to a tourney you can also PM me about that to I have no problem with giving you my payapl info or when you can send the money to. If you're not going to do that then can you please stop bringing up my tourney attendance when you talk to me ? Thanks Queen Beef.

Also I read pretty much everything tourney results characters boards stage discussion etc etc etc. It's not like I'm just blinding flapping off at the gums. I've researched this game a lot and study a lot of the videos etc etc etc. basically I put work in son.

omfggg i dont even know where to start, no johns about money, do u think everyone that attends tourneys gets donations?
no they actually save up for it because they like the game or the community. instead of those countless hours u waste on this site *looks at post count* u could actually get a job and save up LOL.

congratz u just let everyone here know how big of an idiot u are and that u know NOTHING about this game or its players LMAO
really I ALWAYS hold myself back when i dont agree with someones post, but ur the most biased, inexperienced, stupid, unlogical player ive ever met haha

ah wow that just had to get out XD


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
omfggg i dont even know where to start, no johns about money, do u think everyone that attends tourneys gets donations?
no they actually save up for it because they like the game or the community. instead of those countless hours u waste on this site *looks at post count* u could actually get a job and save up LOL.

congratz u just let everyone here know how big of an idiot u are and that u know NOTHING about this game or its players LMAO
really I ALWAYS hold myself back when i dont agree with someones post, but ur the most biased, inexperienced, stupid, unlogical player ive ever met haha

ah wow that just had to get out XD

You think I haven't been trying to get a job? You think I haven't been applying ? If I say the money isn't there it's not there. It's not an excuse nor is it a john. I don't work I haven't for a while. I've sent out countless application and haven't been hired. TBH I'm fortunate enough to be able to post because it could be a lot worse for me. So seriously Miss R don't talk about me when you don't know me. I can't afford to attend tourneys right now so I'm not going. If I could afford to attend tourneys I'd would of been gone. It's not as though I don't have the desire or want to go I don't possess the ability to go. So like I've said if you or anyone else got a problem with the lack me attending tourneys then please send me the money and send me to a tourney. If not then I'd like you kindly to not comment on my situation since you don't know me from a can a paint. It's not a john that's just the way it is for me.


Smash Champion
Dec 14, 2008
You think I haven't been trying to get a job? You think I haven't been applying ? If I say the money isn't there it's not there. It's not an excuse nor is it a john. I don't work I haven't for a while. I've sent out countless application and haven't been hired. TBH I'm fortunate enough to be able to post because it could be a lot worse for me. So seriously Miss R don't talk about me when you don't know me. I can't afford to attend tourneys right now so I'm not going. If I could afford to attend tourneys I'd would of been gone. It's not as though I don't have the desire or want to go I don't possess the ability to go. So like I've said if you or anyone else got a problem with the lack me attending tourneys then please send me the money and send me to a tourney. If not then I'd like you kindly to not comment on my situation since you don't know me from a can a paint. It's not a john that's just the way it is for me.
fine theres nothing wrong with not attending stuff
but dont go around talking **** that u dont know nothing about, it just makes u sound really stupid and ignorant


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
fine theres nothing wrong with not attending stuff
but dont go around talking **** that u dont know nothing about, it just makes u sound really stupid and ignorant
that's funny considering the things you've said about me miss r.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2008
i've finally just decided to put AL on ignore
man's a bigger troll than all europeans together


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
Why are people saying AL is a troll? That implies he's saying what he's saying for the purpose of getting angry responses from people. He's completely serious. Not a troll, just a terrible poster. And that's coming from ME.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
Only cuz you play Yoshi lol

Try it with Marth. Just full hop and when his foot is passing through the platform hit down on the Cstick. Once you can do it with him, try other characters and just spend some time trying everybody's. You'll realized Snake's is the best because it puts him in the position that makes him look like he's starting the match.

edit: forgot to say there are others ways to do it. Sometimes it's better to use other aerials to make less or no lag.

BTW correct me if I'm wrong, but the reason that platform canceling works is because it's making you fast fall an aerial during the very begining of the move where it would normally autocancel, right?


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
BTW correct me if I'm wrong, but the reason that platform canceling works is because it's making you fast fall an aerial during the very begining of the move where it would normally autocancel, right?
I doubt it. Otherwise, why would it only work on moving platforms? But I have no earthly idea, lol
Mar 28, 2008
For Bart's videos, I can say that the second one was signficantly better then the first, but tbh. I was more focused on the Peach. Yaaay has a really good pressure game, I enjoyed watching his Peach more then Bart's Ness.

Still <3 Bart.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2008
Sydney, Australia
You think I haven't been trying to get a job? You think I haven't been applying ? If I say the money isn't there it's not there. It's not an excuse nor is it a john. I don't work I haven't for a while. I've sent out countless application and haven't been hired. TBH I'm fortunate enough to be able to post because it could be a lot worse for me. So seriously Miss R don't talk about me when you don't know me. I can't afford to attend tourneys right now so I'm not going. If I could afford to attend tourneys I'd would of been gone. It's not as though I don't have the desire or want to go I don't possess the ability to go. So like I've said if you or anyone else got a problem with the lack me attending tourneys then please send me the money and send me to a tourney. If not then I'd like you kindly to not comment on my situation since you don't know me from a can a paint. It's not a john that's just the way it is for me.
Your prospective employers probably read your forum posts and declined your applications on the spot.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
Shu's got that stupid DI. 216% on the first stock. I liked the way he plays. It's unorthodox, but I wouldn't call it random. He seemed pretty deliberate with what he wanted to do. Maybe he's a slow starter?


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
It's the Japanese metagame, he probably had some stuff in his head he assumed Brood would do, so he didn't take the risk of doing it. These guys are ahead of you.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I would agree with you in terms of the characters we see them play. I don't think anyone can say that International players haven't shown us that we (as American smashers) could be doing things better than we are now.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008

From Japan. Best Snake in the world imo.

I am an avid believer in US having the best of every character for the most part and being the best at Brawl.

But this was beautiful. I think this might actually be the best Snake. This video has to go up. Also comprehensive post coming soon of all vids nominated recently that should go up.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2007

Idk if it's been nominated yet but LOL ****.
YES it has already been nominated. Lol, twice before you.

demonictoonlink said:
I am an avid believer in US having the best of every character for the most part and being the best at Brawl.

But this was beautiful. I think this might actually be the best Snake. This video has to go up. Also comprehensive post coming soon of all vids nominated recently that should go up.
I'm guessing that when you say "for the most part", Snake is not included then?
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