I'd like to get into creating Brawl Mods, but I don't think good tutorials exist...
...and i barely know how to code...
...and I can't even install a mod in the first place.
One day I'll get back to Brawl modding. I still have various unfinished projects like a stage based on Gyromite or Gangplank Galleon. Also remaking my Panel de Pon stage.
Anyway, you don't know how to code to make stage or character imports. It does become much harder if you want to actually make your own moveset, what with all the variables and all that jazz. Simply importing models isn't that difficult.
Personally I'd start with just making simple texture mods to get a feel for it and once you're comfortable with the software and all that, you could try making a simple stage import. That one's a bit more advanced with blast zones, lighting effects, draw distance, camera and potentially animations. Most of the time those things don't need to be modified though, so it's not a big deal. Afterwards you could try your hand at a character model import, though be aware that rigging can be very obnoxious depending on how detailed your model is. Like, someone like Jigglypuff is much easier to rig than a more standard human like Falcon. But for a first time, I'd really advise against model imports.
Well, I can't promise anything due to me not having done anything in ages, but if you got any questions or need help I can try to do so.